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  • #16
    Quoth ebonyknight View Post
    Well, from the stories I remember reading, credit cards weren't to be used to cut down on fraud.

    We aren't allowed to take checks for gift cards, but any other form of payment is okay. (I think I work at the same crap store as Juwl, but I'm probably mistaken). It's probably one of those things that is different in different places.

    We don't take checks for gift cards...cause...what if the check is bad? Or something. I don't know. AND they never tell the new cashiers this--until she goes to get the check approved-- which just pisses off the customer and causes a big scene.

    (Or maybe thats just MY store)

    How long did it take to activate 20 gift cards? It seems to take for freakin ever when there are just a couple.
    you are = you're. not "your".


    • #17
      I have a gift card horror (well, annoying) story, but I'm the customer, trying not to be sucky.

      My mom gave me a gift card from a particular gas company. Great. It'll pay for a tank of gas to go visit her, right?

      Not so much. The first time I tried to use it, 1) clerk thought it was a credit card for some reason (even though I told her it was a gift card as I handed it to her. But hey, it was busy and she was just trying to get through the line of people). 2) the machine would not read it. It was like the register had never been programmed to accept gift cards.

      The manager came over to try. It was just the 2 of them, so when the line behind me reached 5 people, I gave up & paid another way. For my next attempt, I picked a different location & a slow time. I still have about $5 left & I have no idea how/when I'm going to be able to use it.
      I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


      • #18
        you cant buy credit card gift card, aka visa, american express gift cards, with a credit card, but regualr ones yes to the creditcard


        • #19
          Quoth Peppergirl View Post
          Kinda odd that it's after Christmas rush, but my boss did the same thing for us when our company cheaped out on Christmas bonuses and gifts this year.
          We would get teachers, parents, etc. around the end of the school year in May coming and buying them.

          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
          I've rung up 200 gift cards in one transaction (well, actually we split it into 4 transactions in case the register went floopy).
          Isn't that just as exciting as hell? I remember several of those at Hasting's, too.

          Quoth ebonyknight View Post
          I thought (at least people have said so before) that you can't buy gift cards with credit cards???
          Generally, you can't use a giftcard to purchase another giftcard. But, yeah, you can use a credit card.
          It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


          • #20
            Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
            Plus, I don't see where the OP mentions how she paid, just that she did pay.
            Yes, the lady paid with a credit card. Sorry, I must've just missed typing that in.

            Quoth simplyanother View Post
            (I think I work at the same crap store as Juwl, but I'm probably mistaken)

            How long did it take to activate 20 gift cards? It seems to take for freakin ever when there are just a couple.
            Out of curiosity, did you actually mean to type 'crap' store, or craft store? Because, personally, I'm quite enjoying working here.
            And... roughly? Five or ten minutes, from start to finish.
            "I call murder on that!"

