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People are so rude!!!

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  • People are so rude!!!

    I was actually having a decent day. Unfortunatly I was at work so that didn't last long.

    I rang out this lady who had bottles of vitamen water as part of her order. A few minutes later she came back with her receipt in her hand. Ugh, I knew what was goingot happen next.

    Lady, in an agitated tone: Hey, I only had four vitamen waters, and you rang up five.

    At this point, I normally tell the person an apology, and send them to the service desk so they can fix it. But....

    Me: Unfortunatly, I can't help you now but...
    I was going to tell her that the service desk could fix her problem, but I was interupted by her hand flying at me and grabbing the receipt out of my hand.

    Lady: Unfortunatly, you'll be hearing from me.
    She then huffs her way out the door, and the rest of the people in my line laugh at her for her attitude.

    You know, even if she would have interupted me, I still would have helped her. but she was such a B****, I just let her go. All this for about $3? Please.

    Later, I was taking over for another cashiers fifteen. All of a sudden, this lady comes out of nowhere stops everything and yells,

    Lady: You! You forgot to give me my ten dollars with my check.

    Thinking she must be wrong, cause I had just gotten there, I ask for her receipt and notice that the cashier #'s were not mine.

    cashier at other lane: No, that was me

    Lady: Oh! Oh, umm, ugh, I knew it was one of you....

    WTF, I know that we may not remember you, because their are many of you. But there are few of us, and more than likely only one cashier. Same with servers. I know that we are just mindless robots that don't live outside the register, but it may help you in the end to try and remember at the very least what register you where at. Or better yet, LOOK AT YOUR RECEIPT! Ugh!
    "They're magically delicious, bitch!"- Kara,

  • #2
    Lady: You! You forgot to give me my ten dollars with my check.
    The following is inspired by a Star Trek episode where a robot believes he is perfect and incapable of error...


    Seriously...was she blind, stupid, or blind stupid?! That's a whole different flavor of retardation there. My guess is lime.
    You can find me on Backloggery, Facebook, Twitch, Twitter, YouTube


    • #3
      I had an old guy who after purchasing some items, decided he didn't want one of them. He DEMANDED that I return it RIGHT NOW!

      SC: I wnat to return this.
      Me; Ok, you will have to go the the customer service desk f...
      SC: No, you will return it.
      ME: I can't. Our registers are
      SC: I don't give a f*** about that. It is MY money.
      Me: Sir, stop with that language. There are children around.
      SC: F*** them. Gimme my f****** money.

      I walk over to the phone to call the MOD when he punched the side of the monitor. I call LP instead and the MOD comes over observes him, calls the police and he is escorted off the property by police. I don't know what happened to him


      • #4
        Lady: Oh! Oh, umm, ugh, I knew it was one of you....
        This reminds me of the hilarity of listening to a customer trying to physically describe a cashier at my work.
        They always say, "The tall one with the brown hair." A discription that could apply to all but about 10 out of the 50 cashiers we have.
        I swear we're not clones.


        • #5
          Quoth ktopmil View Post
          Lady: Oh! Oh, umm, ugh, I knew it was one of you....
          I took a personal communications class last semester, and this is what they referred to as an I-It relationship. This individual doesn't consider people such as cashiers as real people, just as 'things' to help get their shopping done.

          I've decided that courses like this need to be mandatory, and if people fail, then they get to take it again. Fail it a second time, and the person needs to be forced to work CS jobs for the rest of their lives.

          Eric the Grey
          In memory of Dena - Don't Drink and Drive


          • #6
            An older woman came into the ER & wanted to be treated by the same nurse who had taken care of her on her last visit, if that nurse was on duty. Her description: 'the tall one, with dark brown hair.'

            The nurse she meant was my mother, who's about 5'4". Compared to the woman's 5', I guess Mom seemed tall. Mom rather enjoyed that, she's not used to being called 'the tall nurse.'
            I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.

