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"Somebody" should look where they're going.

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  • #16
    One story I heard once, and I'm not sure if it's true or not, but the liquor stores around here specifically set their automatic doors to open slower. It's done that way to act as a detriment to people trying to grab and dash. How well it works and if that is even true, I don't know (I heard it third hand from my mom)


    • #17
      Quoth PhiSigGirl1988 View Post
      We had a customer break one of the exit automatic doors by trying to come into the store through it. Apparently the big red sign with "Do Not Enter" in big white letters wasn't enough of a hint for her.
      Well, obviously the sign didn't apply, it was an EXIT door, after all.

      At my store, for some reason beyond my ability to deduce, customers are always trying to get in the exit doors. They'll walk in when someone pushes their cart full of groceries out, and then get to the second pair of doors, which won't open automatically from that side, so they pull them open and break them temporarily. Sometimes it doesn't occur to them to pull on the doors, and I can hear them banging on them. I just ignore them and get amusement from their plight. Luckily they can't see me from that angle.
      The High Priest is an Illusion!


      • #18
        One of my favorite parts of my job is being near the front and seeing a customer walk up to the door, stop and wait for it to open, get pissy, and open it themselves.

        I only have to wait about 5 seconds before they come storming up to me..

        "You need to fix your automatic door! It won't open!"

        "We don't have an automatic door. It's the old fashioned kind that you actually have to open"


        • #19
          I have to side with the sucky customers. The supermarket I go through on my way to work (when I need a sandwich, newspaper etc...) has the worst doors ever. They are supposed to swing open but sometimes won't open at all (not too bad, I just push them) but sometimes will start to open then stop dead, without giving my brain enough time to realise and I pretty much crash into the door (I am thinking ahead as I am on my way to the train station).

          I am pretty sure me shoving the doors will probably break them but it is soooo annoying


          • #20
            haha you should totally put a sign up on the door "Disclaimer: If you choose not to wait until the doors are fully open before entering the premises, you automatically waive your right to sue for any injury"
            I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


            • #21
              I heard about a lawsuit in Alberta (though my google-fu is lacking) where an American broke their nose on a door by walking in to it, and was suing because they assumed it was an automatic door, and not labelled "Caution, manual door"
              Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


