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The oh-so protective, motherly hypocrite.

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  • The oh-so protective, motherly hypocrite.

    Well, hi there. guess what kind of customer I ran into the other day?.......... yeah, you get the point, she needs no introduction, except that she was a mother, ugly as sin, redneck trailer trash, and insanely mean to someone who's being nice to her.
    Background: I work a fast-food window, and I manage to be nice even to the really bad customers. it's what I do, and I'm good at keeping a cool head. anyway, on with the show.

    SC: yeah, you probably know this one.
    ME: the fabulous, handsome, practically infallible me. (right, lol)

    well, the woman ordered her food very quickly on the speaker and didn't speak very clearly, rushing on as fast as she could. It was a busy day, and we were very backed up, so I appreciated this. However, she didn't wait for the total cost and simply drove forward. even this would be fine, except she never told me what drinks she wanted, including the kidsmeal. anyway, she drives up to the window.

    Me: hello. that'll be $18.55 please.
    SC: *affirmative angry grunting noise*
    Me: *unphased* by the way what kind of soda did you want for the kidsmeal?
    SC: I didn't ASK for soda, you idiot. that stuff's bad for you, so why would I give that to my kid? I wanted MILK.
    Me: *pissed, but not obviously so. she's not worth it* I'm sorry, I must not have heard that (even though you clearly never said that). I'll go get it.

    I did, and came back, falling again under her scornfull, angry gaze. I hand out the milk and the one other soda which she HAD mentioned, because it was a side order.

    Me: would you like any ketchup, salt or pepper for the fries?
    SC: give me some Honey mustard.
    Me: *dreading the asnwer I must give * I'm sorry, we don't have that. We have ranch BBQ and sweet-n-sour, and they cost 27 cents extra unless the come with nuggets.
    Me: We haven't even had it since I started working six months ago. Here's you food. do you want any of the other sauces?
    SC: *visibly sulking* no.
    Me: *perfectly polite and cheery (I wonder if that's what was pissing her off, because she couldn't get a rise)* thanks, then, and have a nice evening.

    As she left, I couldn't help but notice that fast food isn't going to be good for the kid either. hypocrite $%#&@. I was steamed for the next half an hour, not that any of my customers could tell. I'm learning that I have a higher tolerance for this than my co-workers.

  • #2
    oh yeah. almost forgot.

    almost forgot to add the kid fliped me the bird. she couldn't have been older than 6. I wonder what's going on that they'd take it out on me.


    • #3
      What is it with SC's and "you had it last time I was here".

      Is that going to change the fact that you DON'T HAVE IT NOW?

      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        I'm sure on the way home she bashed into the median, flipped her Pinto, and all the chicken nuggets went flying out the window.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          Quoth blas87 View Post
          I'm sure on the way home she bashed into the median, flipped her Pinto, and all the chicken nuggets went flying out the window.
          I feel very comforted.


          • #6
            I have one word for her, and it's not runt, hunt, or punt.


            • #7
              Quoth Despina83 View Post
              I have one word for her, and it's not runt, hunt, or punt.
              Okay, THAT should be a signature somewhere!
              "If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?" - Gerard Way


              • #8
                Quoth Despina83 View Post
                I have one word for her, and it's not runt, hunt, or punt.
                Blunt? Shunt?

                I'm sure on the way home she bashed into the median, flipped her Pinto, and all the chicken nuggets went flying out the window.
                Wrong. She came to a dead stop in the middle of the traffic lane to check her bag, got rear-ended by a semi, and was blown to Kingdom Come.

                After all, this is a Pinto we're talking about.
                Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                • #9
                  Wrong. She came to a dead stop in the middle of the traffic lane to check her bag, got rear-ended by a semi, and was blown to Kingdom Come.

                  After all, this is a Pinto we're talking about.
                  nope; sorry to say, but the end to the story is the hag went home to her man, cletus, where they had a deep discussion about the 'poor service' she received and with the help of their spawn, they are hatching a nefarious plot to scam your store.

                  be warned.
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                    Blunt? Shunt?

                    Wrong. She came to a dead stop in the middle of the traffic lane to check her bag, got rear-ended by a semi, and was blown to Kingdom Come.

                    After all, this is a Pinto we're talking about.
                    er...efflu-unt? ok, that's a bit of a stretch.

                    The first auto accident I was ever in: I was rear-ended by a dump truck while yielding for an ambulance. I was in my '75 Pinto.

                    2 things saved me: a full gas tank, so no vapors; my gas tank was way lower than his bumper!

                    Only thing that saved him--he had no insurance, and picked up and skipped town. Else my family would own that truck, now, and I'd have another set in my "collection."
                    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


                    • #11
                      Quoth mananomas View Post

                      As she left, I couldn't help but notice that fast food isn't going to be good for the kid either.
                      I feel you on that believe me. I used to work at Burger King and would have these women come in with elaborate demands on how to make their orders "healthier" for the kids. It's like who are you trying to kid?
                      My Horror Blog



                      • #12
                        Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                        nope; sorry to say, but the end to the story is the hag went home to her man, cletus, where they had a deep discussion about the 'poor service' she received and with the help of their spawn, they are hatching a nefarious plot to scam your store.

                        be warned.

                        The sad part is that you are probably right.

                        Anyway, what's even more sad is the health aspect of doing this whole, "Soda is bad for my kid" spiel. It's fast food. period. it isn't healthy AT ALL. even our "healthy alternatives are, quite frankly, disgusting (except the yogurt, I guess). I work there and get half off on meals, and I STILL rarely eat there. I'm looking for a new job, but it's still going to involve SC's at this point, so I'm not optomistic. I just want to get out of fast food.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Primer View Post
                          er...efflu-unt? ok, that's a bit of a stretch.

                          The first auto accident I was ever in: I was rear-ended by a dump truck while yielding for an ambulance. I was in my '75 Pinto.

                          2 things saved me: a full gas tank, so no vapors; my gas tank was way lower than his bumper!

                          Only thing that saved him--he had no insurance, and picked up and skipped town. Else my family would own that truck, now, and I'd have another set in my "collection."
                          Glad to hear you survived either way ^.^.

                          To the OP. Some people feel the need to take whatever righteous anger they have and direct it at the nearest "doormat" which is usually a CS person. It's too bad so many children learn by example, or I'd say there is still hope for the little brat. What kept me going through the years of fast food, both as a team member and upper management, is that whatever crappy, retarded thing someone did or said to me while I was on the clock, didn't follow me out the doors.
                          Girls do not exist on the intarweb.

