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It's like Pre-school

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  • #16
    Quoth dragonflygrrl View Post
    It never ceases to amaze me how the same person that gets up at five to jog a mile every morning can't walk ten feet to put away a cart.
    It's because they woke up @ 5am to jog that they can't walk that extra ten feet! They're too tired! Sheesh!

    OT: It's like the folks who can't tip a server on Sundays after they've been to church because they've given all their money to God in the collection plate!!
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #17
      Quoth pbmods View Post
      The other side of the corral was completely empty (well, except for my cart, that is ).
      Damn you! That other side was for MY space ship! You were the culprit!
      "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


      • #18
        I hated everything about gathering carts. I was a professional Cart Crew member, at Walmart. I hated it when, I would be bring in carts, and some dipshit, ask's if they could have one that I was pushing in. I told her NO, it would not be fair to the ones that was waiting first. I also hate it, when it was the cart guys fault, for a cart smashing into a cart. I hate it when, I see someone standing about 5ft away from the cart corral, and put it behind another car. That happened to me once, right after I got in my old truck, some jerkoff, puts it right behind mine. So ofcourse, I back up into the cart. I got out, saw what I ran into, and started in with the asshat, who done it, and he acted, like it was not his fault, even though, we were the only 2 cars right there.
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #19
          Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
          OT: It's like the folks who can't tip a server on Sundays after they've been to church because they've given all their money to God in the collection plate!!
          Don't EVEN get me started on that!

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #20
            Hi all!

            At my local supermarket/specialty mall complex thingy, we have a whole generation of SCs bred to have only one type of trolley (cart, for you yanks), and a relativley large number of trolley returns. Most customers could be trusted to get their trolley to the return. When the supermarket got new trolleys, they got ones that were from a different company, but were the same dimensions (and huge piles of shite - Wanzl trolleys are the best) and thus fitted into the old trolleys. Then a Big W opens. Two types of trolley, god forbid. Both are about the same size, and, through unspoken agreement and leadership by example, most people actually placed the Woolworths trolleys in one of the three lanes in the return, the Big W trolleys in one of the others. Some were still strewn around and shoved in the wrong place, but most people put them back in an ordered fashion. Then Coles opened. No longer could you just accidentally put one in the other line, these Coles trolleys were totally different. Then the SCs started showing thier heads. Cramming the Coles trolleys in with the Woolworths ones. Literally crowbar-to-separate cramming. I, of course, would spend a few minutes to sort this out (most came apart without crowbars), and put the things back in the right section.
            Then a fourth supermarket opens (an Asian grocery, to be exact.).
            All hell breaks loose. Becasue of the little Asian ladies (don't ask about the car) that push them, they have to have tiny trolleys. Trolleys that don't fit into any other the others. Soluton? Put them in anyway and destroy everything! Leave them in car spaces! Gaaaahhhh!!!!
            God, we shouldn't trust customers with trolleys.
            I think, therefore I am. But I am micromanaged, therefore I am not.


            • #21
              "Asshat: Do you need a cart?
              Me: Yeah, but I'm not taking yours 'cause you're too lazy to walk to the cart return two spaces over! "

              Not to be a killjoy, here, but how do you know he wasn't going to put his cart away when he was done?

              I don't coral carts, nor have I ever BUT I have voluntarily removed them from the HANDICAPPED SPOT because this town is lousy with complete and utter morons who think that the handicapped spot is a freaking cart coral.


              • #22
                While we're on the subject of handicapped spaces and cart corrals, can anyone tell me why a store would put the cart corrals *the friggin' width of the parking lot* away from the handicapped spaces?

                You can't walk more than about half a block without pain. Doing your grocery shopping is going to put you in bed for the rest of the day. So you have your choice of:

                -- parking next to the cart corral so you can put your cart away when you're done, walking the extra distance to and from the store entrance


                -- parking in the handicapped spot and either ditching the cart or walking back into the store to put the cart away

                So you've got choices, ask for help out and get sneered at or have to wait, ditch the cart, or cause yourself more pain and more dependence on your pain meds.

                Wouldn't the logic be to have a cart corral next to the handicapped spaces? So how come nobody does? Any thoughts?


                • #23
                  Quoth morgana View Post
                  Wouldn't the logic be to have a cart corral next to the handicapped spaces? So how come nobody does? Any thoughts?
                  I know almost every single thought that goes into that.

                  1) handicapped people bring assisstants with them, that person can put the cart away.
                  2) if said assisstant is not there, use the carry out service
                  3) spots near the store are valuable
                  4)someone is tasked to pick up carts anyway, they can get any ones near the enterance
                  5) people can't be expected to put carts away anyway.
                  6) anyone who actually wants to put their cart away near the store, can put it in the store, saving hours for that guy tasked on carts.

                  Completely disregarding those who are in a hurry, or have limited mobility and travel independently, and have a concience.
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #24
                    Quoth morgana View Post
                    Wouldn't the logic be to have a cart corral next to the handicapped spaces? So how come nobody does? Any thoughts?
                    Interesting point. Never really thought about it myself, but now that you mention it, I'm starting to think the people who design the supermarkets are sadistic bastards. Not surprising, considering the one in my area put the diet foods and the candy in the same aisle.
                    Sometimes life is altered.
                    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                    Uneasy with confrontation.
                    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                    • #25
                      ive seen several supermarkets near me with cart corrals near a handicapped parking spot/near the entrance so maybe its a regional thing?


                      • #26
                        Morgana, you are absolutely right. I guess the thought that went into that was just basically no thought at all. It's amazing what people take for granted and assume.

                        Just so you know, I would never sneer at a handicapped person for asking for help. I would rather save my sneers for annoying customers!
                        Dips: The best karma happens when you let a jerk bash themselves senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

