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She had to leave for her own safety

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  • She had to leave for her own safety

    I didn't deal with this woman at all, but witnessed everything she did.

    In the bar, we have the tables and chairs set out in groups of 2 - 6 places. If a large group of people comes in, the general idea is that the customers push a few tables together. Fine.

    So, we meet stuck up bitch. She comes up to the bar and speaks to a co-worker.

    SUB: Table for nine please.

    OK, we are a BAR. In the UK, no one walks up in a bar and says that. You sit yourself down.

    CW: Oh, just go help yourself to a table over there.
    SUB: There are NO tables for nine! What do you expect us to do?
    CW: It's OK, feel free to push a few together.
    SUB: WE are not going to do it. YOU are going to do it. YOU are paid to do it. Now DO IT.

    I have to point out that the bar was busy, so my co-worker didn't have time to go about being this woman's personal slave. Also, in the UK, in most independent bars, a lot of barstaff can get away with telling off customers, and don't have to bow down to their every command, as their managers don't answer to anyone.

    Co-worker went and pushed the tables together, while stuck up bitch whined that he was taking too long and that she was hungry. I didn't notice that CW had gone to do this, because if I had, I would have pulled him away. If stuck up bitch had politely asked for the tables to be moved together, then I would not have cared.

    Later, stuck up bitch has had her meals, and is back up at the bar. Co-worker number 2 serves her.

    I don't want to be horrible, but CW2 is a little on the big side. Stuck up bitch was asking for a particular drink we didn't stock. All I hear is:


    Complete silence. The bar was full of people, and they all turned and looked at stuck up bitch. All the staff had stopped what they were doing and were now looking at her.

    About five customers started yelling at her at once, most of them regular customers. It was impossible to tell what they were yelling. I was on my way over, when stuck up bitch's daughter appeared.

    SUBD: Mum, we have to go, we have to go now!

    Stuck up bitch was still completely unaware she had offended someone.

    SUB: But I am getting...
    SUBD:, we have to get out of here.

    They left very quickly. My co-worker was OK, she said it would take a meaner woman than that to upset her. She got tipped A LOT after that as well.

    It was nice to see customers jumping in and defending her as well, although I do wish I could understand what they were yelling at her.

  • #2
    When I was an active member of the local jogging club, there was one particular cafe we used to go to after training on sunday mornings. You'd think it would be sucky having 15-40 (depending on the weather) sweaty joggers turn up, re-arrange the furniture and talk loudly but we were quite welcome. Apparently we scared away a lot of SCs like the ones in the OP, and the other regulars didn't mind (We sat near the back door so our BO wouldn't stink up the place).


    • #3
      At a bar I go to, the owners don't take guff from anyone. If someone came in acting like that, they'd first ask politely for them to leave. But if they made even one move towards becoming an even bigger SC, they'd throw them out in a heartbeat.

      Once we had a guy in the bar who was being a really bitch to everyone who served him. After the third incident, which only took about 7 minutes, he was asked to leave because of his behaviour. He refused though, saying how he was a customer and could pretty much do whatever he wanted since he was the one paying. Well one of the bar's regulars happened to be an off duty cop. Witnessing that the guy'd been told to leave several times but was refusing to do so, he came over and without even a warning, told him he was under arrest for trespassing. The guy was at first shocked but soon recovered himself enough to start swearing at the cop and trying to pull away from him. The cop threw him up against a table and added the charge of resisting arrest. A few minutes and a phone call later, a squad car pulled up and the guy was ushered away to the clapping cheers of everyone around. The cop came back about an hour later and got a free draught on the house for the paperwork he had had to go do.

      That's the kinda cop I like. No warnings, just straight to the holding cell.
      Last edited by allniter; 01-26-2008, 02:59 PM.
      Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


      • #4
        Sure would've been a shame had the doors gotten accidentally blocked for 10 minutes. People like that deserve what comes to them ... largely because it comes all-to-infrequently.

