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Credit Card Entitlement Whore

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  • Credit Card Entitlement Whore

    I don't mind people who expect the things they own to work, especially payment methods like checks and credit cards, after all, it's perfectly reasonable to think that if you have a card, you can use it 90% of the time. However, this customer I had last year when I worked at Weis markets really pissed me off.

    D: My Sup, Derrick, coolest Sup ever, once actually told a customer to screw off because we were busy talking about World of Warcraft and D&D, while on the clock. Granted this isn't the best thing to do, but it was a problem customer who had reduced some of our workers to tears before, so the CS desk guy quietly looked the other way, and even went out of his way to rip her complaint notice apart.
    AEEW: American Express Entitlement Whore

    AEEW walks up to the register that I'm working. I was filling in for a cashier who was running late but had called to tell us she was on her way. I was a cart/basket/bag boy at the time. AEEW has enough groceries to feed an overweight family of four for a month. BTW, guess whose job returns are? and guess how many items she had that would go bad if unrefrigerated (Read: Must be put away immediately upon return.)?

    M: -Scan, bag, and place entire order in the three carts she has brought up. Scan every coupon we have released in the past week.- "Your total is $XXX.XX."
    AEEW: -Hands me American Express Card.-
    M: "I'm sorry, ma'am, but we don't accept American Express. Do you have another form of payment?"
    AEEW: "You don' Take Am'ric'n Espress?!?"
    M: "No, Ma'am, I'm sorry, we are not allowed to accept American Express cards. Do you have another form of payment or would you like me to void your order?" Thinking 'Shit, now I get to go running around the store to get all her crap back into it's place.'
    AEEW:"I can' Believe yo don' take no Am'ric'n Espress! Le' me talk to yo man'gr."
    M: -Cover up a rolling eye movement by blinking. Press the bell for a sup.-
    One Minute Passes.
    AEEW: What's tak'n s' lon'? Call yo man'gr!"
    M: "Ma'am, I have already called my Sup. He should be here shortly."
    AEEW -Opens her mouth to bite my head off, but stops as D walks up.-
    D: "Who needs a Sup?"
    M: "Derrik! Over here!"
    D: -Walks over- "OK, what do you need?"
    AEEW: "This punk idn't lettn' me use mah Am'ric'n Espress card!"
    D: "I'm sorry, Ma'am, but we are not allowed to accept American Express as payment at this store, do you have another form of payment you'd like to use?"
    AEEW: "I CAN'T BELIEVE YO DON' TAKE AM'RIC'N ESPRESS!" -Goes on long tirade about how we're the purest of all evils for not accepting her credit card.- "JUS' FO'GET I' THEN!" -Storms out.-

    A week later, I walk in at the beginning of my shift and see her standing at the register of a female coworker. She hands over an American Express card. I walk into the co-workers till and hit the bell for a Sup. Coworker gives me a quizzical look as she says to AEEW "I'm sorry, we don't accept American Express."

    I walk out, clock in, and as I walk out to the overflowing cart port in the parking lot, I see another Sup (D wasn't on shift until later that day.) walking toward the screaming woman. On my way back in, I see her storming out, and, you guessed it, three carts full of perishable goods that need to be returned now.

    A week later, I'm bagging for a coworker, and I see her coming into the line. I tell my coworker to hit the button right then. He does. You guessed it, nothing but an AE card and three carts of perishable crap.

    Rinse, lather, repeat. Every week, either Friday or Saturday, from my first sighting, a few months into my working there, in December 06 to February 07, when I finally quit.
    "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009

  • #2

    Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

    Me thinks maybe it isn't her card.........
    I know nothing and I can prove it!


    • #3
      Oh brother.

      OT, but I got engaged at 17, too. Are you still in HS? Does anyone hassle you about it?


      • #4
        The first thing I though is that somebody really needed to pull a Chris Tucker on her. Meaning, somebody needed to say to her, "Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?!? We don't accept American Express!" Stupid twit.
        Suddenly, Vermont became the epicenter of the dystopia.


        • #5
          Quoth TwoScoopsSciath View Post
          Oh brother.

          OT, but I got engaged at 17, too. Are you still in HS? Does anyone hassle you about it?
          Yeah. We're both seniors. I proposed over Christmas break, and we announced to some of our friends the second day back. We're being unconventional and using a necklace instead of a ring, because we're doing a long engagement while we wait to work up the nerve to talk to our folks about it. (My folks are very old fasioned and don't think I should even be dating a girl yet, WTF? Her mom was a single mother to her by our age, so she thinks relationships at our age is just begging for trouble.) Anyway, now half the school knows, and that includes some of her ex-boyfriends. Which is awkward, because up until a week or two ago they were my friends. I don't get much taunting to my face, but the people who figure they should give me crap about it pile it on pretty thick...
          "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009


          • #6
            .....AHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry, but that's all I can do. Is she serious? I wonder is she suffers from short term memory loss? Either that or she is as stupid as she appears.
            We Pick Up the Pieces


            • #7
              dude... i would have cut her card.... but then im kind of a bitch...


              • #8
                In this case, I don't know who is worse. The SC or management for not FLAGGING HER INFO so that this did not waste the time and money of the store every freakin' time she comes in.

                Seriously, how stupid is that? They actually are losing money on this stupid bitch by having to put away all that crap she piled up.
                "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                • #9
                  I'd have banned her arse after the 2nd time. Does she honestly think it's just as matter of a manager approving it? Do these people not know accepting certain cards mean a hell of a lot more than that?

                  We have a sticker on one of our front doors that says American Express Travelers Checks accepted here. That sticker has been there since long before we were and we've been there 14 years now. I've had a few people argue that we do accept the card based on that damn sticker. More than once I've challenged someone to actually read it on their way out the door and don't let it hit them in the nose on the way out.

                  "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


                  • #10
                    I'm surprised, too, that management didn't ban her after the 2nd or 3rd time.
                    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

                    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


                    • #11
                      I know its off topic of the amex story but I think its VERY sweet/cute to use a necklace for an engagement instead of a ring. I've never heard of such a thing and I really like it.

                      I got engaged to my fiance when I was 16. Seven years later, we're still together and to hell with our parents. Hehe. Good luck to the both of you and I hope things go well

                      Now onto the Amex chick. You'd think she'd get the hint... LOL Is it because Amex requires a pin that your store didn't take it? Just curious.


                      • #12
                        With "people" like that, I seriously wonder if they're just so concrete-thick that if you hit them upside the head, bits of concrete and plaster would flow out of the wound. I bet the coroner would need a jackhammer to do the autopsy on her.


                        • #13
                          Amex is one of the least excepted cards around, with Discover being a close second. It's fairly common for a business not to take Amex, since from what I understand they charge the business more for the cards usage than other credit cards do.

                          I'm suprised she didn't wipe out a diner's club card.
                          Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


                          • #14
                            awww the only way you could be cuter with the fiance is if your wedding rings where wooden (to go the different route) and congrates...


                            • #15
                              My nephew proposed to his girlfriend this Christmas they are High School Seniors, too. They are getting married after college.

                              My husband and I got together when we were eighteen and its been over 16 happy years so far. Congratulations.

                              As for the AmEx biotch, too bad no one ever noticed her as she was entering the store - "Ma'am if you are planning to try and use your AmEx card again this week I suggest you just leave right now and save us both a lot of time." Of course this would have probably triggered another tirade completely. With some "customers" you just can't win.
                              Since she never managed to actually purchase groceries from your store, I wonder where she did get her food. And if that store accepted her card, why didn't she just go there every week? Smells like some kind of scammer to me.

