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"Here, hold this"

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  • "Here, hold this"

    So, I'm in the lobby at one of the vet hospitals I work for, chatting with a manager about the expired drugs she wants me to cart back to corporate. They just changed the paperwork for this, and we're trying to piece together what goes where. In comes a customer with a baby stroller and a little terrier on a leash. I take the paperwork and back out of the way so the manager can serve her.

    As they talk, I tune them out and study the papers, and try to tally the total amount of patches and pills I'm holding.

    Keep this in mind. I'm currently holding an armload of expired medication. Say, three textbooks worth, of very small boxes.

    The voices to my left raise, and in the moment I start listening again, the customer turns to me and says, "Here, hold this," and hands me her baby.

    Or rather, plops the baby into my already open arms. I drop a box, but I'm still holding about twelve, and the baby is laying on top of them, staring up at me from under his little bonnet like I was a salivating wolf.

    This was quite a predicament. I couldn't get a decent hold on the baby without letting go of the medication, and I couldn't drop the medication without risk of dropping the baby. Flashing a "wtf?" face at the manager, who returned it, I roll the baby closer to my chest, hoping to gently pin him like I would a cat.

    Baby kicks into siren mode. Mother says "What the hell are you doing to me baby?!"

    Me : "Trying not to drop him!"

    She snatches Junior away with a fiery glare and fusses over him. "Did the mean lady hurt you?"

    Me : "Well, I imagine laying on top of all these boxes couldn't have been pleasant."

    She scowls, puts Junior back in his little stroller, and stalks off with hands clenched. Little Spot wasn't expecting this; he slips, and seeing how she's hauling the leash along, he slides across the floor on his back with a most perplexed expression, before finally righting himself before she reached the door.

  • #2
    Sounds like she would have just handed her baby to anyone at that point. Good thing you weren't a baby thief.

    Sigh. I feel bad for that little dog.
    Would you like a Stummies?


    • #3
      Quoth Skandranon
      The voices to my left raise, and in the moment I start listening again, the customer turns to me and says, "Here, hold this," and hands me her baby.
      I'll second the . Talk about carelessness. What parent in their right mind (which this woman obviously wasn't) would just hand their child off to someone without even bothering to look at who they were handing them off to?? Not to mention 'hold this?' It's a baby, lady, not a thing.

      I admit I get worked up over stuff like this. People who don't need (or shouldn't have) kids can have all they want, while my wife and I who have been trying desperately for 10 years to have one have to suffer through miscarriages and shattered hopes.
      A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


      • #4
        When she yelled out. "What are you doing to my baby?", I'd come back with, "Calling CPS on your ass!!".


        • #5
          yet another reason I wish we could make it so that you had to have a license to have a child. You have to license your dog, right?? I think.....

          I know it's not enforceable, but some people just should not have kids. And in my opinion, they shouldn't be allowed to. There's nothing I can do about it though. And then there's great people who should be able to have kids.... so if those without licenses (meaning they couldn't pass a basic parenting class with questions like "if a baby is crying, should you shake it until it stops?) have kids, those kids should be taken away and get to go to the nice wonderful people that got licensed and aren't physically able to have a child.

          Yeah, it sounds harsh and I'm not God, but sometimes I just wish so much that we could reverse it so that people that SHOULDN'T have kids were the ones that had fertility problems.... and the ones that really would love and care for a child shouldn't have any problems having children.


          • #6
            This happened just the other day in my store, actually. One of my supervisors was bagging for me, and a lady came up with a cartfull of stuff and a small child, not quite two years old, so told us. She had to go get something that she forgot, so she grabs up the baby, hands her off to my sup, and goes "Here, hold her!"

            Of course, this was the same lady who minutes earlier chucked a pack of steaks at me to make sure they went on the right order (she had two separate ones).

            Me and sup were flabbergasted. This lady was just lucky that me and sup weren't some kind of weirdos who would have taken the opportunity to steal the child. I mean, in today's world, WTF?!

            More than once I've had people run away from the register and leave their kids with me, sitting in carts.
            The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.


            • #7
              good thing you weren't holding a bunch of knives

              yet still it'd be your fault in her eyes....


              • #8
                "Here, hold this," and hands me her baby.
                "Sure! Hey! Anybody got the number for Children Services?! This crackhead just relinquished her child to me!"
                You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


                • #9
                  Quoth Skandranon View Post
                  Little Spot wasn't expecting this; he slips, and seeing how she's hauling the leash along, he slides across the floor on his back with a most perplexed expression, before finally righting himself before she reached the door.
                  That's too perfect. You couldn't find a better way to express her personality if you were making it up as you went.


                  • #10
                    Who in their right mind hands their child to a perfect stranger? Geez!
                    Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                    If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                    Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                    • #11
                      anyone ever notice how it's the idiots that have the most kids, and the kind and intelligent people are the ones that have just a few or are trying really hard and getting screwed over by genetics and bad luck? Seriously WTF?
                      We Pick Up the Pieces


                      • #12
                        Idiots breed faster because that's their main form of entertainment (that and Really Bad TV talk shows and soaps all the time)

                        And they hand off the poor sprogs (I don't blame the kids, not Their fault the parents are idiots) because the World Owes Them a Living and better make it a Good Living...




                        • #13
                          Quoth d962831 View Post
                          anyone ever notice how it's the idiots that have the most kids, and the kind and intelligent people are the ones that have just a few or are trying really hard and getting screwed over by genetics and bad luck? Seriously WTF?
                          Ever see the movie "Idiocracy?" (Google it). It's not a bad movie and I wouldn't be surprised if something like that would actually happen in the future.
                          This area is left blank for a reason.


                          • #14
                            i would have yelled ma'am do you want your baby dead? you might as well just balanced it on top a hungry croc's mouth.


                            • #15
                              I get this all the time at work when I am pumping gas. They pull up and tell me how much they want then get out of the car and go inside the store leaving their kids in the car. I try to keep an eye out but one day I just know something bad is going to happen and they will try to blame me.

                              Then theres the fools who are drinking beer or smoking pot with a small child in the car. I so want to take a plate number and call the police but when I am the only one outside I am always way to busy. Plus if they see me writing down the plate they could attack me in some way.

