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Exact... measurments.... Riiiiiight

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  • #16
    While I'm not condoning Gaudemeus attitude or approach, I think it came up in an earlier post that he has some physical issue for which he has been unable to get the help he needs. Oh, found the post .

    So, I guess we need an update as to why G is still in Hulk mode.
    Last edited by wagegoth; 01-12-2008, 07:36 PM.
    Labor boards have info on local laws for free
    HR believes the first person in the door
    Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
    Document everything
    CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


    • #17
      Quoth Peppergirl View Post
      While I agree with the general consensus that the OP was rude, I strongly disagree with this statement.
      ok perhaps I should have said, it is one of the main reasons that we have sucky customers, I totally agree that managers caving on the rules is another equally major reason.
      I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


      • #18
        Either Gaudemeus is a liar, or he manages to skate through life getting away with pretty much anything. I go with the former.
        Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


        • #19
          Quoth ShootMePlease View Post
          Either Gaudemeus is a liar, or he manages to skate through life getting away with pretty much anything. I go with the former.
          While I have a huge problem with the OP, the fact remains that we do not call out other members on this board. You may feel the OP is embellishing, but it was completely uncalled for to say he is a liar.

          As for the physical problems the OP may be experiencing, that does not excuse being rude.

          I have been in chronic sciatic nerve pain for over 14 years due to damage caused by a tumor. There are times I could just scream, because I am forced to wear steel-toed safety shoes at work, yet I would NEVER speak to my customers in that manner.
          After all, they do ultimately contribute to my paycheque.
          Last edited by Ree; 01-13-2008, 03:40 AM.
          Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


          • #20
            I still have my job, yes. But only just barely. I was called in and given a verbal warning about being rude to the customers and told to personally give a verbal and handwritten apology to the woman in question. What I said was very wrong, and I'm not going to deny it. I wasn't trying to be 'cool' or embellish my story, I was a downright ass to this woman.

            I do 'skate through life' saying the things that I say, and more often than not the situation warrants a sharp blow to the ego to cool someones jets a little when they get riled up. The three stories I posted were not all that had happened that day. I had to deal with police, another employee trying to get me fired (which fell through because I'm not the kind of person to do the thing that I was accused of), and another case of mistaken identity on my break which I barely escaped because the guy saw my name tag. Before you go calling me a liar and blasting me for my overkill, just know that what happened happened near the end of a very rough day and what little patience I have had been blown away hours ago by the near-firing.

            In what little defense I can put up for myself at this point, this woman has been a problem in the store before, according to other employees.
            Do you know what the chain of command is here? It's the chain I go get and beat you with to show you who's in command.


            • #21
              Quoth volatile View Post
              Whenever I read any story on CS I assume there is some degree of embellishment or exaggeration.
              I don't. You see, my stories about Dyslexic Schizophrenics aren't embellished. If anything, they're understated. To tell the whole truth about that place...

              I've tried. Do you have any idea how distressing it is to try to tell somebody everything about that place, and actually see the look of disbelief on their face? To actually hear them say that it can't possibly be as bad as I'm making it out to be? And know that they are completely wrong, and that it's worse?

              I've seen the customers. I've seen the managers. I've seen the co-workers.

              I don't doubt the stories here. I've lived through some facet of most all of them.


              • #22
                Quoth Pedersen View Post
                I don't doubt the stories here. I've lived through some facet of most all of them.
                Same here. I've been in retail far too long and believe I have pretty much seen it all.

                But I fear I could be wrong. *gasp*

                I have, through the years, said some pretty awful things to some pretty awful SCs who have been excessively abusive and impossible to please. I'm never proud of myself after saying them and unfortunately I ended up feeling worse than I would have if I'd kept my big mouth shut.

                Things have gotten a bit better in my old age but several years ago I received a 'talking to' more than once. Each time was due to my reaction to abusive SCs.

                After only being at the store for a few months, a stinky, toothless jackass spit in my face because I wouldn't give him a discount on a house plant that he thought should be on sale. That time I didn't even talk back to him...just wouldn't give him the sale price on a plant that wasn't on sale.

                When I reported the jackass to the store director, his response was to send a co-worker over to apologize to the jackass and give him any plants he wanted for the sale price.

                I had been assaulted and they apologized to him??? I knew from that point on that I was nothing more than a POS to management.

                Retail Haiku:
                Depression sets in.
                The hellhole is calling me ~
                I don't want to go.


                • #23
                  Hostile Work Environment.

                  Accessory to the fact of Assault.

                  Whatever - I would have absolutely gone for your manager's throat at that point, Head Office, HR Department, local papers, the lot. To some extent, I would shrug off some levels of physical attack, but if a customer spits in my face I am gonna rip his f^cking tongue out.

                  I hope you had a medical check soon afterwards.


                  • #24
                    Yeah, being spit on is considered assault up here too. Definitely would stick it to the manager. Well, if I didn't throw the guy out myself anyway. If management's so intent on ass kissing, stuff a coupon in the back of his jeans before you throw him out on his face.

