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A few SC's from my theatre days (very long)

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  • A few SC's from my theatre days (very long)

    First off, greetings! I just found this lovely site a couple of weeks back and decided that since I love reading all your stories so much, I'd submit my own for your viewing pleasure.

    Since graduating from high school, and being a movie freak, I got a job at a movie theatre around the corner from my house/apt in 2001. I worked with the same company for the next four years eventually getting myself to projection manager (my dream job), before the company got my theatre shut down by not paying the rent. Here are a few pictures of my most favoritest place in the world I worked at:

    Anywho, I here are a few stories from my days (that I can remember):

    Me: Hard working mofo
    SC: obvious
    GM: gross manager

    Jacked up sex stuff
    #1. I'm working projection one night and go to start Lemony Snickets. I look through the porthole to guage the crowd and, knowing that it's a kids movie, I see lots of kids running around. I hit the platter and thread up the movie lickady-split. Then, I notice an asian girl's head is in her counterparts lap (which it wasn't when I scanned the crowd). I back up a bit so I'm out of view and watch what is going on, as you really couldn't tell if she was going to town on him or not. About 30 seconds later, she raises her head, only for him to force it back down into his lap, only to see her trying to get it back up (I guess she realized it was a kids movie and bj's aren't cool there). I radio my manager to get up to #10 as fast as he can. So, what does he do? Runs through the auditorium. The guy backs off and I have no real proof of anything to get them to be tossed out. Arg!

    #2. I'm starting up Stealing Harvard at this smaller crap theatre I was running in Lewisville, Tx. At the time, and til the day it was sold, we did about 50-100 patrons per day. So, this guy and his girl are in the auditorium alone, listing to boring movie tunes and watching lame slides. In order to spice things up, she whips out his schlong and goes to work. He sits there, arms spread, enjoying every minute of it. I watched, intently, while the minutes flew by. I had another movie starting, so I started their show and watched to see what was going to happen. The girl lifts her head, looks around, and goes back to pleasure town. I let them be, as nobody else was going to come to the crappy show and they looked like they were having a good time.

    #3. We had a guy arrested because he was caught masterbating during one of our movies during our "Free Kids Summer Movies!!" events we threw each year. A parent saw him working his magic and notified us. Cops came out and arrested his butt. Turns out he was a sexual predator or something.

    Gross boss

    Right before my theatre was shut down, we got a new GM (gross manager), who was full of fake stories and lies. She regularly stated one thing to myself and the other projectionists, only to tell the other managers she was making it all up to seem knowledgable. Anyways, this woman was like 6'2", 270lbs. Very large. Very ugly. Very gross. Needless to say, we weren't happy about what I found out about her.

    I was in her office getting something off her desk she needed for some irrate customer she was dealing with downstairs. I saw her IE browswer up and the evil side of me checked her history. was everywhere (and I don't think the site exists anymore, you sickos!). Curious about it, I wrote down the address and pocketed it for later research. The day finished and she left while we closed up. Remembering the address was in my pocket, I went to the site and found an a-bomb.

    Our new manager was some kind of freaky submissive freak person, er, lady... thing. Her and her "Master" Keith, created the website. Thankfully, it was just started up, so there weren't any pictures, except some that she had our other manager take of her in her office and next to one of my innocent projectors!!

    Contained within the webpage was a link to 1. A seemingly endless novel about how she loves being dominated by her Master, and 2. A ignorant diatribe about the managers and how she lothed them. A few things fell into place after finding this.

    1. We now realized what the moaning sounds were coming out of her office (that, and we found her battery powered buddy in one of her desk drawers) and the resulting stench that polluted the manager's office and entire upper "lobby" (it wasn't really a lobby, but a walkway between our two booths).

    2. We realized who the big fat monstrous man that went into her office was. It was her Master, Keith. Sweet guy! /sarcasim

    3. She was sick.

    4. And, after we closed down, we realized she was a theif. While cleaning up after the theatre was shut down, $5000 in cash was found in her desk drawer, which was amazingly exactly what was short in the safe. She knew of the impending close of our beloved theatre and was going to make a break for the border with $5k. Nothing ever happened to her, as far as I know, becuase she had a legitimate reason for the money.

    Enter the sucky customers!

