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I don't feel like debating world issues, what's the problem with your account?

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  • I don't feel like debating world issues, what's the problem with your account?

    I know I haven't posted in awhile, but I've got some good ones for you. I may not be as witty as Kara, but I'll try

    Me – Call Center Ninja Extraordinaire
    SC – Well…you know.

    “Screw” you man!

    SC: What’s going on with this bill, you people are trying to screw me!
    Me: We’ll let’s take a look at the charges.
    SC: I feel like I’m getting screwed every time I open my bill, that’s your company does, you screw people!
    Me: Well if we look over these charges I think you’ll find…
    SC: Like what’s this, data charges! I don’t have any data on my phone, you see this? You screwed me again!
    Me: Actually sir those charges are for…
    SC: I can get better service with T-mobile…and they won’t screw me!
    Me: Sir if you just give me a minute I can explain…
    SC: Forget it, I’m tired of being screwed, I’ve had enough of this! *CLICK*

    Did you get that kids? The word of the day today is…...

    Lost phone, shattered dreams

    SC: I have a charge for a phone on my bill, I need that taken off, I have no idea where that phone is.
    Me: Was it lost somehow?
    SC: Well you sent it to my billing address which is where my mom lives, not the address I’m at right now. When I realized it was there, I tried to get it from her, but someone in her building must have gotten ahold of it and stolen it, so I have no way to get it.
    Me: I see here it was a $550 PDA phone.
    SC: Yeah, this charge has been on my bill for months and I need it removed because the phone is completely gone.
    Me: Well usually to get a phone credited back we do need the device returned to us.
    SC: That’s what I’ve been told, but I don’t have the phone to send back, if I had it I would gladly return it, but it was lost because you guys got the shipping address wrong.
    Me: We do not allow alternate shipping addresses, only the billing address is acceptable.
    SC: I moved months ago, I just keep forgetting to give you guys my new address.
    Me: I apologize for the inconvenience you’ve had, but we cannot credit your account for a phone without having the device sent back.
    SC: Oh come on, you’re a huge company, just give me a break on this one, it’d be a good write off for you. (Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha….No)
    Me: Any credit of that size would have to be approved by a Supervisor and I can tell you right now that none will approve it.
    SC: We’ll see about that, get me a Supervisor please.
    Me: Certainly.

    And of course my awesome sup got on the line and told her she was SOL. Sorry folks, we don’t credit back for your own stupidity. We’d be bankrupt if we did.

    The master debater

    Me: [standard opening spiel]
    SC: (sarcastic) Oh can I please listen to some more of that hold music? I truly was enjoying it!
    Me: No sir, [repeat standard greeting]
    SC: Where are you located Steve?
    Me: This call center is in Canada, sir.
    SC: Canada! Well how about that, I’ve been from the Philippines, to India, to the U.S., back to India and so far no one can solve my problem. What’s your ID number?
    Me: [gives number]
    SC: Ok, My cell number is xxx-xxx-xxxx…now what can I do for you today? Oh wait, you’re supposed to ask ME that!
    Me: And what were you calling in about?
    SC: Well why don’t you look at my account and see if you can tell me why I am calling in. Take all the time you need. I imagine like most folks that work there you aren’t very well educated, so this may take awhile.
    Me: Well I’ll try my best…(I look through the account and near as I can tell he wants credit for something, but he’s gotten credit out his backside for the past two months)
    SC: Do you feel like your in prison Steve? Do you feel like an inmate? Whenever I call in to this company I can’t help but feel like I’m dealing with the lowest form of humanity there is…do you believe mental patients have rights?
    Me: Uh, excuse me?
    SC: Well I imagine what you work in could be similar to an asylum, you know a bunch of mentally impaired people who don’t really know what the deal is and aren’t all there to begin with and yet unlike similar folks who are in treatment facilities, you get to spend your days making life miserable for people like me.
    Me: I try to do my job as best as I can sir, I’ve been reviewing your account here and…
    SC: Did you figure it out yet? I bet you didn’t!
    Me: Why don’t you just tell me what the issue is?
    SC: Where’s the fun in that? Go on, keep looking, you’ll find out sooner or later.
    Me: It would make it easier for both of us if you would tell me.
    SC: I know but I’m not in much of an easy mood today Steve, I want to make you earn your paycheck…which given the quality of employees there is imagine not much, since anyone with intelligence enough to do your job competently has found better paying employment elsewhere. What do you think it’s like at the centers in India? Do you think outsourcing helps America or hurts America?
    Me: I really don’t have much an opinion, the only thing I see in this acct may be that there are some credits you are waiting on.
    SC: Well, you’re halfway there, now are you going to take it the rest of the way or do you think maybe you should just send me to a supervisor right now. Or maybe you could put me on hold again, I’d love to hear some more of that great music!
    Me: (anger boiling over, teeth clenched) One moment sir. (flag down sup)

    So the Sup gets on the call and I listen nearby, I hear the words “inmate” and “prisoners” from my Sup and him repeatedly asking the caller what he wants. It ended by my sup saying no credit due and disconnecting.

