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Mr "I always get my way"...doesn't :)

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  • Mr "I always get my way"...doesn't :)

    One of the companies we do call centre support for (one of the things we do is outsourced call centres) is a mobile phone manufacturer, which I will call Cellular Inc.

    Mr I Always Get My Way will be referred to as SC (duh ).

    SC buys a mobile phone, and it doesn't come with a cable or software for pc tethering. This is not unusual for South Africa, since the retail outlets reckon they can boost their profit by selling the handsets and accessories seperately. Unfortunately, none of the mobile manufacturers can really do anything about it...

    So SC wants to tether his handset to his PC. Goes to a mobile shop, asks for Cellular Inc cables and software. They sell him Random Third Party Manufacturer cable and software.

    And of course, it doesn't work. SC gets on the case of a rep for Cellular Inc, who stupidly writes him the software to a blank cd and sends it to him.

    SC tries to install it, and it won't work. He then calls the call centre, and we ascertain that it's his PC. He tries it on another one, and voila! it works!

    But he's still not happy. He was sold a cable made by RTPM, not Cellular Inc. Even though Cellular Inc DIDN'T sell him that cable, and do not in any way sell things directly to the public, he demands that Cellular Inc give him a cable for free.

    The supervisor of the call desk for Cellular Inc tells him "Nope, not happening. We didn't sell you the cable, Mobile Shop did. You will not get a cable for free."

    SC then sends an email EVERY DAY asking for the sup to call him, and asking on updates about his query. And every day, sup calls him and tells him the same thing. (Quite honestly, it was starting to verge on stalking).

    SC tells the sup that he "always gets his way." I tell Sup it's most likely because he nags and nags and nags and nags, until people are so fed up with him, they give him what he wants to make him disappear.

    Sup laughs, and tells me that this is not going to happen in this case. He checked with Head Office, and they said "HELL NO".

    SC sends another mail. Sup then sends him a mail in reply, telling him the exact same thing he's been telling him on the phone, and calls him too to say "NO! BAD SC! NO CABLE FOR YOU!"

    Haven't gotten any mails from him since
    The report button - not just for decoration

  • #2
    Did he use those exact words? Cuz that would be awesome.
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

