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Please tell me you're not serious?

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  • Please tell me you're not serious?

    Along the lines of the thread that showed up today about whoever it was who walked out after his DM told him his friend was going to hell for committing suicide (sorry, I forgot your name).

    I had a customer through my line today, and, I forget what happened to get us talking about this, but she mentioned something about God, and, me being me, I asked her, "Is that with a capital G or a lowercase g?"
    She responded, "Oh, that would be the big one, thank you for sending down your only son (yap yap yap)."
    I think she was saying it was a good thing I'm tall... I forget. But, suddenly, I had an urge to ask, "So, is it 'God's will' that I have a stroke before I turned 18? :anger:"
    To which she takes a step back, and replies, "No, that's due to all the sin in the world."

    Wait... so, the world is at fault for my stroke? Wow, I didn't know everyone in the world got into my head at once and caused me to get a migraine severe enough for me to lose my left side.

    What. The. CRAP?
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    this lady apparently doesn't count herself as being part of that world, because like most people who are, how do I put this lightly? To me I guess they're just overly relegious, but anyway, they'll turn blame to anyone but themselves for the evils of the world. Kinda like how one relegion will blame another for all the pain in the world and vice versa, it's a vicious cycle, and if they'd have the cahones to stop and look at themselves they'd see they aren't any better.

    Seriously what is it with all these relegious nuts who get off on telling people how bad they are and don't even realize that they're doing the very thing they claim to be wrong? That's what sicken me about relegion and why I choose not to follow any. Nearly every single one damns you if you don't follow them. It's a man made thing meant to control people, to keep the order, but because of the world we now live in relegions are constantly at each others throats because they don't want compromise they want total control over peoples moral beliefs. Don't get me wrong relegion has done a great deal of good, but it hasn't done the best good, meanwhile it's certainly done the most harm. Don't believe me? How many wars have been fought over relegion? Can anyone count that high? Look at the millions of lives lost in the crusades. They even worshipped the same God, but ah! Different forms of worship!

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is, relegion isn't what it used to be, people think because they are a part of a larger group and have been told that that group can do no wrong so long as they do what they're told by the people closest to God(which in itself is contradictory, seeing as how they claim that God created all people equally therfore equally close to Him.) The people refuse to step back and look at themselves individually and as individuals look at the relegion they follow.
    [/end rant]

    as an end note I know alot of this post seems a bit off topic, and very likely is, I'm just trying to make a point with my comments. People are too afraid to just accept that shit happens in nature and it can't be controlled, so they blame everyonelse and their bad vibes. Seriously, bad vibes? Bad vibes don't make people sick, nature trying to thin an outrageously large human population makes people sick, of course all the idiots get saved and have a bunch of kids thus contributing to the problem. Oh look, I just went off on another tangent....I'm gonna go now.
    Last edited by d962831; 01-12-2008, 03:06 AM.
    We Pick Up the Pieces


    • #3
      Threads like this are why we have

      This is not really about sucky customers at all.
      It's just another 'kick the Christians and point out the idiocy of their ways' thread.

      Closing it.

      If anyone feels this is an issue that needs to be discussed, yet again, then feel free to open the debate on fratching and confine the discussions over here to actual sucky customer-related topics.
      Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

