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awful phone customer

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  • awful phone customer

    I had the worst telephone customer today and it left me in tears. There is some bad language, so watch out. Sorry, it's long, but I'm still mad about what happened.

    I was working in tools today. Other information relevant to this post…in my store, the Tools department is right next to the lawn and garden department and it would be very easy for me to call over a L/G guy to help me out. (also there was a lawn and garden guy in the cac with other customer when I took this phone call.) The lawn and garden department also sells sporting goods and fitness equipment.

    I can only say “Thank you for calling Sears Tools, this is—,” when the lady on the other end starts going off on me.

    “I am so sick of being put on hold! Your store sucks and I hate it! Bleep bleep bleep bleep etc etc,”--something about “itness…”--“You can’t do anything right! No one in that damn store knows what they are doing and I’m sick of this!”

    I can't understand much of what she is screaming about and I'm not kidding when I say that she was screaming. Oh my god. I’m rather shocked and listen in disbelief as she rails on and on. I listen until I can get a breath in and I say, “Hey! Please don’t talk to me like that! How can I help you?”

    “Shut up! Bleep bleep bleep,” more yelling…

    “Don’t talk to me like that, ma’am!” I said very loudly and I ask once more, “How can I help you? Who do you need to talk to?!”

    “Are you deaf?! I told you THREE times! I need someone in fitness you moron!”

    But she didn’t say three times, she just yelled and cursed a lot. Maybe she said it somewhere in the middle of all the yelling, but I didn't understand.

    “Okay, hold on one sec--,”

    “No I’m not going to hold on! You better get someone right now, dammit!” All I was going to do is turn around and ask the lawn and garden guy to take the phone call. But she had pissed me off too much and I’m not paid enough to deal with people like her.

    “NO!” I yell and I slam the phone onto the receiver. At this point, I’m upset and crying (cause I’m a wimp like that) and I get out of the cashwrap. The phone immediately starts to ring again and I tell the lawn and garden guy, “Don’t pick it up! Let it ring!” K is the lawn and garden guy.

    K picks up the phone and he also doesn’t get to say much. I can hear the yelling of the lady from where I am standing (about five feet away) but can’t understand her.

    K: No I don’t have one of those here. How may I help you?

    More yelling.

    K: How may I help you?

    More yelling.

    K: How may I help you?

    More yelling.

    K: Okay, you have a good day. *hangs up*

    K then explains to me what she said. The first thing she had asked was “Who was that bitch on the phone?” To which K had replied “I don’t have one of those here.” Basically, he gave her three strikes to calm down and say what she needed, but apparently I really pissed her off by hanging up. I’m still crying like a baby and K pats me on the back and by now a couple of the commission people wander over to see what’s going on. The phone is ringing non stop and I tell no one to answer it.

    Then we see a manager of the department wandering by and K tells him of the customer on the phone and we all know that it’s her calling us. Manager answers and we can hear lots of yelling. I don’t pay much attention to what’s going on because I’m still a little upset but I can hear the manager saying, “If you talk to me like that I can’t help you. Don’t use that language with me,” and it seems like he got her to calm down a bit after apologizing on the “rude” treatment she received. He spends nearly fifteen minutes on the phone and a lot of the time, he sort of holds the phone away and eventually he got her off the phone.

    What had made her so mad was apparently she was supposed to get a treadmill delivered to her on Friday and *gasp* they couldn’t make the delivery. The lady was actually calling on behalf of her mother and the lady didn’t know a lot of the specifics of what was going on and expected the manager to magically know exactly what happened and what information he needed to pull her order. Also, she was upset because someone (supposedly) in lawn and garden put her on hold and left her listening to the hold music. No one in lawn and garden confessed to doing this, but frankly, if she went off on one of them like she did with me and I was more evil, I would have put her on hold and “forgot” about her too. Manager couldn’t believe the woman’s ridiculous demands and how rude she was. He also said that she wanted my name but he wouldn’t give it to her. Thank god.

    I do answer the phones a lot for the store and I’ve had rude customers via the phone before, but never like this. I have newfound respect for those that deal with people via phones everyday. Seems to me that people act more brave on the phone because they know that they wouldn’t have to guts to act like such a jerk in person. I hope I never hear that lady’s voice ever again.

  • #2
    Wow Rine. <<<hugs>>>

    She was a total grade A classless jerk. Good on your L&G guy and Manager for not telling her who you were!


    • #3
      Man, that was one messed up jerk.
      "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

      When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


      • #4
        That woman deserves to be banned from having any and all contact with the store.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          What a wench, sorry you had to go through that. I don't know why people have to go off the deepend after they've been put on hold for a while. Knowing her, she was already mad about something else and then snapped while on hold. Next time, just calmly do as your manager and K did and give her notice that you will not deal with her if she keeps yelling at you. As long as you hold your ground, you'll be fine. I'll give you one of Becky's patented pat, pat, there, theres
          Movie, Music, Anime and many more reviews...coming soon!


          • #6
            Wow... I think that is the worst customer I've ever heard of... And yes, I do think people are alot more rude over the phone knowing that they don't have to look at your face and scream all those bad things.

            When life hands you a SC, hand them an additude.


            • #7
              Wow. That was horrible!! I talk to customers all day on the phone, and that is exactly how I'm treated if something didn't get delivered on time, or if they have to wait too long to place their order. I barely get my name in, and they go off on me. I truly believe it is people feel they can get a way with talking like that over the phone, because they have the power to hang up, and I can't cause I can lose my job. What they forget is, I have their name, address, and phone number, and after management goes over the call, I do have the ability to get them banned from ever making phone orders again. I kinda like that.
              Cruise Ship Brilliance: "Do the elevators go to the front of the ship?"


              • #8
                This is a classic example of the customers screwing themselves. IF she was put on hold and forgot about, then she has reason to complain. She could have called back, calmly asked for a manager and explained the situation. The manager would have apologized, and then offered to help her. Problem fixed.

                But no, the customer, who may have been legitimately done wrong, decides to fly off the handle screaming and hollering at everyone in the world. Even though she may have been in the right for all of two seconds, she quickly went into the wrong by being nasty. From that point on, no one took her seriously. She shot herself in the foot.

