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I know what I saw! (Long)

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  • I know what I saw! (Long)

    First post, so just for context, I work at a games shop, and a supermarket. At the supermarket I am both a cashier on certain days and a close supervisor on other nights (like saturday, ugh!) however, on Sundays the supervisor likes me to supervise while she cleans. (does that make any sense?)

    Anyway, On Sunday night, two guys came up to the service desk. This is the story;

    Hi how are you today
    Boy 1:Yeah good... give me a pack of whinnie blues (cigarettes)
    Me: Yep that fine, do you have any ID?
    Boy 1: Uhhh... [motions to Boy 2, who pulls out a wallet. At this point, I was thinking, ummm does he get his friend to carry his wallet for him? Why would he do that? (Dumb I know but I didn't know what was happening.) Boy 2 pulls out some ID and its ok, but its Boy 2's ID, Boy 1 still hasn't got any ID]
    Me: Ok thanks, [looking at Boy 1] so do you have any ID?
    Boy 1: What? Ummm... nah... [Boy 1 fumbles around in his pocket and I think that maybe he's finally getting some ID out (I'm an optimistic person ) But no, he gets some money out, and hands it to Boy 2 directly in front of me then mumbles something to Boy 2]
    Boy 2: Yeah, I'll have a pack of whinnie blues
    Me: I'm sorry I can't serve you because he [pointing to Boy 1] doesn't have ID.
    Boy 2: But they are for me
    Me: I don't know that. For all I know as soon as you get them, you'll just give them to your friend.
    Boy 2 No I won't!
    Me: I'm sorry I cannot serve you unless you both have ID. Sorry.

    So I walk away from them to go help one of the cashiers, and hear them laughing loudly. I tell the supervisor what happened and we both laugh about how stupid they were. Being Customers Suck, you'd be right in thinking that that was not the end of the story.

    Later on I was cleaning up the service area when my co-worker calls my name and nods towards the service desk, where the supervisor is serving Boy 2, who has come back without Boy 1.

    [Our store has a corner that we cannot see behind right near our us, where people who are underage like to hide while others get their cigarettes for them]

    Me: *Supervisor* no! That's the same guy I told you about before, don't serve him!
    Supervisor: Right. [puts cigarettes back]
    Boy 2: What? I wasn't here before!
    Supervisor: *Angelized*, come here. [I walk over] Right, was this the boy that was here before?
    Boy 2: No I wasn't!
    Me: Yes it is. [He has red spiked hair, very distinctive]
    Supervisor: I'm not serving you.
    Boy 2: My friends gone home! The pack is for me!
    Supervisor: [Getting annoyed] I don't know that. Your friends probably hiding behind the corner.
    Boy 2: But..
    Supervisor:You were seen recieving money from an underage person to buy cigarettes, I am not obligated to serve you. If you really want to get cigarettes, go to *another big supermarket in our shopping centre*

    So he walked away without anything he wanted. I just cannot believe people would think that coming back would work [Btw I love my supervisor, she's great]

  • #2
    What really gets me about these tales is how anyone managed to start smoking in the first place. It's not like there aren't messages proclaiming the health effects, they're damned expensive, and I've yet to hear of anyone who didn't try to cough up a lung on their first attempt.



    • #3
      But you just look so coooool....


      • #4
        Quoth Angelized View Post
        Me: Yes it is. [He has red spiked hair, very distinctive]
        This is what had me rolling...if you stick out like a tomato in a cornfield, at least put on a bloody hat before trying to pull the same scam on the same person twice in as many hours!!

        Great first post, Angelized - welcome.
        Not all who wander are lost.


        • #5
          Quoth Rapscallion View Post
          What really gets me about these tales is how anyone managed to start smoking in the first place. It's not like there aren't messages proclaiming the health effects, they're damned expensive, and I've yet to hear of anyone who didn't try to cough up a lung on their first attempt.

          But they make you look grown-uppy! (With thanks and apologies to Gary Trudeau.)

          I still think the warning on the packs should be: Cigarette smoking has been shown to decrease sex drive and increase risk of impotence.


          • #6
            We have warnings like that over here. It doesn't work.

            They're considering pictoral warnings of diseased lungs etc.



            • #7
              Raps, in Australia we have cigarette packets with graphic images on them, and we also have TV commercials to go with them, warning people of the effects of smoking. I've heard of people asking for the packets without the graphic images. Don't want to be reminded of what they're doing to themselves, I guess.

              As a side note, one of the written warnings on some cigarette packets is 'Smoking when pregnant may harm your baby' (we have a variety of warnings). My supervisor once told me that she gave a male customer a packet with that particular warning about pregnancy and babies (only because that packet happened to be at the front), and he asked for a different packet!
              'Our brightest days are yet to shine'
              'You see the depths of my heart, and You love me the same'


              • #8
                Quoth One-Fang View Post
                But you just look so coooool....
                Yeah, that.

                Seriously, they help me relax. I only ever smoke every now and then; I'm not addicted. Honestly, I'm not just saying that. I can go days, weeks, months without a fag.

                *listens to sniggering from American members*

                I just like smoking. Just as I like going out boozing. Anyways, back on topic; what a doofus. Tho at least unlike this 12 year old kid I wouldn't serve booze he didn't threaten to sic his mate on you!
                People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                My DeviantArt.


                • #9
                  Quoth Sandy View Post
                  Raps, in Australia we have cigarette packets with graphic images on them, and we also have TV commercials to go with them, warning people of the effects of smoking. I've heard of people asking for the packets without the graphic images. Don't want to be reminded of what they're doing to themselves, I guess.
                  That reminds me of a memorable incident where someone in the convenience store accross the road from us wanted a packet without a warning on the grounds that it upset her.




                  • #10
                    Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                    What really gets me about these tales is how anyone managed to start smoking in the first place. It's not like there aren't messages proclaiming the health effects, they're damned expensive, and I've yet to hear of anyone who didn't try to cough up a lung on their first attempt.

                    I don't know about anybody else, but both of my parents smoked, heavily. When I moved out (the first time) I went into withdrawl. I was not getting the second-hand smoke I was used to. I've managed to quit temporarily several times, but currently smoke just under a pack a day.

                    Texas has a new $1 per pack tax that will soon be enforced that just may be what it takes to get me to quit once and for all. Money is a great motivator for long as I don't decide that it's my "duty" to support the state and pay more in taxes!
                    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.

