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Ah.... internet customers....

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  • Ah.... internet customers....

    I have great customers.......rarely do I ever have a issue with any of them but I have gotten a few.....

    I get an email from a gal wanting a tee shirt and proceeds to ask the 101 questions at me in several emails which is annoying to a point but I had no problem answering for her.

    Then she asks in her next email "Could you send me a swatch of purple"
    I immediately think to myself, WTF? She wants me to send a tee shirt sample?! Huh?!
    To me, Swatch is a piece of cloth, not something on the internet and send is snail mail, not email.
    So, feeling fed up that this is one of those AR customers and possibly someone who just wants attention I decide to cut it short and see if it was legit.

    I write her:

    'No, I am not cutting up one of my tees to send this.
    Sorry I can not help you.
    Thanks for the inquiries, I have given you all the info I can on this.
    If you want to place an order, then please do so.
    Thank you"

    So then she replies:

    "I wasn't asking you to cut up a shirt. I meant a swatch of color from the internet. "

    That response would have been fine but then she says:

    "I've ordered from you before, and was planning on doing so again, but I do not appreciate the attitude you treat your customers with."

    This pissed me off. One because I do not take kindly to -anyone- assuming they have some privilege with me because they bought from me before nor making assumptions on my attitude and the fact that she uses a plural for 'customers' . To hold over my head that, oh my gosh, I won't be buying your $20.00 tee, is absurd at best in my book and then stating it is 'more customers' then just her?

    I treat my customers with respect and only ask for that in return. Now me being pissed off at GM's recall of the instrument panel on my 2004 Avalanche, of which said part is indeed dead on my truck. But not qualifying for it because they have posted a 70,000 mile limit for the recall, my truck has 194,000 miles on it. Bunch o bull and I wrote GM 3 different letters concerning this issue, my loyalty with GM vehicles and to the fact that there limitations on the recall was causing me to break my loyalty with them, clearly stating this is not a -threat - but my serious disatisfaction with them and the fact it is a part they clearly admitted to having to replace.

    So to this customer, I write:

    " I have been more then helpful. Lack of clarity in your question is not my fault. If you ordered from me before then you are well aware of the quality of what I have. As for 'attitude' .... me thinks you are the one being rude at the moment. I do not take lightly customers that place judgment where it is not warranted and even more so do not take kindly to threats. I consider our business concluded."

    Harsh, but in my book, the customer is -not- always right. I am not Walmart.

    But then she writes again:
    "Do tell me, what when did I ever threaten you? I said I wasn't going to order from you because of your attitude. Or maybe I should say lack of patience for your customers. I have never met someone so short tempered. Pardon me for being curious of the shade a shirt would be, I didn't know it would cause such a problem. "

    Of course, now she is pissed that I do not want her business and has to act like this instead of recognizing the fault of mis communication on her part...... I seriously was not going to respond but I decided otherwise.....

    "What is the issue?
    I said our business is concluded.

    If you need clarity, it is this simple. I do not do business with rude and belligerent customers and this is unwarranted. It was a communication cliche and if it was me, I would have acknowledged it and explained myself.... It is EMAIL and comunication generally is lacking via this form. 'Swatch' means a piece of cloth sample not something on the internet and you wanted me to 'send' it to you. My reaction is totally justified, lack of patience has nothing to do with this. Further more using a plural for 'customers' is suggesting what? I am quite confident of the opposite of this accusation.

    "I've ordered from you before, and was planning on doing so again, but I do not appreciate the attitude you treat your customers with."
    This is a threat to me......

    So what is your issue and why are you taking it out on me?!
    At this moment, you owe me an apology."

    Probably should not have bothered but I can't help it. At this point I feel like I am dealing with a child, not an adult but then again, I should not have bothered to think she would even act close to any maturity in this issue.

    Her response:

    "How is this a threat? What am I threatening to do to you? If our 'business is concluded" please don't send me another email.
    ps. swatch!
    I thought you would figure this out because sending a piece in the mail is silly."

    Gee, must get the last word in even when they are wrong.... besides it was better to be an ass then to send me this link and be helpful in the first place. She must be a very demanding mean spirited little girl to act like this but even more so, I think I was right from the start. She is AR and wants attention. No worries, I have no desire to write back outside of just wanting to play coyote with her.... but I will hold my ' po fess nal' aires!

    The thing is with me is this. As much as I love creating art and sharing it, I equally am grateful of the people who support and buy from me. But I have a line drawn and that is respect. The customer is not always right and I will not kiss anyones ass to make a buck. There is curtsy and then there is respect. I feel it is also a privilege that I am creating said art to inspire and add happiness to others and contributing to our society, making it available for people to have for themselves. Being an artist is -not- an ego trip for me. It is very much an obligation and commitment I feel I have to this life and to the greater whole. It is huge for me to deny someone my business and I feel am not losing anything but someone who does not deserve to have my creations.

  • #2
    I would also consider a swatch to be an actual physical piece of fabric. What good is it to send an email representation of a color? If her monitor is not properly calibrated the color will be wrong when she sees it. Then you would have to deal with her whining that the monitor color did not match the shirt she bought. Some customers are just more trouble than they're worth.

    Also - Welcome to CS


    • #3
      Yeah. A swatch is a piece of fabric. Also, do you not have pictures of your merchandise on your website?
      The High Priest is an Illusion!


