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A Scary Dream I Had

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  • A Scary Dream I Had

    I have to type this right away before I forget it, but last night I had the weirdest dream about a group of SC's!

    The bar was closed, and I was wheeling the bar bins to the back door so they could be emptied. I did this, and when I walked back into the bar, there were four people running amok around the bar! Two men, two women, and for some reason they were wearing dirty bright orange overalls.


    They didn't listen. They then ran behind the bar and started emptying the fridges! Somehow, I managed to grab all four of them, and shove them out the back door. As I tried to lock it, they stuck their hands through the gaps in the door, resembling something from a zombie horror movie.


    None of the staff answered.


    I heard a member of staff tut really loudly at me.

    I eventually managed to get the door closed and locked, but they started throwing the bottles they had stolen through the windows!


    They eventually went away. At the end of the dream, my manager called me into the office.

    Manager: Customersruinmylife, your attitude towards those customers was appauling. You can't go around lashing out at people like that.

    Anyone else got any weird SC dreams to share?

  • #2
    You're stressed out.

    I get dreams like that when I'm feeling overwhelmed at work and I don't think anyone is helping me. Sorry, I don't remember any specifics.

    If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


    • #3
      Quoth Boozy View Post
      You're stressed out.

      I get dreams like that when I'm feeling overwhelmed at work and I don't think anyone is helping me. Sorry, I don't remember any specifics.
      That makes sense. Most of my co-workers are great, but there are two in particular that are completely useless. I've been stuck on shift with them for three nights in a row and have done nothing but yell at them all the way through to do some work. Apparently I'm now a slave driver.


      • #4
        Yeah that's a stress dream.

        I had one a few years ago in which the cubicles in our office had turned into prison cells and my co-workers and myself were inmates.


        Most of the stress dreams I've had were just like being at work. I had one a few weeks ago, because I was being hounded by a customer service stalker. The woman gave me nightmares!
        Just because a customer expects you to put some effort into your job, that does not make them an SC.


        • #5
          I once dreamed I had a secton that was spread out all over the resturant with nothing together. I had a treainee that would not help he just hindered and flirted with the customers. and we were busy and I was the only one being sat.
          My sanity has been dripping out of me my whole life, today they turned on the faucet.....


          • #6
            I agree that it's caused by stress. I used to dream that my work load never ended, that I just picked up where I'd left off at the store and kept slaving away in the dream, the entire night. I'd wake up exhausted and have to face the reality of it when I went in to work. It was horrible, I hope those go away for you soon.
            "You are the dumbest smart person I have ever met in my life!" Will Smith, 'I, Robot'.

            "You LOSE! Good day, sir!" Gene Wilder, 'Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory'.


            • #7
              Quoth customersruinmylife View Post
              Apparently I'm now a slave driver.
              So am I and all my co-workers. At least, that's according to the lazy guy who got fired for not doing anything useful.


              • #8
                Mmmm when I was a temp at the warehouse I used to work for I would have dreams where all I saw was rows of boxes.

                At Toys R Us when I was a seasonal I had this recurring dreamwhere I was the ONLY register in this white room and I had a neverending line of customers.

                At McHell I would regularly dream about being at work and when I realised I wasn't sposed to be there all the customers and employees would attack me lol.

                Bleh wonder what kind of messed up dreams I'll have now with this security job I just got.
                Last edited by Bramble; 01-25-2008, 09:56 PM. Reason: can't spell and the edit thing wigged out
                My Wajas cave


                • #9
                  Back at my old job, I used to have the same nightmare. I would get my lists of rooms to clean, go into a room and suddenly it would be the end of the day and I hadn't finished a single room. I hate those dreams.
                  My Horror Blog



                  • #10
                    Quoth Bramble View Post
                    At McHell
                    I think the only dream I ever had about that job was that I was running something like five hours late (extremely out of character for me), and woke up panicking. It wasn't until I realized that none of the lights in the house were on that I actually looked at the time, and still had something like four hours I could sleep before my alarm.
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      Quoth Juwl View Post
                      I think the only dream I ever had about that job was that I was running something like five hours late (extremely out of character for me), and woke up panicking. It wasn't until I realized that none of the lights in the house were on that I actually looked at the time, and still had something like four hours I could sleep before my alarm.
                      Oh I hate those so much. I actually woke up once from a dream I was having about being on the fry machine getting more fries and was half-way to my kitchen before realising that I wasn't actually at work.
                      My Wajas cave


                      • #12
                        I dreamed that my store's owner was a genie, so when deliveries were late we'd just say "I wish that delivery was here" and it would appear. (We've been waiting for a premium delivery for 3 days and counting)


                        • #13
                          I quite frequently have work dreams. Usually nothing too scary, but most often odd, in the sense that even though it's supposed to be my actual job, the surroundings are different, and maybe some of my supposed co-workers do not resemble the real ones.

                          A couple months ago, or so, I had a work dream, and the setting was perfectly correct, right down to the other cashier involved, and the layout of the registers.

                          We are working at registers that happen to be back to back, and as I'm waiting on my customer, I hear my co-workers customer (a woman) continually bitching about having to sign on the electronic pad for her credit card.

                          I finally tire of it, and turn around and exclaim "You are a C*nt! A Fucking C*nt!

                          Of course I told the cashier in the dream (a woman in her early-mid 60's) about it, the next day at work, as well as a few other co-workers, and the other cashier still teases me about it!


                          Heh, good thing for proofreading! On the second instance of the "nasty word" I had typed not only the "*", but the letter it replaces as well!


                          • #14
                            I worked though the beginning of college in a nursing home, and I used to have AWFUL nightmares about never-ending work. The most common one was that one of the residents was sick and wouldn't stop throwing up! Every time I'd turn around, there'd be another mess to clean up, and no matter what I did to prevent it, the mess would always get all over everything, and I'd have another set of sheets and clothes to clean.
                            I just started a tech job a few months ago, I think it's the only one where I haven't had a single dream about it.
                            What a wonderful thing humanity is-- passionate, intelligent, inquisitive, generous, fully of hope and joy, noble of spirit, and above all... delicious! -- LaCroix


                            • #15
                              i remember ... about a year and a half ago... just dreaming i was at work. i'd get off my shift, and as soon as my head hit the pillow i was back at work.

                              that lasted two days. it felt like i never left work at all. on the third night, as soon as i was half-asleep i started thinking about work again & forced myself awake. after about 2-3 times i finally fell asleep without work-dreams.

