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So, I finally mouthed off to a customer

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  • #16
    I just remembered another one I observed:

    A customer at Town Hall was arging with one of the clerks because a buiding permit had been denied. I guess the land behind her house was unsuitable for building because it was a wetland or failed soil testing or whatever. All I knew was that she couldn't build there, the decision could not be overturned by a mere clerk and the clerk was trying to get a word in edgewise to tell her her options.

    After a bit the SC slammed her hand down and screamed, "I have land back there! What am I supposed to do with it?!" and finally some blessed silence descended while she waited for an answer.

    The clerk looked her straight in the eye and said, in the crispest possible New England accent, "It's they-ah fah yah viewin' pleashah." [Translation: It's there for your viewing pleasure.]

    And, no, that didn't calm her down, AT ALL. Still funny, though.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.


    • #17
      My manager taught me that sometimes with some customers you just have to get right back in their face. I was never so happy to hear those words. It gave me the chance to test the theory. Some days I just get to raise my voice and be mean. Sometimes it works sometimes it irks them off but either way it makes me feel better. muahaaaaaaa.

      I have had customers threaten me before that is never fun. Luckly I work on the phone and I tell them since they have threatened my person that I am disconnecting their call and they can't buy our stuff.

      Sometimes it sucks, but other times its great.
      I before E except after C. We live in a weird society


      • #18
        That's not that bad. I've done something like that so many times I cna't count anymore. For example the other day, Dad and Daughter team looking at laptops, I go over to see if I can help, the conversation goes like this:

        Me: "Did you have any questions I might answer for you?"
        Dad: "Yeah, why should I buy from here and not [competitor]?"
        Me(I was right on the ball for this one): "You shouldn't. If you can find a better deal there definitely buy there."

        I think he was expecting me to beg him to buy at my store. Sorry dude, I don't beg, I'm not on comission, I get paid the same thing whether you buy here or not.
        "They have the internet on computers now?"
        ~Homer Simpson

        Another day at work, another broken desk


        • #19
          The worst mouth-off I've ever given to a customer was some woman calling in to wimper & whine about the overdue balance on her boyfriend's account, and why oh why did we dare to send automated calls reminding him about it? She actually said "It's obviously not a priority for us to pay! Why do you keep sending these stupid-ass phonecalls!" To her credit she actually seemed shocked when I pointed out how bad the payment history was leading up to disconnection. Sadly it didn't stop her s/c tirade for long.

          Several mistakes were made that led up to my to snapping. First, the woman's name wasn't on the account, so I shouldn't have been talking to her at all. Being new and something of a pushover I let that one by. Second when an overdue balance goes to collections, our company's brilliant billing system makes the balance look like a credit, so the actual amount due shows up as a flat zero. I don't know if this is standard practise with other companies, but the equally brilliant helpdesk rep I spoke to failed to mention this little detail. I had to call the HD a second time, something which the SC didn't hesitate to beat me over the head with. Between the deadbeat SC and the dumbass HD, I was about a half-hour overdue for lunch.

          No more Mr. Nice Guy.

          Me - Do you see the line item of $***.**?
          SC - Yes
          Me - Do you also see the end where it says "charged off"?
          SC - Yes, but...
          Me - What, did you think we decided to credit that off because we were feeling generous??? (Very thick sarcasm)

          She returned fire with some boorish insults, but I honestly don't remember what they were. I do remember my reply was a bored-sounding "Are you finished?"

          Not my finest moment, but damn I was bouncing off walls for the rest of my shift. I am so glad I switched to tech support later. The s/cs I could handle, but you needed an accounting degree to figure out the billing system.
          Happiness is the exercise of vital powers along lines of excellence in a life affording you scope.


          • #20
            Heh... people find out just how insanely pointless it is to use the, "I'm changing to Netflix!" line is on me.

            SC: "This is ridiculous! I'm going to Netflix!"
            Me *into salesman mode*"Blockbuster Online is better because we give you 4 free rentals a month in the store AND the first month is free."

            SC: "......but...."*fume*
            SC: "I don't care! I'm using Netflix!"
            Me: "Okay, if all that extra free stuff we give you is worth giving up just to prove a point- knock yourself out."

