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A badge or a club membership does not help

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  • A badge or a club membership does not help

    Two stories that I have for the day, the first involves a county sheriff. These are long stories.

    It was about a summer ago, in June during a basketball game. I am in VIP for the night and things are going well until the county sheriff shows up. I ask him for his pass, he hesitates and I know that he doesn't. He pulls out his badge and I recognize the name, "Oh boy, this is going to be a tough one." I thought to myself, knowing that this guy was going to play entitilment.

    Me: Sorry sir, you need a VIP pass to get in and a badge is not going to get you in.

    SSC (Sucky Sheriff Customer): Well, I was told that I can get in here if I showed my badge.

    Me: Sir, badge or not you need a VIP pass to get in here, it's company policy and unless you are on the guest list for the night, I cannot let you in.

    SSC: I am the sheriff and I do think that it would be right for me to be allowed in.

    Me: I can't do that, its company policy and I would get in trouble for it, these spots are for people who paid to park in here, it wouldn't be fair if we gave you that spot for free.

    SSC did leave but he gave me a glare that said "I will have your job and your ass when I get the chance". I laughed it off.

    The second one was during the winter, a basketball game (The NBA season is prime time for assholes, I get at least one or two a night.) This guy wanted to get into VIP by showing me a membership card.

    FSSC: Freakazoid Society sucky customer (Freakzoid is a made up city to protect my identity.)

    FSSC: What's up IHatetheNBA?
    Me: A busy night for me tonight, what about you?
    FSSC: A busy week, anyway I need to show you a pass right?

    This guy was nice until this happend

    FSSC shows membership card says "Freakazoid Society."

    I'm trying hard not to laugh at this guy because that is one of the most ridiculous tricks I have seen in the year I've been working at the arena.

    Me: Uh, sir. We are in TDS right now, not Freakazoid and this card will not get you in here no matter what club you belong to.

    FSSC: They let me in here all the time, is this a new policy?

    Me: No sir, this has always been policy, you need a VIP pass and you do not have one. I cannot let you in here without a pass, I can't let my own mother in here without a pass.

    FSSC: I pay through the ass for my seats and this membership, why the hell am I not allowed in?

    Me: One, you're a member of Freakazoid Society, this is TDS and I am not going to let you in because you have a membership.

    The FSSC then speeds off into VIP and wasn't caught by one of our "guards". I did get his licsense plate down though. By the way, does anyone know what excatly a city society is? Chicago Society for example, the only thing I can make out of it is that it must be for affluent people because this guy was quite affluent.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

  • #2
    Quoth ihatethenba68 View Post
    SSC: I am the sheriff and I do think that it would be right for me to be allowed in.
    You should ask to see the badge again and write down the number. He'll freak after that. I do believe they can lose their job for using their badge like that. (Abuse of power, crap like that)
    I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.


    • #3
      I really wish I did, but at the time I was brand new. Now that he's running for Senator of my state I really wish I did and who knows how far corruption will go if he wins the Senate. The problem is, he is the top dog cop in my county, so which authorities do I report him to if it happens again?
      Last edited by ArenaBoy; 08-24-2006, 01:43 AM.
      The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


      • #4
        Quoth ihatethenba68 View Post
        I really wish I did, but at the time I was brand new. Now that he's running for Senator of my state I really wish I did and who knows how far corruption will go if he wins the Senate.
        A few casual comments about him in the right places might help. Um, who was he? Or at least, what state? (It's a moot point for me; I'm quite happy with the incumbent who's up for reelection this year in my state, but others here might be interested.)


        • #5
          Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
          A few casual comments about him in the right places might help. Um, who was he? Or at least, what state? (It's a moot point for me; I'm quite happy with the incumbent who's up for reelection this year in my state, but others here might be interested.)
          Michigan, he's republican. It happend a year ago, so it's moot for me. I posted it because it was one of those things that popped up and I thought it'd make for a great CS story. I respect cops seeing as they have a tough job, and my grandpa is one and he said there's nothing worse than a cop abusing his power.

          If he does do such a thing again, I'll report him. I let it go because it was a while ago and it is moot, but I will happily report him if he does it again. I'm going to start bringing a pen and notepad with me so I can take his badge number down. I don't want any trouble yet because my boss is a huge supporter of him and things would get ugly from there.
          Last edited by ArenaBoy; 08-24-2006, 01:51 AM. Reason: Add my insight
          The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


          • #6

            When I worked at fast food we would always give the cops free meals...
            The only thing wrong with society is the people in it.


            • #7
              Quoth RailroadMonster View Post
              When I worked at fast food we would always give the cops free meals...
              That's called investment, it always pays good to be friendly with the local law enforcement.
              I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.

              "I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras


              • #8
                Quoth RailroadMonster View Post
                When I worked at fast food we would always give the cops free meals...
                Well, that usually depends on the department policy. There is a difference between accepting a free meal and asking for one. When a officer ask for a freebie, it's generally abuse of power. It's hard for anyone in position of power to "ask" without it being perceive as "command".
                I've lost my mind ages ago. If you find it, please hide it.

