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Food service SC supreme!

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  • Food service SC supreme!

    The other night, at one of my jobs, I had an SC that was just the epitome of a crappy customer in a restaurant/bar. And he was one of my first of the shift, too. I was going to jot down notes on any SC's I got that night, but he was so over the top with his suckiness I decided to post just on him.

    1. He was sitting at a table with other people, drinking, and they apparently got their drinks at the bar. Annoying, but not that unusual. But suddenly he needed a server to help him out, because he wanted food. can get your drinks at the bar but now you need me to get your food for you? Great, thanks for all the service, bucko.

    2. I put in his order, and a few moments later, drop off some utensils and condiments for him. Notice, I say a few moments, not a few minutes. He looks at me, and says, "Where da food at?" Me, trying to be polite, simply say, "It's cooking, sir." I am trying not to be a smartass with this fellow, but from the get-go, I smelled trouble.

    3. I drop off his food, and wander off to take care of some other stuff. When I, being the good server that I am, go to check on him shortly thereafter, and ask him how everything is, his only response is "What da damage, dog?" Okay, I was being polite and was going to drop off the check when you were done, on the offchance that you might want to order drinks from me. Actually had offered him drinks, but got the response "No, man, we gots drinks." Translation: I am going to keep getting them from the bar, not you. Of course, the bar charges the same prices as me, AND you don't have to wait at the bar for a free bartender, you can just enjoy your sandwich, but whatever.

    4. So I drop his check off and say, "I'll be right back." Meaning, of course, that I will be right back. "No, dog, I got your money right here." As if he is my only customer and I have nothing else to do. Right. Okay. Sure. So I get the joy of standing there waiting for this guy to break out his cash.

    5. He pays the $9.63 check with a $10 bill. Me: "I'll be right back with your change." Him, not at all surprising to me: "No, dude, the rest is for you." Gee, thank you sir. I get to keep all of that shiny 37 cents for myself? Let me bend over backwards for you again some time.

    6. After he and his friends left, I DID find some money on the table. I am guessing he did not leave it, but there it was, a dollar and a half. And by that I don't mean there was $1.50 on the table. No sirree Bob, there was a one dollar bill, and a half of a one dollar bill. You know, as in ripped in half. As in not likely to be able to be spent anywhere.

    7. Later he was elsewhere in my section, listening to the band, with his friends. Luckily, his friends were buying the rounds, and I actually made some money off of them. Him? I just got a half-sneer and an attitude from him.

    Feel free, Asshat, to never come back to this or any other establishment again. Grrr.

    *EDIT-To remove potentially offensive comment

    Last edited by Ree; 08-31-2006, 01:33 AM. Reason: Editing unnecessary comment

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    Try going to a bank, work at one and they might let you echange the half dollar. Not that its worth the gas to get to the bank, but..

    But sucky customer indeed.


    • #3
      Well, at least with that extra dollar you found, it's more than a 10% tip. That might be a new record for this guy.


      • #4
        that torn bill you should be able to get at least 50c for at the bank, so 1.50 and the 37 cents over he paid puts him at 18.7% on a ten dollar order, his order was slightly under ten so the tip really wasn't that bad in total, just a bit obnoxious that you will have to wait till next time you are at a bank to get the 50c.


        • #5
          I think a bank will only exchange it if it has at least 1 full serial number and 1 digit of the second. So unless its an uneven tear, most likely a no-go.
          The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


          • #6
            *Mod hat on*

            Let's just keep this on the subject at hand, which is an SC who left a partially torn bill as a tip and let's skip the other stuff

            If something is said that another member doesn't like, either ignore it or report it. The boards aren't the place for arguing. We're here to vent.

            And vent we shall . . . nicely.

            *Mod hat off*
            Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


            • #7
              *EDITED*Sorry, just venting on something else that was stuck in my craw.
              Just was mouthing off on something that has nothing to do with the original post. Sorry. My bad. It's just that my mouth (keyboard) doesn't always check in with my brain. */END EDIT

              Quoth Lehk View Post
              that torn bill you should be able to get at least 50c for at the bank, so 1.50 and the 37 cents over he paid puts him at 18.7% on a ten dollar order, his order was slightly under ten so the tip really wasn't that bad in total, just a bit obnoxious that you will have to wait till next time you are at a bank to get the 50c.
              Well, yes, that does bring it up to a decent tip, assuming he left it there and that he meant to leave it there for me, neither of which I personally believe after dealing with this yahoo. Also assuming I can get anything for the ripped half dollar. With all this assuming going on, I am getting the feeling my SC would not have cared if I ended up looking like an ass anyway. But this type of person is one of those folks that make me wonder why I still do this crap for a living. Anyway.....
              Last edited by Ree; 08-31-2006, 01:32 AM. Reason: Removing unnecessary comments

              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
              Still A Customer."

