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Oh no, this doesn't sound sheisty at all.

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  • Oh no, this doesn't sound sheisty at all.

    yesterday we got an email from our DM, who had gotten an email from one of the bigwigs at corporate who had gotten an email from some woman complaining about the way an employee at our store treated her kids. the email was sent to corporate at 154pm monday. (this is important.) apparently, this woman was and her many children (she said she was with her "boys") were in our kids department "tonight" and her two daughters, 4 and 5, "who dont know better", were taking books off the shelves and touching things. a female employee came up to them and yelled at them to not touch anything and to put the books back where they found them. when the girls started to cry and ran to mommy, the employee told the girls to "grow up." mom then told another employee about it and was told that it would be "taken care of."

    many things wrong with this story: 1) no one knows WTF this woman is talking about. there were no notes left about an incident like this in the managers log. 2) the woman didnt see either employees nametag, and did not give a description of either employee. we dont even know if the second employee was male or female. 3) none of the employees working either sunday or monday would have treated kids like that. there might be a gentle "please dont run" or something, but we'd never tell them to "grow up." 4) why were a 4 and 5 year old be at the opposite end of the department from their mother? 5) if she had brought it up to a second employee, a manager would've been called right there and then.

    there are three conclusions: one is that shes outright trying to scam us, second is that it was another customer that yelled at her kids and shes making up the part about the second employee to cover her own ass. third is that it didnt even happen at our store. theres a borders right up the street and people get us confused all the time.

    pretty crappy worldview, i know, but we've been burned by something similar to this before.
    Kim: She's got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

    I'd like to exercise my constitutional right to not give a fuck.

  • #2
    Are you sure it wasn't your buddy Matt?
    I was not hired to respond to those voices.


    • #3
      What an odd, cranky woman.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Quoth poofy_puff View Post
        Are you sure it wasn't your buddy Matt?

        the shitty thing is that our DM is automatically taking this womans side and telling us that we have to be better than this.

        god i fucking hate her.
        Kim: She's got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

        I'd like to exercise my constitutional right to not give a fuck.


        • #5
          Quoth B&NGoddess View Post

          the shitty thing is that our DM is automatically taking this womans side and telling us that we have to be better than this.

          god i fucking hate her.
          Bitch. She needs to be put down like a rabid dog.

          By the way, can I have your store location so that I can call HQ and make up a wildly insane story and get compensation too?
          "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


          • #6
            I wish I had your real name(s) and store location so I could write a letter to your DM about how wonderful everything was and how great I was treated there...
            I was not hired to respond to those voices.


            • #7
              Quoth B&NGoddess View Post
              the shitty thing is that our DM is automatically taking this womans side and telling us that we have to be better than this.
              Man, that sucks! Now this bitch will probably do the same thing again. Please tell me she is NOT getting any freebies. She's not, is she?
              "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
              ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


              • #8
                the shitty thing is that our DM is automatically taking this womans side and telling us that we have to be better than this.
                Um sure....
                I can just see it now....

                "Sure, boss! We'll try to be better workers when customers come in to....a store we don't work at.... But since we're now working there and here, could we get paid twice too? "

                boss: "don't get rude..."

                "Sorry, but it's hard for us to be 'better' over a complaint that went to the wrong store. Like if I told you to be 'better' over how 'some other random store' treats their people... You already know it's inane to even consider. So thanks for the input and I'll get back to my work."

                too bad most bosses wouldn't like being told "you're being stupid" even when they are.
                (i should know...i've got a supervisor with an ego more fragile than egg shells)


                • #9
                  Once again we see the tragic results of corporate suits brainwashed into believing "The customer is always right"

                  Even when they are describing the wrong store.
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Quoth PepperElf View Post
                    too bad most bosses wouldn't like being told "you're being stupid" even when they are.
                    Had a DM for a period or about half a year at Chesterfield, who actually ran the district out of our back room, who told us at a 'store' meeting (that included all the other stores in the area) to start telling customers about our sales whenever we called them to let them know their reserve was in. Such as, "And remember, we have DVD storage racks on sale this week, buy one for the price of two."
                    I chimed in almost immediately to say, "Man, that sure sounds like telemarketing to me, are we getting raises to the point we'll be on even footing with telemarketers?" (Not quite what I said, I would never be so blunt about a raise.)

                    After the meeting, Old SM came up to me and said, "Thanks for speaking up, I just know everyone was antsy about that."
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      havent heard anything yet, but im sure she wont tell us when she gives this woman a gift certificate.
                      Kim: She's got one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.

                      I'd like to exercise my constitutional right to not give a fuck.