            I've actually had them walk out and then come back in for their free month a few minutes later. Dorks.
            "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

            ~TechSmith 314
            HellGate: London


            • #21
              Just remembered this; the only time I've ever lost my temper while at work. At the time I was steaming with anger, but looking back on it it's kinda funny.

              Me: well, me.
              DK: Dumb kid

              *DK and his equally dumb friends were throwing stones at the ponies at the country park. I'd already told them off for doing this 3 times*

              Me: (running over, livid) That's it! If you don't stop doing that right now, I'm going to chuck you all out of the park!
              DK: *clenches his fist and raises it as if he's going to hit me*
              Me: OK then you little s***, hit me. But you'd better make it a good one, cuz it's going to be your only shot. Cuz then I'm going to kick your f***ing arse.
              DK: *blanches with fear and runs off along with his mates*

              I told my boss about the incident just to warn him about possible mad parents coming to complain about me; he just laughed and said not to worry; he said I was way more controlled than he would have been.
              Last edited by Lace Neil Singer; 08-26-2006, 02:39 PM.
              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
              My DeviantArt.


              • #22
                Quoth NightAngel View Post
                Heh... people find out just how insanely pointless it is to use the, "I'm changing to Netflix!" line is on me.
                Heck, I am with Netflix, and don't miss Blockbuster at all. That being said, I never used Netflix as a threat at Blockbuster, and still have my Blockbuster membership, which came in very handy last summer when my 13-year-old niece was in town. At times like that, the spontaneity that Netflix doesn't leave room for was absolutely necessary. Also, the folks at my local Blockbuster have more often than not been very helpful and turned me on to some cool obscure movies I might not have heard of otherwise.

                "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                Still A Customer."


                • #23
                  Overall, my point was simply that I argue back with salesmanship instead of getting peeved. It usually throws them for a loop.

                  Seriously, though- why do they think I'll give a rat's a** if they use Netflix or Hollywood Video even? These are usually the people that I'm thinking, "Oh thank Gord you're leaving!"
                  "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                  ~TechSmith 314
                  HellGate: London


                  • #24
                    I've mouthed off before numerous times. The most recent one was with one of my video customers. Guy had wanted me to design a commercial for his shop, only to later decide he didn't want to pay but half of the cost. Oh, he still wanted the commercial though.

                    He happened to come into the shop when I was there working with some blank discs. This is the conversation that followed:

                    RC: Newly hired green Receptionist.
                    SC: Sucky Commerical Customer.

                    RC: DY, you've got a visitor.
                    Me: Coming. (has a few discs in hand at the time to drop off with RC.)
                    SC: I'm here to pick up my disc. It's gotta be up by friday.
                    Me: I thought we'd talked about this. You still haven't paid me the whole cost.
                    SC: Well, Your competitor XYZ (I forget their name) charged me half last time. So that's all I want to pay now.
                    Me: Yeah, and XYZ didn't do half the job I did. I need the money before I can give over the disc.
                    SC: You'll give me the disc, or I'll tell everyone to stop using you.
                    Me: (shrugs). "Your funeral." (Snaps a blank CD in half and hands one half over.
                    SC: What's this?
                    Me: Half your disc. Since you only paid for half, you only get half. (turns and heads back to work on other projects.)

                    The check for the full ammount came that evening.
                    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


                    • #25
                      Quoth repsac View Post
                      SC: Well, Your competitor XYZ (I forget their name) charged me half last time. So that's all I want to pay now.
                      Me: Yeah, and XYZ didn't do half the job I did. I need the money before I can give over the disc.
                      SC: You'll give me the disc, or I'll tell everyone to stop using you.
                      Me: (shrugs). "Your funeral." (Snaps a blank CD in half and hands one half over.
                      SC: What's this?
                      Me: Half your disc. Since you only paid for half, you only get half. (turns and heads back to work on other projects.)

                      The check for the full ammount came that evening.
                      Brilliant! I would have loved to have seen his expression when you did that. Must've been priceless!
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #26
                        She pitched a fit in the lobby in front of guests waiting to check in and when the straw finally broke my back, I snapped, "Ma'am, I hate to sound vulgar but frankly I am counting the seconds until you get back on your broom and haul your wicked green ass back up to Mt. Laurel, New Jersey -- and your little dog too!"
               wish I had the ability to think something up that clever on the spot



                        • #27
                          Quoth obod7x7 View Post
                          I am usually really good at holding in my thoughts when dealing with an idiot customer, but towards the end of a horrific 8.5 hour shift today, one just slipped out. This may be the first time that I have suddenly said what my brain was thinking at the time.

