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  • #16
    I went to a concert a while back, Rob Zombie and Rage Against the Machine (back in their haydays), I think, where they had a designated mosh area for people who bought special tickets to be in there. The tickets we had put us just above the entry/exit for the mosh pit, so we got to see the folk go in and out. Before the show started, we saw several skinny little tween girls going in, and started laughing. These poor girls looked like they had no business being in something like that, but surely they knew what they were in for. Who goes moshing in all pink outfits, complete with open belly tank tops? We thought it was someone's idea of a joke. After all, one of my friends once went to Marilyn Manson in a wedding dress, and had front row seats. Got a great picture of her in that dress, covered with the stage blood. Had to be a joke, right?

    Sure enough, fifteen minutes into the opening act here they came back, bloodied and looking to be in a bit of shock. One of them was being half-carried by security. I don't think MTV gave them a proper idea about what a mosh pit really involves.
    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
    Hoc spatio locantur.


    • #17
      I have seen people break all kinds of bones in the mosh pit. there have been innocent people that wheren't in the pit that ended up getting hurt because without notice the pit grew and they some how ended up getting trambled. There have been shows where multiple people where taken away by ambulance because of the injuries sustained in the "pit"

      For the most part people just bounce around, but I have seen guy throw punches or do donkey kicks. Now where I work we have about 6 guys that work the pit trying t keep the size down and throwing people out for kicking and punching.


      • #18
        Quoth princess4life View Post
        For the most part people just bounce around, but I have seen guy throw punches or do donkey kicks. Now where I work we have about 6 guys that work the pit trying t keep the size down and throwing people out for kicking and punching.
        Not a bad idea. The concert I was at had a naturally seperate pit due to the setup of the stadium. Basically, a basketball court/hockey rink with 8-foot walls around the court area where the mosh was held. Security really only had to check tickets and pull the moshed-up folks out of the melee. There were also those folks who tried to run past the guards when they didn't have tickets, but after one guy 'accidentally' got his head bounced off the floor when Security tackled him, fewer people tried that.
        The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
        "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
        Hoc spatio locantur.


        • #19
          I mentioned the theater where I worked in college, right? Now being an itty bitty female (I swear we were the 5' club at that theater, there was one woman over 5'2" and a couple guys, the rest of the staff were short women), I rarely worked security near the stage, the doors or other hot spots. I heard the stories though.

          According to the beefy 6' guy who usually had stage duty, the absolutely most dangerous fans, as far as rushing the stage & threatening security? The gospel fans. I kid you not. I'm not sure if there were any hardcore metal band, or other stereotypically 'rough' crowd, that came through that venue or not, it was pretty small after all, but still!

          For a time, that venue had problems with people crawling in through the mini-ventilation windows to get into concerts & stuff. They'd end up crawling up through the orchestra pit. Nope, not obvious at all.
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