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Who Opened The Gates To Crazyland?

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  • #16
    My head is spinning from that woman's reasoning and math skills.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


    • #17
      Quoth JuniorMintz View Post

      Holy freakin' hell, that just broke my brain!
      Mine too. Now I eikvgjhnkvlfjdfGUIhkjfgnnjklh%hbnfhnnsbg#&(*@hdjkd cnxwf...
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #18
        Is this the Millenium Edition of Ebonic Math? Or, as a well-known OS manufacturer would probably call it: EbMath Me?

        And yes, TonyDonuts, I've learned a long time ago to never question logic. One will find themselves on the path of madness othewise.
        Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


        • #19
          I would have said, "No I don't know how to make over a hundred pennies from a dollar. Can you show me?"

          Then patiently wait for that explanation...


          • #20
            Oh lordy...and to think,thers no way to round up folks like this to reign them in.


            • #21
              I'm sorry, but that woman sounds like a real winner. This story definately deserves hysterical laughter... I'm gonna have to tell this one to my hubby!!

              If I was in that situation, I'd probably laugh in her face - and I know I'm bad at math, but wow, not that bad . . .
              This area is left blank for a reason.


              • #22
                Well if this lady knows the secret of making a dollar equal more than one hundred pennies AND can get away with doing it, I want to know too. That little skill would come in so handy when it's bill-paying time . . . Unfortunately you probably have to be as crazy as a sh*thouse rat to use it. She sure seemed to be. Good grief.


                • #23
                  Maybe the secret is in the Bible section, where she learned a perversely commercial version of the ever-popular item duplication exploit from the prophets.

                  You know, the loaves and fishes feeding the masses, the jugs of oil for the widow, food from heaven? She seemed to be lacking in miracle-working prowess, unfortunately.

                  Time will tell. Perhaps she'll next be spotted at a fast-food haven with a fistful of coupons, commanding the beleaguered cashier to turn them into a meal. "But, ma'am, they're 1/100th of a cent cash value!"



                  • #24
                    bwhaa? I think, I hope she was just trying to get a rise out of you ...somehow I doubt it.


                    • #25
                      Quoth Mark Healey View Post
                      This doesn't sound like your garden variety bonehead. I'd be willing to be that there is some organic mental illness there.
                      I'd have to agree; there's some kind of disconnect from reality there. Schizophrenia at a wild guess.

                      (I'm really going to have to break myself of this habit of trying to diagnose people I've never met!!)


                      • #26
                        Quoth NightAngel View Post
                        Me: "With the special it'll be $10.69 after tax."
                        Her: "Okay, take it out of this." and she pulls out a $1.00 bill.
                        Me: "That's a one."
                        Her: "Yeah, just take it out of this."
                        Me: "That's not enough money. It costs $10.69 you're $9.69 short."
                        Her: "You mean you work with money and you don't know how to do it?"
                        Me: "Do what?"
                        Her: "Add, subtract then divide and make it work."

                        Her: "You count a dollar as more than a hundred pennies?"
                        CW: "A dollar IS a hundred pennies."
                        Her: "So, you countin' it as more?"
                        CW: "No. It's the same. One dollar is one hundred pennies."
                        Her: "You know how to add, subtract and divide to make this work to over a hundred pennies?"
                        That customer needs to take a math and/or an accounting class. There's no way that $1 can be more than 100 pennies since 1 penny is equal to 1 cent therefore $1 is equal to 100 cents.

                        Where would the customer get the idea to pay $1 for an item that's more than $10? You get change back when you give the cashier/checker more than the amount shown like the following example.

                        Me(after ringing the items): That'll be $10.59.
                        Customer(handing me a $10): Here you go.
                        Me: This is a 10.
                        Customer: Sorry. (reaches for purse or pocket, pulls out $1, and hands it to me)
                        I ring in the amount and hand the customer the change or the change comes out of the coin tower.
                        Me: Have a nice day.
                        Customer thanks me and leaves satisfied.
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