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The Floating Hand

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  • #16
    Quoth Great Unknown View Post
    SC holds its hand out for change, only to exploit the transfer of bills in order to TOUCH THE CASHIER'S HAND! ..Lecherous SC subsequently got banned from my store for touching any cashier that strayed outside the employee area.
    What a jerk! Sounds like a candidate for the Gross Old Men thread.
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
    My LiveJournal
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    • #17
      Quoth XCashier View Post
      What a jerk! Sounds like a candidate for the Gross Old Men thread.
      Gross, yes. Old, no. Just terribly obese, with greasy hair and suspicious (coffee please be coffee please be coffee) stains on his pants. Once he was wearing suspenders with unzipped pants like this, causing several of us to have nightmares.

      But his usual schtick was "How much for the coffee today babe?" "Here, darlin" *presents a far-from-crisp bill and yanks it away several times* "Whoops, gotta work for your money today eh?"

      He's guilty of the OT floating hand offense too. He's used both opportunities to put his sweaty mitts on cashiers, insisting it's "just a joke"


      • #18
        As always, I feel I must supply the food service industry version of the Floating Hand. I guess it would be either the Floating Cash or the Floating Credit Card. No, better yet...the Floating Bill!* After you have dropped the bill off with them, and you are coming back around, they are holding the bill up with their cash or credit card, even if you have stuff in your hands, like a tray of drinks, food for another table, empty plates from another table, etc. And most of the time these nitwits will try to hand you said bill with payment no matter how full your hands are. I have been tempted on more than one occasion to do just what they seem to want me to do, i.e., drop the plates immediately and grab their payment. Of course, the temptation is to drop the plates in their lap, maybe teach them a lesson. Of course, I have never actually done this, but I have thought about it. Many, MANY times.

        *This title is especially funny to me as it is the name of a magic trick and I am a magician. I do not perform that particular trick (not my style), but a good friend of mine does an amazingly superior verision of it. He will literally levitate a bill, or a playing card, or your credit card, or your ID, right out of your hand and into his. I get called the devil occasionally....he get called it daily!

        "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
        Still A Customer."


        • #19
          Quoth Dips View Post
          My FIL, an otherwise wonderful person, thinks that it is just hilarious to tighten his grip on a bill and go, "Thought I'd make you work for it. Heh, heh, heh." He does it to people taking tickets and credit cards too. He thinks it'll never get old. Sigh.
          I actually did this once, though in my case I'd accidentally superglued my fingers to the bill. (stupid leaking packaging)
          Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


          • #20
            Quoth Liz View Post
            Slightly different but closely related is when you start to scan, fold and bag a mountain of clothes, and the customer holds their card out for you to take. They can see there's plenty more to scan, yet they still hold the card out. I often just took it and put it down again.

            When this happens to me I either do not take it or I will take it and make a point of slapping it right back down. I don't understand why they think that they should give us the card (or money) while we are busying our hands putting their purchases in the bag.....especially if we are struggling with a large purchase.
            "If it offends one person, it effects everyone", on the PC world in which we dwell.


            • #21
              or theres the ones who put down a huge pile of stuff on the desk and put the money on top of it! or hold the money until you tell them the total then throw it onto the desk and hold out their hand for the change(always fun to tell them they didnt put down enough) anyone else have people take a step back while waiting for change so you have to lean waaay over the desk to reach them? grrr
              "...and you've got people. Billions of people walking about like happy meals with legs...." Spike

