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Phone usage

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  • Phone usage

    An older man comes in last night and wants to use the phone to make a local call. Okay, a quick local call isn't going to hurt anything. So, I let him use the phone.

    Most people will wander away from the counter a little bit since we have a cordless receiver. That way, they're not in the way as we do our work.

    I had a few customers pumping gas, so I stayed close to the register. Plus, I don't like being too far from the registers when someone is in the store. This guy kept hovering right at my register, which was no big deal to me so long as no one wanted to check out.

    Then, I had that vibe that he was staring at me. I'd been watching the customers at the pumps, so I hadn't paid much attention to him until the vibe registered on my radar. I looked back at him, and he kept giving me this annoyed expression and mumbling into the phone. I just thought to myself If you expect me to find somewhere else to stand, think again. I work here, you don't, you can go elsewhere.

    I just pretended not to notice thinking he'd be on his way soon enough. A customer came in, made a quick round to pick up some snacks and beer, then walked up to the counter. The guy looked right at her, but continued to stand right at the counter. She and I kept looking at each other for a second then at him.

    Finally, I asked him to step aside. He moved and muttered something into the phone about being asked to move. I looked at my watch and realized he'd been on the phone for about 5 minutes at this point. I was busy with the customer, so I really didn't care about the time issue at the moment. At least I don't have to worry about it ringing at a bad time this way. So, I silently monitored the time.

    The customers at the gas pumps came in and paid for their purchases. Each time, I had to ask the guy using the phone to move. Well, I only asked one more time, then I started telling him to move. I was getting irritated that he kept blocking the counter, even when he stood facing the customers who wanted to pay, until I'd finally tell him to move.

    By this time, another 5 minutes had passed. The guy had tied up our phone for 10 minutes. I had no more customers that I could see for the moment, so it's probably time to tell him to wind up his call after roughly 10 minutes.

    Another customer walks in, and approaches the counter for cigarettes. I take care of her request. Meanwhile, the guy on the phone ends his call while I'm taking care of this customer. He asks me what the number is for the store. I have it programmed into my cell phone, so I don't know it off the top of my head. Plus, I'm eager to get rid of him anyway because he's getting on my nerves. There is a payphone outside that he can use, but I don't know it's number either.

    I look at my watch and tell him that he has tied up our phone for the last 10 minutes, so I need to keep it clear for a while now in case someone needs to call the store. The company has policies about excessive phone usage, and it come back on me if the phone line is tied up for an extended period.

    He gets annoyed, so I tell him there is a payphone outside if he wants someone to call him back. He can tell them its number and have them call him on it. I really need to keep the phone line clear for a while after 10 minutes of being busy in case someone tries to call the store. He asks again what the store number is, so I again insist that I need to keep the phone line clear. We only let customers use it to make short local calls (3 minutes should be sufficient to say it) as a courtesy, it's not a chat line.
    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

  • #2
    Yeah, it happens alot. I don't understand why people feel they have the full rights to use your phones for extended periods of time. Happened all the time at my old job, and frankly I just started refusing to let people use it at all due to the abuse (boss said it was optional).

    Oh, that, and they tend to not bother covering their mouth and cough/sneeze on it.
    ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!


    • #3
      People ask to use our phone at the store, but I just tell them we dont have access to dial an outside line (we do..) and that it is only for dialing extensions for other stores (we have to dial an actual phone number). Usually this keeps people from using our phone.
      "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney


      • #4
        Our phone is mounted behind the counter, and it doesn't have a portable handset. So if a customer were to use our phone, they'd need to be standing behind the counter.

        Obviously, we aren't about to let this happen. People get pissy about it, even thought there's a pay phone literally 20 feet away.

        If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


        • #5
          I don't mind letting customers use the phone for quick local calls. Some, though, try to make it a frequent habit, so I end up telling them that they can't tie up our phone line for what should be obvious business (or common sense) reasons. However, they will still try to argue until they realize that I'm done with them.

          There is one woman in particular who was bad about coming to the store multiple times per shift to use the phone. When I first started working there, I trained with the assistant manager and we had enough help then that she and I frequently worked together on the same shift after I was finished training. So, this woman would come several times per shift to use the phone. The assistant manager always let her use the phone, and they'd go out to smoke and chat a few moments. Okay, no big deal to me.

          After a few months, we were short-staffed, so I was frequently scheduled to cover the shifts I worked by myself. I'd already noticed the pattern with this woman that she would be a supreme entitlement whore. When she showed up to visit the assistant manager, she rarely ever bought anything. She never stuck around too long when I was working alone, which was fine with me. She'd always ask if the assistant manager was working because she wanted to bum a cigarette or two. I saw her for the mooch that she was, so I took to disliking her. Another regular who frequently hung around to chat was an older man, and he even made comments to me about that woman always wanting a hand out.

          It was during this time frame that the office sent out a memo about excessive phone usage. One night the mooching woman shows up and wants to use the phone. So, I got the pleasure of telling her that we've been told not to let customers use our store phones any longer. After all, we do have a payphone alongside the building. Of course, Ms. Bitch threw a fit about it, and said she was going to complain that I was denying her phone usage. I told her that there is a payphone outside and would be happy to make change if she needed it. She whined that she had no money. So, I did get smart with her about her mooching habit at that point, and made a comment that she's such an expert at it that she should have no trouble bumming change. She tried to threaten me that she and the assistant manager "are such good friends."

