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Are people really that dumb?

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  • Are people really that dumb?

    First of all, I admit to being numerically challenged. I get mixed up with math or other calculations in my head, and frequently get mixed up, i.e. trying to figure out who owes what at a restuarant.

    That being said, I can do some simple stuff, in my head, especially when it means saving money! My store currently has a sale, where all sale stuff is an ADDITIONAL 25% off, to be done at the register. Don't know why we do this way, but we do. I can't tell you how many customers come up and DEMAND to know what the price will be, with the 25 off. I have no problem if they say "can you tell me what this will be after the 25%?" But i had one yesterday come up, and say "ring these up and tell me how much each one is" - i can't do that since if they don't want them, i have to get a manager to void it, but I will figure it out on the calculater. She wasn' very nice, and then when I told her, she looked at me like i had 3 heads! I can do some without the calculator, i.e. $28 item, will be $21...or i divied the price by 4, and then subtract that from the price. Not that difficult, is it?

    And then there are those who come up with their stuff, and have no clue what they are spending, and when you tell them the total, they THEN feel the need to scrutinize the receipt, in case you made an error. Don't you keep track of what you have? I know I do, so there are no surprises when I get up to the register! Our stuff is clearly marked, either full price or sale, and aside from the last 25% off during sales, there are no "hidden" discounts, etc.

    So they figure out they spent WAY more than they should have, and then want to return stuff...ugh...when all they have to do is keep track in the first place! Amazing.

  • #2
    I can easily figure 25% off in my head, and I can carry an approximate running total of what I'm buying before I go to the register.

    However, I still check my receipt when I leave Target or Costco or the grocery store, especially the grocery store. I'm shopping for a family of four, which means I'm buying a lot, since I usually only shop once a week. I've had prices come up wrong at all of those stores (Costco the least). I'm usually still unloading my cart while they're ringing up the items so I can't check the prices as they're done. If the total seems high, or I just had a large number of items, I'll do a quick scan of the receipt before I leave, but I step away from the register before I do it.
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    • #3
      When I was a little kid, and had to save up all my allowance for two months to have anything for Christmas presents, the first thing I'd do when buying mulitple items would be to go to the calculator display and take one with me. I'd always put it back exactly where I got it when I was done, too!

      Of course, now I'm older and CAN keep a vague running total in my head, and I cringe at the idea of using stuff I don't intend to buy...

      My point is, calculators are cheap and easy to get--often, you can find them for a dollar or less. Some people just have trouble with numbers, but some days I just want to whap the "I spent too much! Fix it" people upside the head with the giant calculator we have at guest service.
      It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


      • #4
        I sometimes lose track of the price of my purchase, but if I don't write it down or bring a calculator, then I don't blame anyone but myself. Also, to calculate a 25% off sale, I find it's easier to multiply the original price by .75. One less step to get confused on.
        "If everyone is thinking alike, someone isn't thinking." - George Patton

        "If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough." - Albert Einstein


        • #5
          I can't stand it when customers look at me suspiciously, and then look at the reciept. I try to chack every thing I ring up, because some of it IS wrong. If it is I change it, but if something sounds wrong to you when you hear the total, please tell me NOW instead of waiting until I finish the transaction to pitch a fit and call me a theif. It's just easier to change the prices while I'm ringing them up than to void out the transaction and do it all over again.
          Check out my cosplay social group!


          • #6
            Honestly, no, I wouldn't be able to figure out 25% off. I studied hard to learn all of that in order to graduate, but unfortunately I don't seem to have retained anything, I've forgotten most of it. I seriously need a refresher. But don't assume that people like myself who are severly mathematically impaired are "dumb". While I may not be able to figure out percentages and change very well, I have a lot more sense than many people that I encounter at my job every day. Which is pretty sad. And my professors usually give me perfect grades on my writing. There's more to being smart than one's ability to retain math.
            Last edited by Despina83; 02-11-2008, 07:21 PM.


            • #7
              I can do math in my head. I can do math quickly. I can do math accurately. Pick two.
              There is no .sig that still seems clever 50 posts later.


              • #8
                Quoth Gabrielle Proctor View Post
                It's just easier to change the prices while I'm ringing them up than to void out the transaction and do it all over again.
                Particularly if you pay with a check, and three seconds later, realize: Oh, this didn't ring up right!
                Well, then, you'll get store credit for the mistake. We can't return checks within 10 days! It just isn't possible.

                I also love it when customers get angry at me because I have to check how much change I owe.
                "Learn to do math!"
                "Sir, can you calculate an exponential in your head? I can, I know my math, however, I have an extremely short memory. If you distract me with... OOOh! Shiny!... what was I talking about?"
                Last edited by Imogene; 02-11-2008, 08:31 PM. Reason: More stuffs
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  We have price grids all over our store showing what people would pay. We never have a sale below 30%, so on the signs it has the original price listed straight down...starting at 10.00 and ending at like 50.00. Then when you go across on the grid, it has what the price would be if it were 30% off, 40% off, 50% off...etc. These grids are located on every sale sign in the store. Its AMAZING I absoloutley love them. Even if customers dont read them and ask me how much it would cost I can make a point of walking over to a price grid and looking myself (although I could probably figure it out on my own). This usually illustrates to the customer that THEY can do the same exact thing and they never ask me again.
                  "I hope we never lose sight of one thing, it was all started by a mouse" --Walt Disney


                  • #10
                    Funny enough, most cell phones now adays even have a calculator feature on them. If I'm really concerned, I'll use that, or just write on the back of my shopping list and make calculations. I also do my best to unload the cart quickly, so I can watch the prices come up - I even will unload the things I'm curious/concerned about last, so that I can watch them be rung up.
                    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                    • #11
                      What I hate is when people expect me to memorize ever single sale in the store. The sales change every friggin' week people, I cannot memorize them all. I know the really good sales that everybody buys. I know the sales that have limits like "must buy two". "limit one", and "with additional $25 purchase". If you actually read the sales flyer so would you.

                      Oh, and I have to second that checking the receipt thing. I work at a grocery store, and I know how much things can be messed up that the cashier won't notice. I do my best, but I don't the sales, and I really don't know what the price should be if it's been ringing up wrong. It really sucks at my store, because we only have two people in scanning, so stuff doesn't get don nearly as quickly as we need it too.
                      The High Priest is an Illusion!


                      • #12
                        in reply to your question...Yes, people really are that dumb.
                        We Pick Up the Pieces


                        • #13
                          Quoth DannyboyO1 View Post
                          I can do math in my head. I can do math quickly. I can do math accurately. Pick two.
                          Sorry to rain on your parade, but I'm afraid I shall have to take all three.

                          To three decimal places, too.

