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Rude, holiday shoppers.

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  • Rude, holiday shoppers.

    It was the holidays and we were SLAMMED. I took a small break when it was slow to run over to McDonalds(tells you how desperate I was for a fast meal, I hate McDonalds) real fast to snag something off of the dollar menu and when I got back...oh, jeebus! We were packed!

    So, I sat down at the front counter to snarf my food down. Our store is about 4000 sqare feet, we had over 5000 square feet worth of merchandise. There aren't many places you can sit down to eat. So, if there's a free space at the counter, you better take it, speed eat, try not to hurl, and get right back to work.

    I noticed this woman staring at me, just...staring. No, more like glaring at me to get my attention.

    I asked, "can I help you?"

    SC- Do you work here?(At this point she already has an attitude and a scowl on her face)

    Okay, strike one. I'm sitting behind the counter. I have my uniform and name tag on. And I just asked if I could help you! Not only that, but if I could actually, physically feel you staring at me, I would have turned around sooner. Maybe you would have been in a better mood. That's the biggest way to turn me off. If you walk in with a bad attitude, I'm not going too far out of my way to help you. It's not a revenge thing, it's more of a not-wanting-to-deal-with-an-asshole thing.

    Me- Yes.
    SC- I need help.
    Me- Okay...
    SC- Where is your drawing supplies. (Yes, bad grammar I realize, but she really said that!)

    Strike two. They were literally, in plain sight, six steps to her right.

    Me- They are right over there. *points to them*
    SC- okay...

    I quickly sit back down to eat.

    I finish up when Swordsman got stuck helping her. She said to him, loud enough for me to hear, "I guess her time is too PRECIOUS to help me! I asked her for help and she just kept sitting there!"

    WTF? If there was room in our back office to eat, I would have eaten there! Also, how much help do you possibly need? For art supplies, we have sketch pads and crayons! That's it!

    That's strike three! I didn't know you needed help with the function of crayons and sketch pads! If I could read minds, I wouldn't be working here, I would be saving the world with the other X-men! After you pick up your welfare check, you can go back to your double wide and rot for all I care, you passive agressive leech on society!

    Seriously, we retail associates are humans who have to eat too. I hate it when someone thinks that I'm some robot that runs on service and a smile as my fuel.

    Now that the holidays are over, I will go into the back to eat meals so no one will bother me, but I guess you kinda hope that someone will have common coutesy. I swear, holiday shoppers are a superior, meaner breed of SC.
    Check out my cosplay social group!

  • #2
    I hate, hate, HATE it when somebody snags me on my break. I've already spent five of my fifteen minutes finding something I to eat, I'd love to spend another five minutes of my own time helping you to find that thing right behind you. Everybody knows we clerks don't actually need to eat, we just like to put on a show.
    The High Priest is an Illusion!


    • #3
      Hell yeah, Chicken! AND she had an attitude about it which made it ten times worse. I can understand if they don't know that you're on your break, but come on! Isn't eating the biggest sign that someone is off duty?

      I could understand her frustration, not the 'tude, if I wasn't doing anything.
      Check out my cosplay social group!

