yesterday, wasn't a bad day for the most part. no really sucky people. but what happened, i have never seen happen before, and it really shocked me.
we were expecting a visit from our DM so i was rushing around trying to get things done. i had gone downstairs to grab something, and when i came up, my EXA(one step away from being a store manager) came up to me.
Exa: Go to your department. STAY in your department, do NOT leave your department. do NOT give front register person a lunch. do NOT let her go anywhere. just STAY in your department.
she wasn't being rude, just firm. i thought the DM was here, because that would warrant how she said it. i agreed, and went to my department. i then called another coworker(CW-K) over.
me-what is going on?
CW-K-What do you mean? i dont know whats going on...
at that point, a cop walks in.
Me- THATS what i mean by whats going on.
CW-k- I have no idea....
my store manager goes up to the cop, and they chat for a few seconds, and then takes the cop to the back of the store,out of my line of view. at this point, im thoroughly confused. it can't be a shoplifter, cause if it was, i wouldn't be told to get in my department, but rather catch him. we would all be swarming the shoplifter, so i have no idea what is going on....
my store manager comes back to my department. i ask him what is going on...he just shakes his head. i call my EXA and she just tells me to stay out of it. again, not in a rude way.
then the AM walks by. he is the biggest gossip in the store. lucky for me in this case.
Me- what the heck is going on? why is there a cop here? why won't anybody tell me anything?
AM- well...did you see the two drunk ladies in here?
Me- no....
AM-well, there are two drunk ladies over in pharmacy sitting down.....one of them is cutting her wrists....
the cops took her away, and it must not have been too serious or else they would have called an ambulance...either that or because the hospital is 3 minutes away....
i have no idea what she was using, or how bad she did it. when she walked out, i couldn't see any blood on her.
i just couldn't believe this. my EXA kept telling me to stay in my department, i assume because we didn't know if this woman was violent to other people. at the point, it kinda creeped me out....i mean, this woman could have gone all psycho on us.
yesterday, wasn't a bad day for the most part. no really sucky people. but what happened, i have never seen happen before, and it really shocked me.
we were expecting a visit from our DM so i was rushing around trying to get things done. i had gone downstairs to grab something, and when i came up, my EXA(one step away from being a store manager) came up to me.
Exa: Go to your department. STAY in your department, do NOT leave your department. do NOT give front register person a lunch. do NOT let her go anywhere. just STAY in your department.
she wasn't being rude, just firm. i thought the DM was here, because that would warrant how she said it. i agreed, and went to my department. i then called another coworker(CW-K) over.
me-what is going on?
CW-K-What do you mean? i dont know whats going on...
at that point, a cop walks in.
Me- THATS what i mean by whats going on.
CW-k- I have no idea....
my store manager goes up to the cop, and they chat for a few seconds, and then takes the cop to the back of the store,out of my line of view. at this point, im thoroughly confused. it can't be a shoplifter, cause if it was, i wouldn't be told to get in my department, but rather catch him. we would all be swarming the shoplifter, so i have no idea what is going on....
my store manager comes back to my department. i ask him what is going on...he just shakes his head. i call my EXA and she just tells me to stay out of it. again, not in a rude way.
then the AM walks by. he is the biggest gossip in the store. lucky for me in this case.
Me- what the heck is going on? why is there a cop here? why won't anybody tell me anything?
AM- well...did you see the two drunk ladies in here?
Me- no....
AM-well, there are two drunk ladies over in pharmacy sitting down.....one of them is cutting her wrists....

the cops took her away, and it must not have been too serious or else they would have called an ambulance...either that or because the hospital is 3 minutes away....
i have no idea what she was using, or how bad she did it. when she walked out, i couldn't see any blood on her.
i just couldn't believe this. my EXA kept telling me to stay in my department, i assume because we didn't know if this woman was violent to other people. at the point, it kinda creeped me out....i mean, this woman could have gone all psycho on us.