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I really wanted to hurt him

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  • I really wanted to hurt him

    This is the story of one customer, and I don't even know what his problem was! It was a quiet Sunday (for once) so we weren't overworked, no one was stressed and all the staff were happy! Until this guy came along.

    A co-worker went to serve him.

    SC: I want to order food.
    CW: Sure thing! First can you tell me where abouts you are sitting sir?
    SC: Well I don't bloody well know do I?
    CW: Umm, OK, can you point me in the general direction?
    SC: I am with my family.
    CW: OK, where abouts are your family?
    SC: Look! I have had enough of your attitude!
    CW: But sir, I need to know where you are sitting so your food will get to you.
    SC: I am over there! *points to random table*
    CW: Do you know the number of the table?
    SC: It is YOUR bloody job to know where I am sitting!
    CW: OK sir, one moment...

    She walked off the bar, went to his table, noted the number and returned. She didn't say anything, but I knew she did it to make the point that in all the time he was being snippy with her, he could have easily found out his table number.

    CW: Right, now we can do the order.

    They did the order. She said he basically treated her like a slave all the way through it, like it was some kind of god awful task that he had to speak to her.

    Oh great! I get the task of taking his food out to him.

    I take the food out, and he doesn't say one word to me. Neither do his family. They seriously looked at me like I had just crawled out the sewer.

    Me: OK, I have a burger with fries?

    No response.

    SC: *to wife and kid* Yes those Nintendo DS's are really cool, but wouldn't you rather get something bigger like an X-box 360?

    I am stood there with boiling hot plates in my hands.

    Me: Sorry, I have a burger with fries? And the salad?

    No response.

    SC: What game would you like to get?

    I had had enough. I just put the meals straight down on the table. I went back for the third meal and put it down again. I still got no response from the family.

    Me: Enjoy your meals guys.
    SC: So we're going to go and price the Xbox 360's later?

    It was such a minor thing but I was so wound up about it. I have had my fair share of rude customers, but at least they spoke to me!

  • #2
    That's not exactly what I'd call a 'minor thing'. They were being downright rude. Unfortunately I don't have any advice as to what you and your coworker could have done to prevent it that you didn't already try, but at least you avoided major trouble.


    • #3
      That's appalling.

      They should be ashamed of themselves, and ashamed to be teaching such behaviour their child.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        I hope their new 360s get the red ring of death, known from this point forward as the red ring of karma.
        "I don't like it when I say people should die and then they do. I don't want that kind of responsibility. At least not until I've got a job in middle management."


        • #5
          I'd have brought the food back to the kitchen, and then when they followed to complain, I'd have given them a lesson in manners...

          ... and then likely haven gotten promptly sacked. But I'd have been HAPPY!
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


          • #6
            I agree with tollbaby. But I don't think those people are worth losing your job over, too bad karma will most likely strike when you're not around.

            Besides, look on the bright side... if he would have talked to you, his talking would probably be another rant or contained stuff from another bs category.


            • #7
              Quoth Inker View Post
              I hope their new 360s get the red ring of death, known from this point forward as the red ring of karma.
              Don't call it karma! My beloved 360 just died of that! Hehe, it's OK, she's getting fixed soon and I have my Wii to keep me going til then.


              • #8
                I have to agree with Tollbaby, thats what I would have done. I most probably would have just butted into their conversation with something about kids and computers and not getting out enough and how they all become fat because they eat all the wrong food and then taken it back to the kitchen saying I don't want to add to the world's growing obesity crisis.
                Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?