    Me spend money... derr
    Me: "Can I help you ma'am?"
    SC: "The ticket girl won't sell us tickets!!!"
    Me: "Me, excuse me?"
    SC: "She's just standing there laughing at us and won't sell us tickets. Get in there and tell that blonde bimbo to do her job!"

    I went and investigated. Turns out her station locked up and had to be restarted. I ignored the complaint as another manager took over who was woking in the box office, but still, what nerve did that lady have to mouth off like that? Meh.

    1 out of 5 starts of craziness.

    Filthy restrooms!!

    SC comes up in a rant with her husband:

    SC: "You need to get someone in there and clean up that restroom. I've never seen such a pigsty in my life!"
    Me: "Ok, let me get a female worker (as there were patrons inside still)."

    I get a worker and she goes in and looks around. There wasn't anything on the ground and nothing was out of place. The lady caused enough of a commotion in the lobby, the other 3 managers with me that day came over and asked me what was going on. Our worker comes out and says she doesn't see anything. One of the managers at the time, MM, goes in and checks himself. MM comes out of the restroom and states:

    MM: "There's nothing wrong with that restroom. I don't know what that lady is talking about." (in a high tone; not knowing the lady was right behind him)

    SC and MM go in and she shows him her complaint.

    They come out and she goes on her way. MM explains to me that there was sticker residue on the inside of one of the stalls (which we believe was an old handicapped sticker that was torn off).

    4 out of 5 stars for craziness.

    Phew... if you guys want more stories, let me know. I have tons! My wrists hurt, so I'm going to take a break.
    Last edited by Jbball; 01-17-2008, 08:57 PM.

  • #2
    Oh wow your stories rock!
    Some are a little gross, some disturbing - like the sexual predator one - but damn entertaining.


    • #3

      I got another good one here.

      Backstory: Irving, Tx is one of the fastest growing areas of the Muslim population in Texas and/or the USA. In order to tap into that market, we started showing "Indian" films (Telegu and some other dialect movies).

      The story: I come in for my shift, clock in, throw on my tie and sit in the office talking with some of my good folks. I get a call from the doorstand that they have some upset customers. I get downstairs to find a mob of people standing around waiting for the manager. I sigh under my breath, because I know I'm going to get my ass handed to me.

      I ascertain the problem, which is that our retarded doorman sent them to the incorrect auditorium and the crowd sat there for over 20 minutes past the start time for the movie (he sent them to #9, and it was in #15). Before I know it, I'm literally circled by 30+ Muslims yelling at me and asking me what I'm going to do to fix it.

      I kept my cool and told them I would personally restart the movie, refund their tickets, and give them all passes. They instantly calmed down and dispersed when they realized they were going to get free stuff. So, I had to refund and give tickets to the crowd already in the theatre (only like 5-10 people, and they didn't mind much) and restart the movie.

      If any of you have ever worked as a projectionist, you know there's one thing you don't do, ever... and that's restart movies. When I worked with Christie projectors/platters, the center ring (which the movie is wrapped around) makes it impossible for one to effectively restart a movie. Thankfully, I was working with Strong projectors/platters, so I could do it within 5 minutes. (I can explain anything film related to you guys )

      So, I get their movie going and all is well.


      • #4
        jbball, you're the projector expert, what do you think about the new digital projectors?
        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


        • #5
          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
          jbball, you're the projector expert, what do you think about the new digital projectors?
          I've seen the 300 and the latest Harry Potter in DLP. I have to admit, the picture quality is very nice, but, still, it is atleast a decade away from the same quality of film. The only thing that digital is the best for is the sound and no scratches, since film is easily scratched if you're a noob at it all.

          DLP projectors are still in their birth phase, so give it time. 10-20 years, everything will be digital and be run by one person, who won't need to know anything about film. I'm sure film will always be there, but digital is the future. I resisted watching anything in digital because I saw it as a replacement of my job, but after leaving the theatre business, I love it.


          • #6
            In defence of perverts...

            3. She was sick.
            To be fair, there is nothing wrong with being kinky. I have had plenty of friends and lovers who were kinky as hell (dominant, submissive, or both) and some would even describe me as kinky (though I think I am downright vanilla). There are lots of reasons why people feel the need to engage in BDSM, and most of them are perfectly sane individuals who get a special kick out of kinky play. This certainly doesn't make them bad people. That said, being a manipulative, passive aggressive, incompetent, thieving bitch makes her a bad person.

