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The stampeed before the storm

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  • The stampeed before the storm

    They are predicting that we will get up to a foot of snow in th Northeast in the latest snowstorm. I can never understand why the possibility of a foot of snow, in New England, makes people feel the need to buy $200 of groceries, but whatever. Her are a few of the memorable SC's.....

    The It's too busy lady
    Our FEM is walking down one of the aisles, to check for a possible spill when this sc approaches.
    SC: Your store is too crowded!!!!!
    FEM: well they are predicting a major snow storm, so many peopk come out to do some extra shopping.
    SC: But it's tooooooooo crowded. What about the safety of customers. What if their was fire!?
    FEM: Well, our store has 100% coverage of sprinklers, fire alarms and smoke dectors. We have policies in place on how to evacuate the build in the even to of a fire. All the employees are trained.
    SC: You just want me to die!!!!! I'm calling your boss, his boss, the newspapers, the TV, everyone!!!!!!! *walks off*

    About 5 min later SC approaches FEM at podium.
    SC: What is your bosses name, so i know to to tell shoudl be fired.
    FEM: The general manager is Billy Bob, he can be reached by calling the store and pressing <extension>.
    SC: write that down.
    FEM: *opens drawer and retrieves business card* Her is the store business card, i wrote the GM's name and ext. on the back.
    SC: So I can get him i trouble, how do I contact corp.
    FEM: *hands SC business card with consumer contact info on it for corp.*

    SC pays, and leaves.

    I'm calling the Health dept.
    A bunch of employees are in the break room, along with the FEM, now FEM and MOD. We are all chatting when he phone rings.
    FEM/MOD: *sigh....* I'll be back.
    Head Cashier: what happened?
    FEM/MOD: I'm not sure.

    About 5 min. later FEM/MED returns.

    FEM/MOD: People are stupid.
    Other employee: why?
    FEM/MOD: A customer said we were going to kill people because we d no have <product x> frozen.
    HC: Huh?
    FEM/MOD: well this lady saw that we had bacon stored in a refrigerated case, like we always have, and she has it had to be frozen. I showed he where it says on the package "Keep Refrigerated, Below 41F" but she would believe me and walked off and said she WILL call the health dept and <Health inspector name> will prove us wrong.

    If you know the health inspectors name, and do not run a restaurant, that is a good sing you have chronic complainer on your hands.

    Besides these we had more that the usual number of people ho tried to return stuff from another competitor across the street. Somehow they think that we can get competitor to refund us.

  • #2
    Wow you concocted quite an awakening story lol here's what I think!

    #1: How the hell are we to have control over a crowded store. I'd be like "Yes I see that it's crowded what do you expect me to do, shove most of the people out!?"

    #2: WTF!!! it says "keep refridgerated" but she prefers it frozen. Learn to read before arguing about something because the answer might be written down.
    Last edited by HALFHUMANHALFZOMBIE; 01-14-2008, 08:06 AM. Reason: punctuation mistake
    Providing Excellent customer service and Filtering out nonsense people.


    • #3
      Quoth mattm04 View Post
      The It's too busy lady
      Our FEM is walking down one of the aisles, to check for a possible spill when this sc approaches.
      SC: Your store is too crowded!!!!!
      FEM: well they are predicting a major snow storm, so many peopk come out to do some extra shopping.
      SC: But it's tooooooooo crowded. What about the safety of customers. What if their was fire!?

      FEM: Ah, yes, you are exactly right, the store *is* far too crowded. For your own safety, I'm going to have to require you to leave. Now.
      You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


      • #4
        Quoth mattm04 View Post
        If you know the health inspectors name, and do not run a restaurant, that is a good sing you have chronic complainer on your hands.
        she could be friends with, or related to the health sure health inspectors have friends too

        but it is still a stupid thing to complain about, especially when the evidence was shown that the product is just fine.


        • #5
          Quoth mattm04 View Post
          SC: But it's tooooooooo crowded. What about the safety of customers. What if their was fire!?
          "You're right. I'll have to ask you to leave immediately.

          Remember - don't be part of the problem, be part of the solution!"

          If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at

