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Dealings with "Duck"

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  • Dealings with "Duck"

    Keep in mind that some of this was told to me by others. This is just what little I know about this crazy story. I witnessed enough to find it believeable, though.

    We have this old man who was recently banned from the store by the manager. Everyone calls him "Duck," so that is the only name by which I know him. There is a long history of him hanging around our store, so I don't know exactly where to begin with this tale.

    So far as I know, Duck started hanging around our store late last winter/early spring. He is definitely one of our local kooks, otherwise I wouldn't be posting about this. However, I'm beginning to believe that kook may be an understatement. The guy (Mark) we had working third shift at the time got Duck started hanging around the store. Mark had worked for the company for years. The company completely tore down and built a new store at our location last summer, so they gave the employees the option of layoff or temporary transfer while rebuilding. Mark had taken layoff during that time. He returned to work after the store reopened, but he didn't seem to want to do his shift duties any more. That's when Duck started hanging around. Mark had convinced the manager to order Bruton Snuff because we had some requests for it. Come to find out, Mark was giving Duck the cans of Bruton Snuff to pay him for doing the shift duties Mark didn't want to do. Eventually, Mark found a job elsewhere and quit. Duck continued to pop in at random times of day and night.

    For a while, Duck seemed relatively harmless, but annoying. On average, I could only understand about 1 out of every 10 words he spoke. Most of what he said was just rattling gibberish to my ears, but I tried to humor him like I was listening as I went about my work.

    During the summer, Duck would frequently park his truck on our lot and try to sell produce from his garden until we'd catch him and tell him to stop. He would constantly try to engage customers in conversations until they'd break away on their own, or we'd tell him he can't be harassing people on store property.

    As time progressed, he seemed to grow further and further out of touch with reality. We all felt a bit sorry for him because he didn't seem to have much, but it eventually became clear that we had to put a stop to his antics.

    Once we broke him of the habit of trying to sell produce and other things on the parking lot, he started panhandling for "gas money." It got to be a daily battle to tell him to stop it.

    Then, there was the day that he made a suggestive comment to the assistant manager about wanting to "suck her sweet lips." She made him leave. A short time later, we found out from his daughter that he'd been living with her, but she kicked him out after she caught him peeping on her while she was in the shower. Incidentally, he'd told a customer that his daughter was telling everyone she caught him peeping on her and kicked him out, but he actually just feel into the bathroom door while walking down the hall.

    He was later arrested by police at one of our sister stores. The clerk there had called the police on him after his daughter had stopped there to get help because he was following her.

    A few days ago, we hired a new clerk for third shift. She said that Duck paid the store a visit. He approached a customer at a gas pump and scared her to death because he was ranting about some whore who stole all his money. The customer ran into the store trying to get away from him. The clerk went out there to tell him to leave, and he was ranting about his gas tank being stopped up. He had a lighter in his hand and was trying to look down the gas tank.

    One of our clerks kicked him out because he tried to sell her a birthday cake and argued when she told him no. He tried to sell it to other customers, and she told him to stop bothering customers. So, she and a regular escorted him outside. He got in his car and spun the tires backing out of the parking space. He then pulled up to the door and said he was sorry and that he wouldn't eat if she was mad. She told him she wasn't mad, but he couldn't be behaving like he was. He spun out again as he left.

    That was when the manager issued the ban. She told him a couple of days ago. That night, he came in while I was working. I told him he'd been banned, but he tried to ignore me. He headed on to the beer coolers, so I confronted him there and told him to leave or I'd call police. He ran out the door rambling. He spun out on the lot and sped off erratically down the road. I called the police and gave them the plate number and description, and told them what happened. I was afraid he'd hurt or kill someone driving like that. I haven't seen him since then.

    The sad part is that there are plenty more incidents like these that I don't know as well. I've heard the stories. I can just tell you some of what I've been told directly or witnessed. Talk about crazy! The ban should have come much sooner in my opinion, but better late than never.
    Last edited by aurelemsrealm; 01-10-2008, 06:34 PM.
    The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

    Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

  • #2
    Ok, I'm certainly not a medical professional, but his actions don't appear to be from someone with a sound and healthy mind. And he's driving!?!?! Shouldn't the police be doing something to keep him off the streets if he isn't stable and from your posting, I feel very afraid.
    A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


    • #3
      I would have thought a ban would have been issued immediately after he tried to look in the gas tanks with his lighter. If I remember my chemistry correctly, fire + gas = Boom.


      • #4
        Geez. Duck may very well have some kind of psychological issues. Especially if he's old. The problem is, they can take away a license, but that won't stop him from trying to drive. My grandfather was getting really strange towards the end and his eyesight was lousy and he still picked the lock on the Club we put on his car and went joyriding.


        • #5
          My mom has gotten dangerous to drive, but she wasn't about to stop even after flunking an independent driving test. (Miss 3 and they tell you you shouldn't be driving. Mom missed 19. )

          So my little brother simply took her car home with him.


          • #6
            Now, I do know that Duck is on multiple medications. One of the other regulars helped Duck sort his medications and portion them into dosages one night because Duck is illiterate. I feel sorry for the guy even though he gets on my nerves because he likes to chatter on and I can only understand 1 or every 10 words he speaks. That's why I just humored him so long as he seemed harmless. On the other hand, you can't reason with him because he won't shut up long enough to listen. Which is why I never tried to carry on a conversation with him once he was done rattling.

            I don't know if he's now homeless because his daughter kicked him out, but I do know that I've found him sleeping in his vehicle multiple times on the lot. Those times he always left on his own shortly after I woke him up to see if he was okay. He's never acted dangerous toward me, but he has started to concern the girls. I'm now the only guy who works at the store, but we do have a few regulars, mostly old men, who like to hang around like it's Cheers. That last time, though, he was the most incoherent that I'd ever seen him. I've never really been certain that he was sound in mind, but he always seemed to manage previously.

            At any rate, I haven't seen him since the night I had to ask him to leave. Maybe the police picked him up because I told them he was driving erratically when he left. I just hope no one gets injured or killed as a result of his driving. All I know is that he needs professional help, and no one seems to be stepping in to get it for him.
            The Borg wouldn't know fun if they assimilated an amusement park. -- B'Elanna Torres, Star Trek: Voyager

            Math! Math, my dear boy, is but the lesbian sister of Biology. -- Peter Griffin, Family Guy

