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My worst customer/manager ever (language/religion is involved)

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  • #31
    Quoth wagegoth View Post
    I'm so sorry for your friend. What an ass!

    BTW, the medical term for a miscarriage is a "spontaneous abortion." Abortion is such a highly-charged word, that I'm sure miscarriage has come into such common usage to make it clear that what happened was not at the choice of the parent.
    i did know that, she was upset about it being called that. one of my many kills is that im a medical assistant lol. at the time we were 18 and i at least did not know that.
    "Let's connect to some ones cyberbrain who is meditating, so we can download enlightenment" one of the Tachikomas (Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig)


    • #32
      Quoth MorsDeContactus View Post
      (I do realize my reaction could have been a bit nicer, but I was PISSED)
      I don't see how. If I was in your shoes, I would be in jail for attempted murder.

      On the bright side, when the GM and SC die, they can look at their destination being a little toasty.
      I AM the evil bastard!
      A+ Certified IT Technician


      • #33
        So I have a small update
        The DM of the coffee company called me and asked how I was doing, and he would gladly suggest I be rehired at a different store. (The Coffee DM doesn't work for my book company so he can suggest stuff and has no power over this matter.)
        I also discover I'm on the no-rehire list, but that will change shortly I hope. The HR person called me this morning and told me GM was out of line, but she has to take it to her boss in order to do anything.
        The bad news is GM has attempted to fuck me over by forging write ups and saying I refused to sign them, shit like I came in 3 hours late, stole food, etc. All of that is bullshit, and I don't think he realizes 90% of the manager team is on my side and the other 10% is refusing to get involved. He's flying solo here. Him doing that could drag this out for a while. I have a phone conference with the HR lady, her boss and my bookstore DM later this afternoon to discuss this mess, since the DM is about 4 hours away today and they thought this matter was important enough to warrant a phone meeting.
        I also have a good friend of mine (she was actually in my wedding) that's a lawyer, luckily she's had a alot of experience with civil rights and a bit of work laws in the past, so she said to keep her posted and she'll give me free legal advice, although she can't take another case right now. So I'm looking into the possibility of suing the hell out of my GM.


        • #34
          I am really sorry for your GM. Now, before anyone shoots me, let me explain.

          He has forgotten one important tenet: Judge not lest ye be judged. He's forgotten one of the Big Ten rules: Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. He apparently has no sense of what constitutes good manners or tact. Think how he's going to suffer through life. Especially if he encounters someone with a, ahem, loose sense of appropriate level of response & a tendency towards violence.

          Until he gets his comeuppance, good luck MorsDeContactus.
          I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


          • #35
            Quoth TryNotToBeThatOne View Post
            I am really sorry for your GM. Now, before anyone shoots me, let me explain.

            He has forgotten one important tenet: Judge not lest ye be judged. He's forgotten one of the Big Ten rules: Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neighbor. He apparently has no sense of what constitutes good manners or tact. Think how he's going to suffer through life. Especially if he encounters someone with a, ahem, loose sense of appropriate level of response & a tendency towards violence.

            Until he gets his comeuppance, good luck MorsDeContactus.
            Hmm like me. I would happily break some important parts.
            Deepak Chopra says, "Fear deprives people of choice. Fear shrinks the world into isolated, defensive enclaves. Fear spirals out of control. Fear makes everyday life seem clouded over with danger.


            • #36
              Yeah, I think this is one of those rare cases where litigation is certainly warranted. And I think the word "hypocrisy" should be written on a clue by four and applied to this manager in short, sharp bursts (metaphorically speaking). Judge not, lest ye be smitten by your own rhetorical sword.


              • #37
                Having had depression that got to the point where one day I was so low that I almost drove my car into a pole, the only thing that stopped me was 2 seconds after that thought a driver in oncoming traffic came into my lane and almost collided head on with me, it was enough of a jolt to realise that I wasn't ready to die and that I needed to turn my life around. After that I changed everything in my life and now I am on my way to honours at Uni, I am now living with an absolutely wonderful man and I have a job where they appreciate me and are very willing to work around my schedules.

                I haven't told many people because for a lot of people they simply don't understand what it is like to be like that. I have also heard many stories of people who have never experienced that being all high and mighty and saying that those people have an automatic pass to hell.