          Needless to say, nothing more was ever said about it. Ms. Entitlement Whore quit asking to use the phone all of the time. She still pops in from time to time, but nowhere near as often. She basically pops her head in the door, sees that I'm working, and asks if the assistant is working. If the assistant is working, they go out to chat and smoke a few moments, but if not, she goes on her way until a later day. The only time she comes in when I'm working is if she's making a purchase. She actually acts halfway friendly on her visits now, but for a while there she wasn't that friendly.

          I did finally ask the assistant manager if she ever said anything about that. I was curious. The assistant said it was mentioned, but she told her that she doesn't tolerate ANY customer harassing the employees for any reason. In short, when I'm in the store, I'm in charge of what happens even if I'm not technically a manager. The manager even told me after that that she trusts my judgment because I've proven to be a good employee. Now, after almost two years there, I have the most seniority of the clerks, do most of the training of the new clerks, and even find myself helping the manager and assistant with a lot of the management duties when neither of them are present. The assistant was too kind-hearted with the "sob story" customers, as I call them, but I don't have that problem now that I primarily work the shift she used to carry before I started. The manager even made a comment that the assistant manager was sometimes too much of a bleeding heart for the sob stories, and that these people were always taking advantage of her kindness. The manager also said she was relieved that I don't have that problem because my attitude is that I'm there to work so I'm not prone to being as conversational with customers.
          The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

          Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy


          • #6
            Quoth aurelemsrealm View Post
            I did finally ask the assistant manager if she ever said anything about that. I was curious. The assistant said it was mentioned, but she told her that she doesn't tolerate ANY customer harassing the employees for any reason. In short, when I'm in the store, I'm in charge of what happens even if I'm not technically a manager. The manager even told me after that that she trusts my judgment because I've proven to be a good employee. ... The manager also said she was relieved that I don't have that problem because my attitude is that I'm there to work so I'm not prone to being as conversational with customers.
            Dang, your bosses sounds alot cooler then my first boss was. The way he thought of it, we were supposed to bend over backwards for (almost) every whim a customer could come up with. Including joining in their conversations.

            I tended to think that work was work and if I wanted to socialize I would meet my friends afterwards. It was a used music store, not a social center. -_-*
            ~ It is a beautiful day to be dizzy!


            • #7
              Quoth Meadhands View Post
              Dang, your bosses sounds alot cooler then my first boss was. The way he thought of it, we were supposed to bend over backwards for (almost) every whim a customer could come up with. Including joining in their conversations.

              I tended to think that work was work and if I wanted to socialize I would meet my friends afterwards. It was a used music store, not a social center. -_-*
              That is how the owner of my last job was. That $130 rare DVD. You only have have $20, well that DVD is yours, if you want it.

              I hated people who would use the phone at my last job. IP always told them, they could use it for a minute at the most. Since it was a corded phone, they had to stand by desk. At work now, we have a corded phone, but we do not let people use it. The only time we do, is when that person has no ride.
              Under The Moon Paranormal Research
              San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


              • #8
                I guess that guy has never heard of this wonderful new invention known of as a cell phone?
                "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
                ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


                • #9
                  Quoth Tito View Post
                  I guess that guy has never heard of this wonderful new invention known of as a cell phone?
                  Not everyone can afford cell phones. It actually brings me a touch of relief to know that there are still some people out there who realize that they don't have enough disposable income to afford a cell phone, and therefore, do not get said cell phone.


                  • #10
                    I can't believe you let him use the phone. that's a very decent thing to do.

                    If I owned a retail business, the only way a none employee would be allowed the phone is a life or death situation.

                    That'd go something like this:

                    Disease Ridden Moocher: Can I use your phone?

                    ME: Sure!! It's hanging outside on the wall, the thing with a coin slot and receiver, that says "phone" above it!
                    Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Tito View Post
                      I guess that guy has never heard of this wonderful new invention known of as a cell phone?
                      Quoth theredbaron47 View Post
                      Not everyone can afford cell phones.
                      And not everyone wants one. They're just too handy for work to get ahold of you.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                        And not everyone wants one. They're just too handy for work to get ahold of you.
                        Heh. I loved the time work tried to call me in, on my day off, during a time slot I told them I couldn't work in (I was usually in class, my prof was sick that week)...while I was in the store doing my wedding registry.

                        My store has three numbers. They always try from one number, then other two, if they want to beg me to come in. And if I don't want to come in...well, I just 'happen' to not have my cell phone on me.

                        But some people are scared of cell phones, too. Me, I'm a bit phone-phobic, and I have been known to panic when I have to call someone I don't know, so I'd have never gotten one if it weren't a gift. My fiance's parents are just wary of this new technology, and I've even heard someone say they refused to get one because they damage your brain.
                        It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gurndigarn View Post
                          And not everyone wants one. They're just too handy for work to get ahold of you.
                          That's why work did not have mine back in my retail days.
                          "500 bucks, that's almost a million!"
                          ~Curly from the 3 Stooges


                          • #14
                            Work has never had my cell number, either. When they asked, I told I didn't have a cell phone. I can count on one had and have fingers left over how many people have my cell number.

                            When I was at Hast., we didn't let people use our phone. We had at one time, but it was stopped due to people abusing the privilege. We were given permission to tell anyone asking that it was for store employee use only and there was a pay phone between us and the grocery store next door.
                            It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                            • #15
                              You know, I've never had a problem saying no if I really didn't want to work on a day off. Basically, the only times I refused a request was if I was called to cover graveyard (the only shift I truly hate to work) at the last minute, or if I was busy with an important project at home. If I was just enjoying a lazy day and they called for help on first or second shift, I'd usually go ahead and work if they called.
                              The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

                              Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

