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No, a college ID is NOT govt issued

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  • #16
    Quoth Broomjockey View Post
    o_O Are you sure about that? I'd like a source, if possible. I know especially in Canada the cards have no security measures, and are quite possibly the most easily forged ID cards to not be printed on paper, so they can't even be used for alcohol purchases (not to mention the usual lack of birthdate and other vital statistics).
    Although not accepted for gambling, alcohol or tobacco, they ARE issued by a Post-Secondary Educational Institution. These institutions are formed by an act of Provincial Parliament, and therefore are a form of Government - at the provincial level (Yup, Universities are bound by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms - most University employee's don't even know that though ).

    If the request is for "Government Issued ID", the card would be valid. If it requires a date of birth or signature, then it most likely wouldn't be valid.


    • #17
      Quoth prb View Post
      These institutions are formed by an act of Provincial Parliament, and therefore are a form of Government - at the provincial level (Yup, Universities are bound by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms - most University employee's don't even know that though ).

      If the request is for "Government Issued ID", the card would be valid. If it requires a date of birth or signature, then it most likely wouldn't be valid.
      Cool. Wish I'd known that when I was trying for my provincial Id card. Was a pain finding enough pieces of ID for that.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #18
        Before I got my passport, I'd use my college ID in combination with my Learner's Permit (for those of you that don't know, Learner's Permits in PA are just a piece of paper), but I didn't kick up a fuss if people wouldn't take that. Now I just use my passport. Never did get around to getting my DL.
        The High Priest is an Illusion!


        • #19
          Quoth retaildrone View Post
          Yet another thing I tried to explain to my SC.

          One day, I am going to describe in detail just how easy it is to forge one it their ID's.

          Hell, I have a friend who has the equipment. She makes customer loyalty cards for her business. I just may have her whip something up for me to use as an 'example.' Who should I be??? Cameron Diaz? Julia Roberts?? Angelina Jolie?
          you have to be Madonna, Cher or McLovin - only use 1 name


          • #20
            We are not even supposed to accept military ID's for age verification.
            those are suppose to be accepted however, in the states at least. i remember that from when i worked at ames (before it went out of business)


            • #21
              Quoth prb View Post
              Actually, post-secondary educational institutions are government-level and their Identification is valid Government-issued identification in most countries.
              Not as proof of age. I've never heard of a school or college putting students birthdates on their ID cards. Corporate policy specifically forbids us from accepting college IDs as proof of age. We do have to accept military ID; which is odd because in the booklet of sample IDs corporate just sent us instead of a picture of a military ID there was a note saying "Federal law prohibts us from reproducing military IDs".
              Last edited by alphaboi; 02-12-2008, 05:17 PM. Reason: military ID
              Mon aéroglisseur est plein des anguilles!"


              • #22

                hmm.. my problem of late has been somewhat the opposite. I have this nifty id from work. It has all sorts of vital statistics, and RFID with more information, both medical and personal. I have to have a background check, relatives were called and neighbors were questioned. All in all a very arduous process.

                So, I'm traveling not too long ago, for work even, I get to the airport, the want government issues picture ID. From around my next I hand them my ID. Guard looks at me as says, "NASA is not part of Government I need a Drivers License or other ID" I think about 6 jaws hit the floor at that comment.


                • #23
                  Quoth Confusion View Post
                  hmm.. my problem of late has been somewhat the opposite. I have this nifty id from work. It has all sorts of vital statistics, and RFID with more information, both medical and personal. I have to have a background check, relatives were called and neighbors were questioned. All in all a very arduous process.

                  So, I'm traveling not too long ago, for work even, I get to the airport, the want government issues picture ID. From around my next I hand them my ID. Guard looks at me as says, "NASA is not part of Government I need a Drivers License or other ID" I think about 6 jaws hit the floor at that comment.
                  LOL - ty telling that to people like gene kranz (BTW his biography "failure is not an option" is awesome)

                  to work in the casino i worked it i needed to get licensed from a government body. this is a government issued identification, with my full name printed on it. the only other pieces of photo id i have is my passport that i don't carry with me everywhere and my security clearance / work ID

                  using this ID i have boarded flights, got my security clearance for my new job and all sorts of things. i moved to canberra (Australia's capital city) to start my new job and went to the video store. they would not take it! when i produced my Work ID they still would not take it.. i ended up driving to my apartment, getting my passport and on my way back i passed a better, cheaper store i pulled in and joined them instead.
                  The mere fact that we have the flamethrower means that someone, somewhere once said "You know, I'd really like to set those customers over there on fire, but don't possess the means to do it"