                So in no way think that you were out of line for refusing that SC service and for walking out on your asshole GM. No one under any circumstances has the right to do that to you. I congatulate you for walking out and doing what you did. Like many others I am sure that I would have not been as reserved as you were.
                Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


                • #38
                  Mors - thank you for the update! Glad to hear that the majority of the people at your old job are still on your side!

                  As for the suicide thing. Ihaven't known people who have committed suicide, but I've known people who've known people who have (did that make sense)? As for me, in 2006, I was so emotionally and mentally exhausted from the mental/emotional abuse heaped on me by my in-laws, I really contemplated suicide by side-swiping the driver's side of my car into a pole. What stopped me was the fact that my then 3-year-old daughter was in the back seat and I couldn't do any harm to her.

                  So yes, I understand about wanting to kill one's self. And as another poster earlier in this thread said: When one contemplates suicide, you're not in frame of mind where you are concerned over your immortal soul. I also would like to think the "Big Guy" or "Big Gal" up there would understand that and not punish you for something that was, technically, way beyond your control.

                  Please keep us updated Mors! Thanks


                  • #39
                    How do people come up with such twisted beliefs. That lady has obviouisly never heard of forgiveness or understanding. That's great, she believes in something that understands those things but can't comrehend them herself, no wonder this world we live in is so f*cked up. As I said before I understand losing a friend, I also understand depression and contemplating suicide. It's not a pretty thing but I've never been able to make myself come close to doing anything, I just think about life and living it and I realize, I don't want to die, the thought of it is scary as hell, not because I'm afraid of where I'll go, but because I don't want to lose this chance. So in case anyone ever contemplates it, I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes:
                    "As the darkness surrounds you, remember, there is always hope."
                    We Pick Up the Pieces


                    • #40
                      Sorry about the delay, I've been having computer problems to put it mildly (A total crash and burn )
                      I'll make this as short as possible
                      Anyway, The bookstore fired the manager, and is rather unlikely to manager a store ever again.
                      I have a religious discrimination lawsuit against the manager and the company in the works due to the shitty comments (I'll update the status of that as I can.)
                      I was offered my job back if I drop the lawsuit and I decided I rather sue the shit out of them.
                      And I already have a new the DM of a major contracting company
                      I'm doing fine without those jerks.


                      • #41
                        Quoth MorsDeContactus View Post
                        Sorry about the delay, I've been having computer problems to put it mildly (A total crash and burn )
                        I'll make this as short as possible
                        Anyway, The bookstore fired the manager, and is rather unlikely to manager a store ever again.
                        I have a religious discrimination lawsuit against the manager and the company in the works due to the shitty comments (I'll update the status of that as I can.)
                        I was offered my job back if I drop the lawsuit and I decided I rather sue the shit out of them.
                        And I already have a new the DM of a major contracting company
                        I'm doing fine without those jerks.
                        First - YAY!!! on the new job.
                        Second - Karma, she works quickly sometimes, don't she!
                        Third - We're all just one big family here!
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #42
                          Mors: Thank you for a wonderful example of why we actually really do need 'evil lawyers'--it's because of $#!^-for-brains like your GM who believe that they have the perogative to trample over the civil rights of others. Make him squeal like a pig.

                          The suit against the company themselves may be a bit trickier, depending on exactly how they handled the situation once the higher-ups became aware of it, but in any case, good luck to you--at the very least, you should be able to extract a statement from them stating that you were in no way at fault for anything that occurred, and an agreement to clear up your employment record there from the false charges the GM slipped in.


                          • #43
                            Wow. Where were these fine specimens of humanity during basic kindergarden ettiquette? "If you don't have anything nice to say, then STFU!"

                            Personally I'm not thrilled by people who commit suicide. This isn't ivory-tower thinking either, both my brother and my best friend have experience with this. I'm a "hope burns eternal" kind of guy. But I would never dream of saying something so heartless to anyone.

                            Quoth MorsDeContactus View Post
                            Anyway, The bookstore fired the manager, and is rather unlikely to manager a store ever again.
                            I assume you mean the asshat GM was fired? If so, what's the expression, 'reap what you sow?' Enjoy the bitter harvest!
                            Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.