    ARRRGH! This guy was one of the MOST aggravating callers I’ve ever had and believe me, I’ve had a few. I feel sorry for any rep, past or future, that’s had to deal with that.

    You “deserve” something…

    SC: I’ve been told I can only get $75 upgrade credit towards a new phone since it’s only been about a year since my last upgrade, but I’ve really been wanting to upgrade to a Blackberry.
    Me: I do see here you won’t be eligible for a higher rebate until next Summer.
    SC: Any way you can speed that up a bit?
    Me: I have no way to override the system sir, but I do see you’ve had a good history with us so I could offer an additional $50 off the phone for total savings of $125
    SC: So in other words I would get ONLY (his emphasis) $125 off a nearly $500 phone??
    Me: That’s correct sir, since it hasn’t been very long since your last upgrade there’s not a lot more that can be done.
    SC: Well I’ve been talking with AT&T and they’ve offered to match the plan I have with you guys and give me a great deal on a Blackberry.
    Me: If you wish to switch providers that is your choice, but I can’t really offer you a better deal.
    SC: I’ve been with you for 3 years and I’ve been a good customer, I think I deserve a free Blackberry.
    (Ok buddy, you expect us to give you a $500+ smart phone FREE? FAT chance. New customers have to pay around $250, even if we cut you an extra break you’re still looking at $150+)
    Me: We appreciate your business sir, but unfortunately we can not give you a free Blackberry simply because you’ve been with us for several years.
    SC: AT&T will give me a free Blackberry. (Will AT&T also shove a live monkey up your ass? I mean it seems they are willing to do anything to sign you up, why not see how far they’ll go?)

    NOTE: I highly doubt AT&T would have offered him a free Blackberry. Like I said, they are $500+ phones.

    Me: Unfortunately we can not offer the same.
    SC: Fine then, your company has just lost another customer. *CLICK*

    I can not STAND people who believe that companies are willing to throw free cell phones at them ALL THE TIME. Understand something, the free phone is designed to get you under contract, once you are SIGNED, you have to wait awhile for more discounts. I also can’t stand customers who tell me they “deserve” something, the only thing these customers deserve is a swift kick to the nuts.

    PEBPG Error [Problem Exists Between Phone and Ground]

    SC: How could I have used so many minutes last month?
    Me: Well I do see a few long calls here, like this one to number xxx-xxx-xxxx
    SC: That number is from [your company], I have mobile to mobile in my plan!
    Me: Yes, but this call was made while the phone was roaming.
    SC: Yeah, so what’s your point?
    Me: Mobile to Mobile does not apply while roaming.
    SC: Well I have unlimited roaming in my plan too so I STILL shouldn’t have been charged!
    Me: You weren’t charged any extra for roaming, but when you make mobile to mobile calls while roaming it DOES use your plan minutes up.
    SC: How can that be when I have roaming in my plan?
    Me: Sir, if you did not have roaming you would be charge 0.69/minute for roaming calls, but you do not pay that since roaming is included in your plan. However, the mobile to mobile only applies when you are on our networks.
    SC: That’s stupid! It should apply all the time if I am calling numbers with [your company]
    Me: While that does make sense, there’s no way that our competitors would ever choose to honor our mobile to mobile option. That would be like Burger King asking Mcdonald’s to start serving the Whopper. Therefore, calls made to other numbers from our company while roaming will use up plan minutes.
    SC: Other companies honor their mobile to mobile all the damn time! Maybe I’ll switch to one of them!
    Me: I do not believe that is true sir, but if you want to cancel that’s your choice.
    SC: *scoff* You’re damned right it is and I’m making it, I’m done with this crooked company, cancel my damned account!

    They don’t pay enough to deal with these folks, seriously.
    Last edited by CrazedClerkthe2nd; 01-04-2008, 11:24 PM.
    "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant

