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You know you're a retail zobie when...

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  • You know you're a retail zobie when...

    It was coming sooner or later, figured I'd throw in my 2 cents and get the ball rolling.

    "You know you're a retail zombie when...

    ...You go to your old place of employment, and upon checking out, you say the scripted goodbye to the cashier before they can say it to you."

    ... You wake up, months after your last job, and think 'What's my shift today?'"

    ... You can still remember your SPM (scans per minute) score a year after quitting your job as a cashier."

    ... You can walk into a store during business hours, and ask for the Sups by name."

    ... You have ever showed someone the way to an item they were looking for in a store you've never worked in."

    I'll come up with more later, anyone else have any?
    "Darling, you are a bitch. I'm joining the Navy." -Cinema Guy 4/30/2009

  • #2
    ... when a new employee at your old store makes a mistake with your transaction and you can talk them through fixing it up.'
    Am I sad because I am looking forward to the day when the people I will be dealing with will no longer be able to talk back?


    • #3
      Your husband comes home after you've worked a particularly long shift, and you greet him at the door with, "Hi there! What can I get for you today?"

      I swear to you all, I have done this. My husband's response was, not surprisingly, obscene.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        ...when you're shopping in a store you used to work in and overhear someone else ask a current employee where an item is and state its location before the employee can process what is being asked.
        ...when you know more about store policy than the assistant manager on duty
        We Pick Up the Pieces


        • #5
          Quoth Shards View Post
          ... You have ever showed someone the way to an item they were looking for in a store you've never been in."
          Edited for increased ridiculousness, while maintaining truthfulness. And truthiness.

          And my input:

          You know you're a retail zombie when...

          ...You've found yourself habitually facing shelves as you pass through a store.

          ...You can remember the shifts at your old workplace and know when not to shop there to avoid people you didn't like working with.
          ...You avoid your ex-workplace like the plague, but keep wanting to drop by to see the people you did like working with.

          ...You measure time by when your workplace/former workplace was last renovated/changed management/bomb threatened/et cetera.

          ...You've ever been called in to cover someone's shift at work over a year after having stopped working there.
          (corollary)...And still had your work shirt.
          (corollary)...And actually went in to cover someone.
          (corollary)...And outperformed the employees who replaced you.
          "I'm not a crazed gunman, dad, I'm an assassin... Well, the difference being one is a job and the other's mental sickness!" -The Sniper


          • #6
            .... when you answer the phone (at home or anywhere else) and you do your work spiel instead of "hello?"

            .... when you have incredible patience for a retail worker when they're either busy, frustrated, flustered or messed up your transaction.
            This area is left blank for a reason.


            • #7
              You go into your company's stores in other cities and take notes of how they look and how competent and helpful the employees seem to be.

              If you decide against buying an item in your cart, you put it back in its correct place because you understand the trouble employees have to go through to put returns away.

              When you're shopping and you ask for help, you use retail terms like "endcap" or "planogram"
              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


              • #8
                Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                .... when you answer the phone (at home or anywhere else) and you do your work spiel instead of "hello?"
                My Mom and I used to have that problem
                Be like the flower that perfumes the very hand that crushes it.


                • #9
                  You know you're a retail zombie when...

                  You come in for some items, you see a woman scrutinizing a series of items and you feel the urge to say "Are you looking for something in particular?"

                  I did this today.
                  Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

                  "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


                  • #10
                    From when I worked as a Barista

                    3 and a half years after working at your store you can still repeat the ingredients for all the drinks.

                    You have taught several confused employees at your old store how to use the cash register while ordering your drink

                    From working at an amusement park:

                    You help people can their ride bands while standing behind them

                    You can repeat the safety warnings and have to quell the urge to tell people not run on the metal surfaces

                    Your co-workers say to you "When you working" even though you haven't worked there in 2 years!


                    • #11
                      ... When you remember product codes for common produce items (cucumbers, red onions, etc), and rattle them off to the cashier while they are looking over their sheet full of codes.

                      ... When you remember product codes for UNcommon produce items (fiddleheads, aloe leaves), and rattle them off to the cashier while they are looking over their sheet full of codes.
                      ... It's been nearly 5 years.
                      ... And you do not immediately feel shame for remembering those.

                      ... You rejoice when you find out that manager you always despised was canned for one reason or another.
                      ... And you buy food for a celebratory dinner on that same visit.


                      • #12
                        You know the SKU number of a product(s) months after you stopped working at the store.

                        You can easily identify and match UPC codes on store shelves faster than any normal customer. - And I still do.


                        • #13
                 feel the need to collect shopping carts at stores that aren't even yours.

                 constantly have to stop yourself from greeting customers and telling them to have a nice day at stores you don't work at.
                          DS Andy Cartwright: Everyone and their mums is packin’ round here!
                          Nicholas Angel: Like who?
                          DS Andy Wainwright: Farmers.
                          Nicholas Angel: Who else?
                          DS Andy Cartwright: Farmers’ mums.


                          • #14
                            After managing a Subway for seven years...

                   know exactly in what order to give your ingredients to the sandwich maker because you remember what order they need to grab them, and you answer all of their questions before they have a chance to ask them (I want a footlong toasting...)

                            ...and then unsuccessfully fight the urge to take the sandwich back out of the bag when they finished, because you know you can wrap it better than the person that just made it.


                            • #15
                              Quoth karma_gypsy View Post
                              .... when you answer the phone (at home or anywhere else) and you do your work spiel instead of "hello?"
                              My friends find it much funnier than it should be when I do this when answering my cell phone. I think I actually answered my cell phone "Thank you for calling *mycompany*" and the whole schpiel when one of my sups was calling to ask me to come in early once.
                              "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                              “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

