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Selective Literacy

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  • Selective Literacy

    Background: Sandra Lee is a lady on the Food Network who hosts a show called "Semi-Homemade Cooking". I work in a bookstore and this customer was on the phone.

    SC: I want the Sandra Lee books on Gardening and Decorating.
    Me (What? Well, maybe she's expanding her empire...): I don't see any books available right now by this author on that subject, ma'am.
    SC: I know they're out!
    Me: Well, let me check some other databases...nope, those titles aren't even on Amazon. Let me see if Sandra Lee has a website...nope, her website says nothing about books on those subjects either. How strange.
    SC: But I'm looking at an ad for them right here! It's in the back of her slow cooker cookbook.
    Me: We should have that title on the shelf. Let me grab a copy so we are looking at the same thing.

    I get the book. Sure enough there is an ad in the back, with pictures of what look like book covers with titles like "Sandra Lee: Gardening".

    Also, there is a HUGE FRACKING NOTE that this is an ad for Sandra Lee's online magazine, which features issues on these subjects.

    Seriously, it was obvious that this ad was for a magazine and not books, it said so in an enormous headline right at the top!

    I am beginning to wonder if some people are selectively literate, they are only able to read what they wish would be true and the rest is gibberish.

    BTW, the SC said, "Oh." and hung up when I pointed out that these 'books', weren't. I wasted a good ten minutes on this idiot.

  • #2
    The real suck here is that they're following that Sandra Lee junk. I swear she changed her name to sound like Sara Lee.

    "Let me show you how to make a delicious cake for a party ... first, get the cake mix box and make it. Then, get the crappy-icing-in-a-can and spread it on. There, you're done! Aren't I clever?"
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Quoth AnaKhouri View Post
      I am beginning to wonder if some people are selectively literate, they are only able to read what they wish would be true and the rest is gibberish.

      Come work here. You'll see it's an SC LAW to be selective literate.

      SC: BUT IT SAYS 1,99$!!!
      Liza: Yes, but it also says JAM!
      Now would be a good time to visit So Very Unofficial!

      "I've had so many nasty customers this week, my bottomless pit is now ankle-deep."-Me.


      • #4
        I always go by this rule for life: People see only what they want to see, everything else might as well not exist to them...until they want it.
        We Pick Up the Pieces


        • #5
          Quoth marasbaras View Post
          "Let me show you how to make a delicious cake for a party ... first, get the cake mix box and make it. Then, get the crappy-icing-in-a-can and spread it on. There, you're done! Aren't I clever?"
          Sadly, some people need advice like that.

          My favourite DIY joke ever:

          Ever wanted to make a coffee table out of matchsticks? Well you can't.


          • #6
            Whenever I see a Sandra Lee book I start singing "Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee..."
            I don't go in for ancient wisdom
            I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
            It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


            • #7
              Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
              Whenever I see a Sandra Lee book I start singing "Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee..."
              I haven't heard of Sandra Lee before this post and I'm hearing that song in my head too . . .

              "Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee . . . lousy wiiith virgiiiiinity . . won't go to bed 'til I'm legally wed . . . I can't, I'm Sandra Deeeeeeeeeeeeee"

              Now there's a thought . . . I should try out for American Idol
              Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


              • #8
                I can't stand Sandra Lee.
                So pretentious.
                Box cake mix?? So she adds some ingredients to it and presto, it's homemade?? I don't think so.

                As one who is passionate about baking, she offends me.

                If I want a cake, it's made from scratch (don't hate me, it was the way I was raised)

                Rant off..
                "There is no rehab for stupidity." --Chris Rock
                "You learn something new and stupid every day you work in retail."--IhateCrappyTire


                • #9
                  Having worked in a fabric/craft store for several years, just let me say that I freaking hate people who think they're better than everyone else because they can follow some DIY network guru's shortcuts and make a roast with shake n bake and condensed soup. Or tie two pieces of fleece together at the edges and still have time to be clever. Is there no respect for honest creativity and work and time spent anymore?!


                  • #10
                    Quoth ZumZum View Post
                    I can't stand Sandra Lee.
                    So pretentious.
                    Box cake mix?? So she adds some ingredients to it and presto, it's homemade?? I don't think so.

                    As one who is passionate about baking, she offends me.

                    If I want a cake, it's made from scratch (don't hate me, it was the way I was raised)

                    Rant off..
                    Since the first time I ever made brownies from scratch, I can't imagine making them from the box anymore. Scratch is just tooo damn good.
                    Girls do not exist on the intarweb.


                    • #11
                      The woman obviously has other issues if she is such a follower of Sandra Lee.!

                      What that woman does to prepackaged food is just not of God.


                      • #12
                        I had never heard of Sandra Lee before, so of course, I had to consult with Google. Has anyone seen her spaghetti with garlic meat sauce recipe? Saute some minced garlic, saute some mushrooms and garlic cloves, brown some beef, add in a can of Newman's pasta sauce, wine and seasonings and simmer. WTF? By the time you minced the garlic, chopped the mushrooms, sauteed everything, the "hard" part of making the sauce is done. Why not use some tomato paste and canned or fresh tomatoes, and actually have honest-to-goodness from-scratch sauce?
                        Zee website has been *UPDATED*