      • #4
        Quoth wolffeathers22 View Post
        The thing is with me is this. As much as I love creating art and sharing it, I equally am grateful of the people who support and buy from me.
        *Twitch* I agree. As a knitter, while I know it's not the Mona Lisa, it takes time, all arts and crafts do. Can't get much worse than "It's just a couple bucks for cloth, Stephanie. Homemade gifts were cute when you were five, try to do better next year." The quote came from my mother, who while not a customer, was one of the several people receiving hats I'd made for Christmas the year before.

        On the customer level, the customer doesn't seem to understand that knitting takes time. Even a simple scarf can take a few days. The fullsize Harry Potter scarves I knit can take a week or two. And they expect to receive the product and then pay later. Not happening. Added that to the lack "Just a few bucks for yarn" mentality. Yes, it's a few bucks for yarn, it's also several hours aggravating what's probably the beginning stages of CTS. So please don't argue when I ask for 15 dollars for a normal scarf.

        Oi, I really need to stop with the payment when I bring it to you and expect payment in advance. Again, not happening with these people.

        Sorry for the threadjack, just had to gripe.


        • #5
          I do think you should have just dropped the whole thing a lot earlier in the process, but she was well past snippy.

          I'd have thought that swatch meant sample, because I know that a monitor/home printer are not going to give you anything resembling the proper representation of the colour. Heck, printing companies spend a hell of a lot of money to get monitors calibrated for that, and they need regular maintenance to keep them calibrated too. And there has to be specific lighting as well. Asking for an email of the colour is about as good as throwing a dart at a board covered in colour samples.
          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


          • #6
            Personally, I would have worded my messages using the passive voice. This is one of the advantages, as opposed to limitations of written communication: you can reread and edit so that your posts convey the information but not the emotion. Instead of saying, "I'm not cutting up a T-shirt" you MIGHT have said something like, "The T-shirts are already sewn and extra pieces of fabric are not available for samples."

            That's just me; I shop at the Salvation Army so what do I know...
            I was not hired to respond to those voices.


            • #7
              What exactly was she expecting to accomplish by sending you a picture of paint swatches?
              I can't stand people who are so full of themselves they can't admit when they made a mistake.
              She could have easily said something like, "Oh, sorry, I meant a sample of the shade of purple to be sent via email, like maybe a hex code for the shade even," instead of turning something simple into a lame email war.
              And I don't blame you at all for responding to her. You're defending your business in the way you feel most fit.
              Some may say you took it too far, but I say it's up to you how far is "too" far, and if you feel your business needs defending to a certain end then you have every right to do just that, and to hell with everyone else.


              • #8
                Well even if you did send a sample of the colour via the internet if her monitor is not calibrated it isn't going to show the exact colour anyway.


                • #9
                  Quoth wolffeathers22 View Post
                  "I've ordered from you before, and was planning on doing so again, but I do not appreciate the attitude you treat your customers with."
                  This is a threat to me......
                  Like the customer, I still fail to understand how you perceived this as a threat.

                  I do understand why you felt that by "swatch" she meant a physical fabric sample.

                  Poofy-puff had some good advice about wording your customer service responses in the passive voice. It tends to sound more professional. This whole situation could have been avoided with better writing on both sides.

                  If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                  • #10
                    I got that impression from the get go when she first emailed me. I did not borther to post all the exchanges before this but one would defiantly understood why I handled it the way I did.

                    ... and thanks!

                    Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
                    Yeah. A swatch is a piece of fabric. Also, do you not have pictures of your merchandise on your website?
                    Yes, I do... I forgot to post more info in the new member thread which I corrected now. It's

                    Quoth Boozy View Post
                    Like the customer, I still fail to understand how you perceived this as a threat.
                    I don't know what to tell you there.... to me it is obvious.

                    I do understand why you felt that by "swatch" she meant a physical fabric sample.
                    The dictionary states a "Swatch" is:

                    1. a sample of cloth or other material.
                    2. a sample, patch, or characteristic specimen of anything.

                    Trust that answers it for ya.....

                    Poofy-puff had some good advice about wording your customer service responses in the passive voice. It tends to sound more professional. This whole situation could have been avoided with better writing on both sides.
                    I agree with that to a point but I was already pretty done by the time I wrote that to her. I did not post all of the emails before I started this post. But with all the questions before, anyone would have been flustered with her and I gave her more then she even deserved.
                    Last edited by Broomjockey; 01-06-2008, 12:59 AM. Reason: multi-quote


                    • #11
                      If our 'business is concluded" please don't send me another email.
                      sounds like she can't stand not having the last word.

                      And yes, Swatch is ... either that silly watch brand or a small piece of fabric. just because someone made a picture called "swatch.jpg" doesn't mean it suddenly changes what the dictionary says.

                      sounds like her ego got smacked and she's just being a bitch to make herself feel justified.


                      • #12
                        My thoughts exactly.... it was just plain nasty of her all around..... which is why I refused her.


                        • #13
                          Quoth wolffeathers22 View Post

                          The dictionary states a "Swatch" is:

                          1. a sample of cloth or other material.
                          2. a sample, patch, or characteristic specimen of anything.

                          Trust that answers it for ya.....

                          I agreed with you that a swatch is a physical sample. I'll quote myself:

                          I do understand why you felt that by "swatch" she meant a physical fabric sample.

                          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


                          • #14
                            Quoth Boozy View Post
                            Like the customer, I still fail to understand how you perceived this as a threat.
                            I saw that as the usual customer line of, "I'm telling all my friends/family/the president about you and your horrible customer service, and I'm never coming back here again!" In other words, a threat of lost sales.
                            "I call murder on that!"


                            • #15
                              well done sir. Well done.
                              We Pick Up the Pieces