        I used to frequent a relatively clean collegiate pool hall. There was almost never trouble. But, when there was, most of us regulars would walk over to see what was going on ... pool cues in-hand.
        "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

        Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


        • #5
          Oh, it's not just like UK where the bartenders have pretty much every right to tell you off.

          I've been to a few bars lately since turning 21 (though I have many more to go!), and there is pretty much a zero tolerance policy on being an asshole. Bonus points for being a drunk or belligerent asshole.

          You don't screw with the bartenders around here, that's for sure. It's good that way, though. I hate when customers throw their weight around. I hate how people think they can act like a spoiled little brat at a bar. I hate how people think it's impossible to get kicked out of a bar.
          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


          • #6
            I've noticed that the independent bars tend to have very little tolerance for assholery, regardless of where the bar is.

            When I bartended, I didn't put up with any garbage - with the full consent of the owners. There was also a ready crowd of regulars around if anyone stepped out of line that I couldn't handle - although that was pretty rare.

            It seems to be the bars that are inside corporate locations or chain restaurants that force their emps to put up with all that SC horseshit.
            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


            • #7
              Peppergirl, I agree with you.....but my idea of corporate bars would be like sports bars, like Applebees and Fridays and whatnot. Maybe I'm just from a stick in the mud small area in Wisconsin, but we don't really have any big corporate bars here.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                Blas - those are exactly the types of places I'm referring to. We have a few in these parts, unfortunately.

                I've heard absolute HORROR stories from a few of my friends that have worked in a corporate chain bar. They all seem to have sucky/spineless/ass-kissing managers.
                "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                • #9
                  Yay, we're talking about the same thing! I've kind of made it a goal to not drink alcohol at those places.....although I'm not a fan of sports bars to begin with.

                  Hell, even last night...with the locally owned bars around here, at bar close, the bartenders shout "Everyone OUT!" and you leave. You even try to act like a brat and the cops will be right there and your ass will probably be banned.
                  You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                  • #10
                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    I've been to a few bars lately since turning 21 (though I have many more to go!), and there is pretty much a zero tolerance policy on being an asshole. Bonus points for being a drunk or belligerent asshole.
                    I saw two people get thrown out of the bar twice in the same night once. First, I guess someone was acting like an ass in the game room while he was playing darts, because two of the bouncers were carrying him out, still holding his darts.

                    A little bit later, they told someone to leave, and he kept trying to come back in. They eventually had to call the cops to remove him.

                    Quoth blas87 View Post
                    Hell, even last night...with the locally owned bars around here, at bar close, the bartenders shout "Everyone OUT!" and you leave.
                    I can beat that. I was at this one bar, and when closing time rolled around, they told everyone "Get the fuck out!" The laws are pretty strict here in PA, so I imagine that makes it a lot easier.
                    Sometimes life is altered.
                    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                    Uneasy with confrontation.
                    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                    • #11
                      The pub I went to the most in college just happened to be the hangout for all the various martial arts clubs in town. Oh man, you just did NOT start trouble in that bar...


                      • #12
                        Quoth Emmeileia View Post
                        The pub I went to the most in college just happened to be the hangout for all the various martial arts clubs in town. Oh man, you just did NOT start trouble in that bar...

                        Thinking about that just makes me laugh.

                        Assholes deserve what they get.

                        Blas: congratulations on reaching the much-coveted age of 21. I hope you're living it up!


                        • #13
                          Quoth Emmeileia View Post
                          The pub I went to the most in college just happened to be the hangout for all the various martial arts clubs in town. Oh man, you just did NOT start trouble in that bar...

                          I had a boyfriend in college who taught aikido at the local dojo. He and his work buddies all liked to hang out at a certain bar, which had a very cool attractive female bartender that everyone loved. She was about 4 foot 8 and had a temper. Not that it mattered, anyone started anything with her and they'd have an entire bar full of aikido teachers just rearing to kick their teeth in.
                          Because as we all know, on the Internet all men are men, all women are men and all children are FBI agents.