                    That way he has something to look forward too when he regains consciousness. ;9


                    • #25
                      Quoth Pedersen View Post
                      I don't. You see, my stories about Dyslexic Schizophrenics aren't embellished. If anything, they're understated. To tell the whole truth about that place...

                      I've tried. Do you have any idea how distressing it is to try to tell somebody everything about that place, and actually see the look of disbelief on their face? To actually hear them say that it can't possibly be as bad as I'm making it out to be? And know that they are completely wrong, and that it's worse?

                      I've seen the customers. I've seen the managers. I've seen the co-workers.

                      I don't doubt the stories here. I've lived through some facet of most all of them.
                      I didn't say I doubt the situations the stories are written about. What I sometimes doubt is the responses given to the customers by the posters. I know there are cases where it's 100% true and no garnish is added, but I find that most people are passive aggressive. (My opinion, of course.) Even hearing stories in real life and seeing the event actually happen...they embellish. Hell, I embellish a little. I wasn't criticizing the OP I was just making a statement since people were jumping all over the OP. I was just saying it is something to consider before you jump to conclusions and condemn him.


                      • #26
                        I worked retail/customer service for over 25 years, so yu know that I have seen and heard it all.
                        Yes I have heard outrageous things come out of customer's mouths, but maybe 4 times did I ever hear an employee be as rude as this poster. So I tend to disbelieve it when I hear that an employee has bragged about how nasty they have been to a csutomer. We have all been very rude and told off the assorted nasty customer. We just did it in our imaginations, or went into the break room to yell a bit. So count me as one former retail worker who just doesn't buy the story.
                        Last edited by texasbelle5; 01-13-2008, 08:14 PM.


                        • #27
                          You know something? I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say this. It's not politically correct, and I make no apologies for it. Here goes.

                          Don't try to tell Gaudemaus, or anyone else, how they should act without ever knowing anything besides the words they put on the screen.

                          Did he over-react to a situation that could possibly have been resolved another way? Yes, he did. Does that make it right? No, it doesn't. But who are we, simply other people living our lives the best we can, to tell him what he did was 'unacceptable'? We've all been there, at one time or another. We've all dealt with people who seemed like they would have gotten laughed off "Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?" And sometimes, yes, we all wish we could have put that person in their place.

                          I'm not justifying the chewing out of a customer. I think that's unprofessional. But given the kind of day he was having? I think it's probably best he only responded verbally to the pressures he'd been under. People have been known to snap and do much worse things with far less provocation.

                          So, in closing... leave the man alone, please? He knows he didn't handle it well, he doesn't need a hundred faceless people shoving his mistake back at him. We come to this site to complain about the idiots and fools we meet on a daily basis. We've proven that the same behavior patterns exist worldwide. Just let him go about his work, and let's get back to laughing at the inherent and apparently unredeemable stupidity of the human race. We're not here to make excuses or to belittle each other, we're here to laugh at people who wouldn't understand why we're laughing, and to lessen the pain of having to deal with them. So let's please just leave moral judgements out of this, and go back to being entertainment and a way to vent our frustrations.
                          Dealer hits... 21. Table loses.

                          This happens more often than most people want to believe.


                          • #28
                            Quoth Tuxian View Post
                            So, in closing... leave the man alone, please? He knows he didn't handle it well, he doesn't need a hundred faceless people shoving his mistake back at him. We come to this site to complain about the idiots and fools we meet on a daily basis. We've proven that the same behavior patterns exist worldwide. Just let him go about his work, and let's get back to laughing at the inherent and apparently unredeemable stupidity of the human race.
                            Your point is invalid due to the fact he elected to post this on a public forum thus asking for and opening himself up to feedback and criticism of a hundred faceless people as you put it. The community on CS doesn't like sucky customer service anymore then it likes sucky customers and we tend to respond in kind. its good that he realizes he was out of line, but he elected to post a story about him being out of line ( without a shred of remorse to begin with ). Thus we are free to point out he was in fact out of line.

                            If you post it here, we will comment on it. Even if you do not like the feedback you receive. You volunteered for said feedback by posting it to begin with.


                            • #29
                              Tuxian, you are entitled to your opinion, as are the others who have posted.

                              We aren't supposed to tear each other down, but I certainly don't expect people to pat someone on the back if they are posting of a nasty experience to which they, themselves, may have contributed, or if we see self-destructive behaviour in others.

                              Part of being a member on this site is the community, and that means offering advice.
                              This site is about sucky customers, but if a person posts about a customer who is only trying to get their shopping done, and has only made a request of an employee that falls within the employee's job description, or within the realm of normal customer service, but the employee has come across very badly, no matter what the reasons, then why not tell them where they can make improvements so they don't end up in hot water, or possibly out of a job?

                              As for the comments that the story may be embellished, I have already pointed out that members can keep that opinion to themselves.

                              That attitude is not constructive at all.

                              I think, on that note, I am going to close this, as I can only see more of the same bickering and accusations continuing here.
                              Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