            Oh, and even ugly people need sex. That said, nobody should have it forced upin them, and it should definitely be kept out of the workplace (and off work computers).


            • #7
              Women, especially Asian women (as they are my weakness), who will do those things in a movie theater (when alone, not with kids around) are my heroes.
              "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

              Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


              • #8
                Quoth DexX View Post
                To be fair, there is nothing wrong with being kinky. I have had plenty of friends and lovers who were kinky as hell (dominant, submissive, or both) and some would even describe me as kinky (though I think I am downright vanilla). There are lots of reasons why people feel the need to engage in BDSM, and most of them are perfectly sane individuals who get a special kick out of kinky play. This certainly doesn't make them bad people. That said, being a manipulative, passive aggressive, incompetent, thieving bitch makes her a bad person.

                Oh, and even ugly people need sex. That said, nobody should have it forced upin them, and it should definitely be kept out of the workplace (and off work computers).

                Thank you. Glad you summed that up with more tact then I was going to. BDSM is just as much of a vaild sexual choice as being gay or bisexual or having a prefrance for asian women or blonde men.


                • #9
                  I think what he means by the 'sick' part, is not the whole bdsm spectrum, but the fact she was doing these things AT WORK including pleasuring herself while also at said work. That IS kidn of sick... as no matter if you have a public kink, you should take it somewhere where it's not... ooooh... illegal and without the 'viewers' (or accidental listeners) consent. there are many clubs you can do that without forcing such on your employees.

                  Also, sticker bumper lady sounds like a GEM. XP


                  • #10
                    Quoth WanderingSaint View Post
                    I think what he means by the 'sick' part, is not the whole bdsm spectrum, but the fact she was doing these things AT WORK including pleasuring herself while also at said work. That IS kidn of sick... as no matter if you have a public kink, you should take it somewhere where it's not... ooooh... illegal and without the 'viewers' (or accidental listeners) consent. there are many clubs you can do that without forcing such on your employees.

                    Also, sticker bumper lady sounds like a GEM. XP
                    You summed it up for me well.

                    We had a worker I'll call Jessie in the office getting money one day when Jessie and the manager on duty hear this loud moan.

                    Jessie: "What's that?!"
                    Manager: "Evelyn hasn't been feeling well."
                    Jessie: "That sucks."

                    Can't believe it happened with an employee in the office. You could hear her moaning through her door, down a small walk way, and then outside the main office door in that upper lobby.


                    • #11
                      I can't believe the MOD was covering for it (unless she was friends with Evelyn which is possible).

                      (I know someone who, were they to land employment, would probably be fired for stuff like that)
                      "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                      "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                      • #12
                        The manager at the time, Leo, wasn't friends with her. He just didn't want to tell Jessie what she was doing (Jessie is mormon and didn't like hearing that kinda stuff). We all hated her. Though, she was a good manager in the fact that she'd go watch movies all day and we'd run the place, or times she wouldn't even come in. So, myself and my now wife, Leo, Johnny, and Alex ran the place. We had everything going very well. Then, the landlord locked the doors and broke the keys off so we couldn't get in. Stupid home office not paying the rent. >:T

                        It's ok though. It forced me to get a real job. I'm now making more than twice per year I did working there and I have a wife and 8 month old son. I'm living it up!
                        Last edited by Jbball; 01-18-2008, 03:39 PM.


                        • #13
                          Hey, great thread we've got going here, but if people want to discuss super freaky theatre and work sex, go ahead. There are tons of places to do that on the web--but CS isn't one of those places.

                          Just letting you know.
                          I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                          Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                          • #14
                            Quoth Spiffy McMoron View Post
                            Hey, great thread we've got going here, but if people want to discuss super freaky theatre and work sex, go ahead. There are tons of places to do that on the web--but CS isn't one of those places.

                            Just letting you know.
                            My bad. Just wanted to get it out there what I dealt with, in an entertaining way to other.


                            • #15
                              Clicked the link out of curiousity. Fortunately, there was nothing there.

                              I don't understand why people have to have sex or masturbate during kid's or family films. There are other, more clean things to do if you're bored in a movie theater, such as quietly playing 'MST3K'.

                              As for the sticker residue lady, sounds like a case of OCD