  • #2
    Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
    SC: Well why don’t you look at my account and see if you can tell me why I am calling in. Take all the time you need. I imagine like most folks that work there you aren’t very well educated, so this may take awhile.
    Me: Well I’ll try my best…(I look through the account and near as I can tell he wants credit for something, but he’s gotten credit out his backside for the past two months)
    SC: Do you feel like your in prison Steve? Do you feel like an inmate? Whenever I call in to this company I can’t help but feel like I’m dealing with the lowest form of humanity there is…do you believe mental patients have rights?
    Me: Uh, excuse me?
    SC: Well I imagine what you work in could be similar to an asylum, you know a bunch of mentally impaired people who don’t really know what the deal is and aren’t all there to begin with and yet unlike similar folks who are in treatment facilities, you get to spend your days making life miserable for people like me.
    Me: I try to do my job as best as I can sir, I’ve been reviewing your account here and…
    SC: Did you figure it out yet? I bet you didn’t!
    Me: Why don’t you just tell me what the issue is?
    SC: Where’s the fun in that? Go on, keep looking, you’ll find out sooner or later.
    Me: It would make it easier for both of us if you would tell me.
    SC: I know but I’m not in much of an easy mood today Steve, I want to make you earn your paycheck…which given the quality of employees there is imagine not much, since anyone with intelligence enough to do your job competently has found better paying employment elsewhere. What do you think it’s like at the centers in India? Do you think outsourcing helps America or hurts America?
    What the HELL is that guys problem?!?!?


    • #3
      Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
      Will AT&T also shove a live monkey up your ass?
      I've got such an image....
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


      • #4
        SC: Well I imagine what you work in could be similar to an asylum, you know a bunch of mentally impaired people who don’t really know what the deal is and aren’t all there to begin with and yet unlike similar folks who are in treatment facilities, you get to spend your days making life miserable for people like me.
        ......Where's that brick wall when you need it?

        "Yes, sir, in fact, my supervisor just tore by my desk, nude, claiming to be Abraham Lincoln. That's a pleasant change, though- usually the regional VP of sales distracts me from my calls by nailing his testicles to the floor. They've given him heavy tranquilizers to day, so he's merely muttering about Ronald Reagan while he drools on the CEO's shoulder. As a matter of fact, it was just yesterday disclosed that One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest was actually about a call center!"
        My basic dog food advice - send a pm if you need more.

        Saydrah's leaving the nest advice + packing list live here.


        • #5
          The next time someone is being that rude and asks you to find the problem I would reply with:

          "It appears sir that you are in fact trying to rip off our company by demanding credits where they are not due and that you are in fact a customer worth getting rid of because you are costing the company money, and therefore affecting any raise I may get. So goodbye and good luck with whatever company will put up with your shit because I won't." beep beep beep after the call is disconnected.

          Of course if you want to keep your job you'll just have to listen to this guy make an arse of himself and you can sit there and smile and chuckle to yourself knowing that you don't sound so stupid to other people.
          Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


          • #6
            Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
            The master debater

            My version of that call if I had recieved an itiot like that on the line would have gone like this:

            SC: Ok, My cell number is xxx-xxx-xxxx…now what can I do for you today? Oh wait, you’re supposed to ask ME that!
            Me: And what were you calling in about?
            SC: Well why don’t you look at my account and see if you can tell me why I am calling in. Take all the time you need. I imagine like most folks that work there you aren’t very well educated, so this may take awhile.

            Me: Im sorry sir, unless you can instuct me on how I can futher help you I will have to bid you farewell.

            Last edited by MonSqueek; 01-05-2008, 01:11 AM. Reason: eta didnt need to quote whole op !


            • #7
              Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post

              Me: [standard opening spiel]
              SC: (sarcastic) Oh can I please listen to some more of that hold music? I truly was enjoying it!
              Me: No sir, [repeat standard greeting]
              SC: Where are you located Steve?
              Me: This call center is in Canada, sir.
              SC: Canada! Well how about that, I’ve been from the Philippines, to India, to the U.S., back to India and so far no one can solve my problem. What’s your ID number?
              Me: [gives number]
              Unbelievable. What a JERK.


              • #8
                Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                you get to spend your days making life miserable for people like me.
                Love to have responded - "You know, I never really thought about it like that. You're absolutely right. I can spend my days making morons like yourself unhappy. Thanks, you've made my day!"



                • #9
                  Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                  The master debater

