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WHAT! You don't speak SC code?...

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  • WHAT! You don't speak SC code?...

    So this fool comes in a few days ago, has a reservation for a room. He made the reservation a few months ago.

    He starts by "inquiring" about the room, something that should have been done when he made the reservation (you know, ask about whats in the room and what amenities the hotel offers). He then asks the rate, it was $65. We set the rate low last year to get reservations, but because we have been staying busy, that room that he booked at $65 was now $89-$99, the lowest rate this week on a single was given at $79.

    Now, his reservation was guaranteed with a credit card, and would need to be cancelled to avoid a no show charge. After asking all the questions he wanted to ask, including "Is that the best rate I can get for tonight?", he says "I will be back later".

    This wasn't odd to me, as people do this sometimes. Book a room, then come in to the area and check the hotel and the competition before officially checking in. It was early also, about noon when he came in.

    Anyways, he didn't show up that day all. He was charged a no show charge for failing to cancel the room. But of course, that was not the end of that. He came in the next morning to see if his room was cancelled. Why on earth would you wait until AFTER your reservation date to inquire about canceling the room? He was told by the morning clerk that he was charged as a no show. He wanted to then speak to me, as he claimed that I was supposed to cancel the room.

    He came back in the afternoon when I was working, the following conversation ensued: (DA = DumbASS)

    DA: You knew that I wanted to cancel that room yesterday, right?
    ME: How would I know that sir, you never told me that you wanted the room cancelled.
    DA: But I left and said "I'll be back"
    ME: And I understood that as you will come back for the room, what other meaning can there be for "I'll be back"?
    DA: You should have known I didn't need the room when I left.
    ME: I'm sorry, I can not assume that you didn't need it. If you didn't need the room, all you had to do is tell me that you needed to cancel it and that you wanted a cancellation number.
    DA: But then why are you charging me this no show thing?
    ME: Because you did not cancel the room, and we held it for you all night, and for that reason, we were unable to give the room to someone else and lost revenue.
    DA: But it wasn't like you were full, I saw the parking lot last night, there were still some spots open.
    ME: Sir, we have MORE spots than rooms, that is not a way of figuring out our occupancy. Here is a report of what we did yesterday. See that, thats how many rooms we have. And See that, thats the number of rooms we gave out last night. The difference in those numbers is 1, meaning 1 room didn't get given out, want to guess which room that was?
    DA: Fine, but I didn't use the room, how about I give you $5 and we call it even?
    ME: How about we leave it the way it is, and next time, you make sure to cancel the room if you didn't need it, as its a real inconsiderate thing to do to us.

    He gave me a dirty look and left. I was upset as we got $65 for the no show charge on his room, but I know I could have given that room to someone that needed it, and for more money. And he offered me what? $5? What a shameless thing to do.

    I don't care, he was IN the hotel when he decided he didn't want to stay, all he had to do was say "please cancel my reservation" and he would have his $70 right now.

  • #2
    Good for you! What a moron ... "I'll be back" ... twirp.
    "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

    Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


    • #3
      Quoth marasbaras View Post
      Good for you! What a moron ... "I'll be back" ... twirp.
      Ri-i-i-i-ght. "I'll be back" and "Cancel my room" sound exactly the same.
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


      • #4
        i would have said In what world is I'll be Back, term you will be returning before to long, mean cancle the room i changed my mind? You failed to cancled, you failed to show up, and you apparently failed english, the charge stands. then i would hvae been fired...


        • #5
          So let me get this straight-"I'll be back" now means "cancel my room"? What planet is he from?


          • #6
            I guess that's why the Govenator can't get a hotel room.


            • #7
              I keep wondering what kind of person would say "I'll be back" when they mean "cancel my room".

              Oh yeah - the kind of person who offers 5.00 to forget the whole thing.

              Jesus. This guy needs a good ol' fashioned ass 'whupin.
              "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


              • #8
                Yeah, I'm was pretty sure "I'll be back" really meant "I'm going to do battle with a cyborg killing machine from the future after which I will perish in a pool of molten metal." not "Cancel my room."

                Hmm...<scratches head>


                • #9
                  gravekeeper you beat me to that by "i'll be back "he meant "I'm going to jump in some molten steal thus i will not be requiring this room give my reservation fee to my next of kin."