                          This particular SC has quite a history with us. He isn't too bad, just very annoying and somewhat demanding. One time, we had a promo going on where we gave out one free movie for every 5 movies rented. We used a punch card for this...and the night this SC came in, we were out. So, he demanded a manager (even though he was renting ONE movie), and eventually got a free rental for no apparent reason.

                          Anyways, here is what happened today...

                          First, he came to the counter, laughing snobbishly that all of the good new releases were rented out, as if I could really do anything about that.

                          Me: "Everything all together is $8.46"
                          SC: "Wow, how much is each of these?"
                          Me: "$4.23 with went up 40 cents recently."
                          SC: "Well it looks like I have to go to Netflix now."
                          Me: *sarcastically/unusually happy sounding* "Well, that's fine with me!"
                          SC: *makes outraged sigh* "Well that makes me want to use it more now!"
                          Me: "It's not my decision where you rent..."

                          Anyways, we got through the transaction. I can see a complaint to a manager for this one because this guy is such a douchebag. I honestly didn't care where he got his stupid movies, so I told him! Heh...he didn't like the fact that I wasn't saddened by his "departure" from our store.

                          Just to be a bigger jerk, I added a note to his account (exact formatting with the caps...we have old computers):

                          CUSTOMER IS USING NETFLIX
                          FROM NOW ON (SO HE SAID)

                          ...INTERESTING FACT B/C IF
                          YOU'RE READING THIS, HE IS
                          RENTING HERE AGAIN!!!
                          I had something similar happen the other day. (I do first level DirecTV tech support)

                          Customer: My receiver ain't working.
                          Me: *Walks him through various troubleshooting, no effect*
                          Customer: Well what do we do? (Customer has four receivers. This will be important later)
                          Me: Well, you can purchase a replacement from one of our stores.
                          Customer: You know Dish Network is advertising today, maybe I'll just go with them.
                          Me: If that's what you feel what you need to do. However I do feel it is my duty to inform you that you did sign a two year commitment that expires next September, and that breaching this commitment will cost you $300.
                          Customer: ...%^&#...*click*
                          Me: Have a nice day!


                          • #28
                            I don't think I ever mouthed off to a customer - not badly anyway - although I was selling water filters once at a gym and this woman said "the water hasn't killed me yet" so I lifted a glass and said "here's to your health then" - I couldnt' believe that came out of my mouth!

                            And I did mouth off to a co-worker once. This girl was on my butt from the moment I started working - I wasn't technically a higher rank than her - but I was supposed to be (another promised promotion that never went through) anyway this one day she had just gotten on my nerves. She was saying something about how I was doing something wrong and I said "well if you're so good at it - you do it" and walked away. Later, she said "don't mess with me because I can be a serious b!*$h." and I said "I KNOW". - I guess that's no tirade, but it stopped her and the other people in the store that we worked with - I was a very mousy innocent -the world is good type of person at that time and something like that coming out of MY mouth was quite shocking. However, we finally got to talk about why she was so nasty and after that we got along a little better - we certainly weren't going to be best friends but we could at least be tolerable around each other..... she just needed to bully me until I stood up for myself to respect me or some crap like that - I don't know but I'm glad it's all over and I don't have to deal w/ co-workers like her anymore!


                            • #29
                              Quoth air914 View Post
                              However, we finally got to talk about why she was so nasty ..... she just needed to bully me until I stood up for myself to respect me or some crap like that
                              Okay, is that totally fubared reasoning or what? Bet this hag wonders why she doesn't have any friends.
                              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                              My LiveJournal
                              A page we can all agree with!


                              • #30
                                "she just needed to bully me until I stood up for myself to respect me or some crap like that "

                                Yeah, I imagine she can respect herself more saying that then then actually coming right out and saying "I just needed to bully you because I am a cowardly piece of shit and I thought at first you'd just sit there and take it. Now that I know you aren't a pushover, I'll have to stop, because I dont have the guts to bully anyone who will fight back. "