                  Me: [standard opening spiel]
                  SC: (sarcastic) Oh can I please listen to some more of that hold music? I truly was enjoying it!
                  Me: No sir, [repeat standard greeting]
                  SC: Where are you located Steve?
                  Me: This call center is in Canada, sir.
                  SC: Canada! Well how about that, I’ve been from the Philippines, to India, to the U.S., back to India and so far no one can solve my problem. What’s your ID number?
                  Me: [gives number]
                  SC: Ok, My cell number is xxx-xxx-xxxx…now what can I do for you today? Oh wait, you’re supposed to ask ME that!
                  Me: And what were you calling in about?
                  SC: Well why don’t you look at my account and see if you can tell me why I am calling in. Take all the time you need. I imagine like most folks that work there you aren’t very well educated, so this may take awhile.
                  Me: Well I’ll try my best…(I look through the account and near as I can tell he wants credit for something, but he’s gotten credit out his backside for the past two months)
                  SC: Do you feel like your in prison Steve? Do you feel like an inmate? Whenever I call in to this company I can’t help but feel like I’m dealing with the lowest form of humanity there is…do you believe mental patients have rights?
                  Me: Uh, excuse me?
                  SC: Well I imagine what you work in could be similar to an asylum, you know a bunch of mentally impaired people who don’t really know what the deal is and aren’t all there to begin with and yet unlike similar folks who are in treatment facilities, you get to spend your days making life miserable for people like me.
                  Me: I try to do my job as best as I can sir, I’ve been reviewing your account here and…
                  SC: Did you figure it out yet? I bet you didn’t!
                  Me: Why don’t you just tell me what the issue is?
                  SC: Where’s the fun in that? Go on, keep looking, you’ll find out sooner or later.
                  Me: It would make it easier for both of us if you would tell me.
                  SC: I know but I’m not in much of an easy mood today Steve, I want to make you earn your paycheck…which given the quality of employees there is imagine not much, since anyone with intelligence enough to do your job competently has found better paying employment elsewhere. What do you think it’s like at the centers in India? Do you think outsourcing helps America or hurts America?
                  Me: I really don’t have much an opinion, the only thing I see in this acct may be that there are some credits you are waiting on.
                  SC: Well, you’re halfway there, now are you going to take it the rest of the way or do you think maybe you should just send me to a supervisor right now. Or maybe you could put me on hold again, I’d love to hear some more of that great music!
                  Me: (anger boiling over, teeth clenched) One moment sir. (flag down sup)

                  So the Sup gets on the call and I listen nearby, I hear the words “inmate” and “prisoners” from my Sup and him repeatedly asking the caller what he wants. It ended by my sup saying no credit due and disconnecting.

                  ARRRGH! This guy was one of the MOST aggravating callers I’ve ever had and believe me, I’ve had a few. I feel sorry for any rep, past or future, that’s had to deal with that.
                  Please please please tell me that there was a note put on the account that this guys was to receive no more credits - ever! I've dealt with some truly rude and condescending customers myself, but not even they can compare to this guy. I would have "accidentally" lost the call while waiting for the supervisor.
                  Random conversation:
                  Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                  DDD: Cuz it's cool

                  So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                  • #10
                    Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                    The master debater
                    Fixed that for you. After all, there's no way anyone would want to be with him...
                    Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                    SC: Canada! Well how about that, I’ve been from the Philippines, to India, to the U.S., back to India and so far no one can solve my problem.
                    "That's because we're phone reps, not psychiatrists. Freud himself would be hard-pressed to solve your many, many problems, the most obvious of which is the fact that your head is wedged firmly up your ass!"

                    What a complete and total smeghead. This jerk doesn't deserve anything but a swift boot to the head!
                    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                    My LiveJournal
                    A page we can all agree with!


                    • #11
                      Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                      SC: Well, you’re halfway there, now are you going to take it the rest of the way or do you think maybe you should just send me to a supervisor right now. Or maybe you could put me on hold again, I’d love to hear some more of that great music!
                      "Yes, sir" [returns customer to muzak version of Highway to Hell]


                      "I'm sorry, sir, but that button is broken on my controls... would you like me to hum Calling America for you?


                      • #12
                        Quoth fma_fanatic View Post
                        Please please please tell me that there was a note put on the account that this guys was to receive no more credits - ever! I've dealt with some truly rude and condescending customers myself, but not even they can compare to this guy. I would have "accidentally" lost the call while waiting for the supervisor.
                        There were already several

                        But yes my sup put another one on in BIG CAPITAL LETTERS to drive home the point.
                        "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                        • #13
                          it's amazing how much people think they're entitled for free just cos they dont want to pay. or how they think they can treat people like they're stupid.

                          the only time i've gotten an early upgrade was when i came in 3 days early on a 2 year contract. I was prepared to fight- but didn't have to. I think they realized that after 3 days I was free to end the contract without penalty. (the previous phone was stolen, police report nubmer provided)

                          and personally... um, if he really wanted a blackberry, why didn't he get that to begin with? i'm sure....if it wasn't out yet, all he would have to do is tell the company "Hey, I'm due for an upgrade but I really want this blackberry phone that comes out later. Can I hold my upgrade until then?"

                          I'm sure they would have fixed him up with a good answer.

                          and...i guess he watched too much of the "Tech Support" clips over at and thinks you get hit by a monkey with a shocky-stick all the time?
                          Last edited by PepperElf; 01-06-2008, 03:15 AM.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                            "Yes, sir" [returns customer to muzak version of Highway to Hell]
                            OT: A while ago I had to call a company that had Chocolate Rain for their hold music.


                            • #15
                              Sounds to me like Cara's former customers have either multiplied or migrated all over the place.

                              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

