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So, I finally mouthed off to a customer

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  • #31
    I haven't snapped at a customer. Yet.

    I almost did with the old man who handed me a tract last week, but I managed to keep my mouth shut because I knew I wasn't going to get much sympathy from my coworkers, and besides, he looked old enough to be my grandfather. The coworkers (dunno about all of the managers) probably think he's doing a great thing. They're nice people, but if they found out I was a pantheistic sorta-pagan, they'd have a collective heart attack. I think it was really inappropriate for him to bug me (however nicely) about religion while I'm at work. It's none of his business, anyway!

    If our store doesn't carry something, but I know another one does, why on Earth shouldn't I tell them to go there? We're not losing business if we don't have it at all. I've gotten a few funny looks from customers when I said (after checking for managers in the viscinity) that we don't have (whatever) but I know they have it at The Competition and they should check there. Hey, I shop over there too. Nobody carries everything!


    • #32
      Quoth DistantStar View Post
      If our store doesn't carry something, but I know another one does, why on Earth shouldn't I tell them to go there? We're not losing business if we don't have it at all. I've gotten a few funny looks from customers when I said (after checking for managers in the viscinity) that we don't have (whatever) but I know they have it at The Competition and they should check there. Hey, I shop over there too. Nobody carries everything!
      I like the way you think!!!!!!!!!
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #33
        I've snapped at a few customers, usually around Christmas, working in an Electronics Department in a Wal-Mart like Store.

        Our store has a weird set up. We have an upper floor but no exits from it so we don't have any Cashiers up here. There is the Electronics department wich has a till but they only put one person in there to help customers, even in December . We didn't have to put customers through who didn't have Electronics but if it was slow in Electronics (wich usually ment it was slow at the tills downstairs) we would put them through so we didnt' have to argue with them. Well it was like 3 weeks before Christmas so it was madness up there and I was the only person working in Home E and a woman comes up with a cart full of stuff and starts putting it by the till despite the fact i was talking to a customer and nowhere near the till. The conversation went like this.

        Me-Me (in brackets was what i was thinking)
        SC- Devil Woman

        Me- <excusing myself from my customer for a second> I'm sorry we don't put through purchases here you'll have to go to one of the Cashiers.

        Sc- You mean i have to go down to one of the long lines downstairs!

        Me- (You mean like everyone else?) Yes

        Sc- Well no i'm going to pay here

        Me- (No way in hell) No you will go downstairs I have to help customers in here <try to go back to my customer>

        Sc - You have a till your a cashier you will put me through <still hadn't stopped unloading here cart>

        Me - <pissed> Believe me lady if I was a cashier i would have killed myself years ago, go downstairs because i will not put you through. <start walking back to my now pissed off customer>


        Me - You mean make you pay as you leave? Every store does that! <Go back to my customer>

        She finished unloading her cart and when i finished with my customer i ignored her and started asking every customer if they needed help. She eventually left and complained and they said I had to put through all purchases brought to Home E unless I was helping a customer... So really nothing has changed.


        • #34
          I finally got to say what I REALLY wantd to say to a customer; it turned out the customer was ragging on my aunt who came and got me from work. at first I thought the customer was yelling at someone else until I heared my aunt yell back. When the customer called my aunt a fat a** hag thats when I lost it...I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHO YOU ARE...YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY!! Anywhoo I told this woman to quit talking crap to my aunt...the woman replied "I dont give a crap who she is." I said quit talking your crap!" the woman then replies to me "F*CK YOU B*TCH!" I take a step towards her and scream nearly in her face "NO F*CK YOU B*TCH!!" The woman turns and leaves in her car. she has not been back since. However our assistant manager heared as well as some other customers heared my response to her but luckily management has I cannot get in trouble...even if I do I wil just lie about it.
          NEVER underestimate the stupidity of the customer

