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Ugh... Price Matches

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  • Ugh... Price Matches

    It's been a little while as I've been enjoying my job lately believe it or not (generally as the post-holiday shopping is quite slow and it barely has any hagglers or scammers - In fact, most customers this time of year act mature and are willing to part with a couple bucks for the expertise and service we provide.)

    Well, most are except this professional scammer that has been trying to pull one on us for a couple days now.
    My store has Price Match Guarantees against the big box stores to remain competitive, which is all fine and dandy we just need to see it either on the store's web site or in a published advertisement. But Friday night a young lady (from now forward we will refer to as Lovely Lady or LL) came in claiming that a salesperson of ours told her that we would sell her a camcorder for $100 off (almost a quarter of the price discounted) because a salesperson at a competitor TOLD HER they'd sell it to her for that price. She came in conveniently when said salesperson was off for the night.
    I quickly told her that we can't just match claims as anybody could just make a claim that anything is any price and it's against company policy.

    LL - "Well this is f***ing ridiculous, your salesperson told me to come down here and you would sell it to me for that price!"

    Me - "Unfortunately you must have misheard our salesperson, we require an advertisement either in print or on the internet to match, the price you claim is otherwise far to low for us to just sell it to you at."

    LL - "I was told to come here and you would sell it to me at that price because the salesperson at (store name removed) said he'd give it to us for that price because they're changing the price to that on monday!"

    Me - "well, first of all, Monday is a holiday, so I doubt the store will even be open to make such sale, but if it's true you can always bring your receipt back during that sale and we will refund you the difference."

    (this goes on for quite awhile, including several requests for her to talk to a manager -who was not at the store at the time- and saying that "if (she) were to run a business she would just give the camcorder to somebody saying they were told this." - The reason I am quite certain she was trying to scam us is that she immediately went over the top when I said what our policy on the price matches are).

    Eventually I had put the product on hold for them saying that I would have to check with the salesperson regarding said claim and she left dissatisfied with her boyfriend who basically didn't say a thing and just stood back and watched her freak out. I called the other salesperson afterwards and she had in fact told said customer to bring in an ad and we would match it.

    The simple fact is if we did make such a price cut on such an empty claim, the poor salesperson would get penalized for selling such a discounted camera without reason and the company would not make any money.

    The Lovely Lady called me today at work and I had told her I spoke to the other salesperson who told me that she needed to see the ad, to which she immediately replied "she told me to just come down and you would sell it to me at that price"

    Me - "Unfortunately (the salesperson) herself has told me that she said to bring an ad in and it's against company policy to sell such a popular product at such a high discount otherwise."

    LL - "Are you calling me a liar!? I want to speak to your manager!"

    (conveniently my manager had stepped out, so this is two straight times that she missed the boss)

    Me - "She's not in right now, but I'll gladly take your phone number and have her call you when she's back."

    LL - "I'll just call back later!" *click!*

    I've kept my assistant manager up to date with the entire situation who has told me that she isn't getting $1 off of the camcorder without an ad. The entire staff is still confused as to why if this competitor is offering such a great deal, why try to have us match it on word-of-mouth so desperately?

    The entire situation wreaks of dodginess.

    Also, I had a lady call me today to pin me against another salesperson and another one of our stores in a different location to see who would offer her the "best deal" we both quite quickly told her to find her deal elsewhere.

    What's wrong with people these days? Generally I go by the deal of the price is the price unless price matching or the customer is actually pleasant and doesn't ask for a deal. Who would think that being nice and civil would get you somewhere in life?
    Last edited by Brentos; 02-17-2008, 03:19 AM.

  • #2
    Quoth Brentos View Post

    Me - "well, first of all, Monday is a holiday, so I doubt the store will even be open to make such sale, but if it's true you can always bring your receipt back during that sale and we will refund you the difference."
    To be fair:

    If you are in the US, then Monday is Presidents' Day, which is one of the biggest shopping-holidays (meaning that stores ARE open), and LOTS of businesses have sales associated particularly with it (especially car dealerships). However, they are also usually VERY well advertised, both on paper and on TV.
    I was not hired to respond to those voices.


    • #3
      "Well Ms LL, if it's such a great deal being offered by them, why would you want to waste so much time in arguing with us when you can get it right now with absolutely no issues? So, go back and buying it off them..."
      When I said "From my research", what I actually meant to say was "Made shit up" - from a thottbot thread


      • #4
        When I worked for a pet med company 2 years ago they did the price match thing with free shipping if they can verify it by phone (by calling competitor: i.e. vet's office, etc.) or website. I can't tell you how many SC's would have me price match to the point it was below company cost (and that's where a sup would come in) and/or ask for freebies.
        Last edited by tropicsgoddess; 02-17-2008, 02:04 PM.
        I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
        Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
        Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


        • #5
          Quoth poofy_puff View Post
          To be fair:

          If you are in the US, then Monday is Presidents' Day, which is one of the biggest shopping-holidays (meaning that stores ARE open), and LOTS of businesses have sales associated particularly with it (especially car dealerships). However, they are also usually VERY well advertised, both on paper and on TV.
          This may be true in the US, but in certain parts of Canada it's called Family Day and most stores are closed because the intention is for family's to spend time together.


          • #6
            Brentos, what about those people who work to get AWAY from their families?
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Family Day

              Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
              Brentos, what about those people who work to get AWAY from their families?
              They need to change to a job that is running on Family Day. KFC is looking for employees in my area.


              • #8
                Working in stores like this before, I have seen customers who argue with the managers until they are blue in the face. What I don't understand is, why don't the idiots just go to the other store to get their item they want so badly? I as a customer wouldn't even waste my time with other stores. I would choose the one with the best price, and then I would go to that store, plain and simple.


                • #9
                  Our store price matches to a competeter's ad, but it also has to show the exact price, not any of the $2.00 off or 20% off stuff. The reason for that is because Best Buy may show a DVD for $10.00 off the list price, but if we are selling it for $9.97 then we're just giving it away free aren't we. Customer's don't understand that and get upset when you try explaining it to them. Also, a SIMILAR product is not the same and we will not price match. How annoying.
                  A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


                  • #10
                    Quoth Brentos View Post
                    LL - "Are you calling me a liar!?!"

                    You: "Are you calling me a liar when I saw we Need to see the ad?!"
                    Broadcasting to you live from the nerve center of my brain..... szzzt *we are currently experiencing technical difficulties, please stand by*


                    • #11
                      It's been my experience that most people who shout "Are you calling me a liar" are usually the most obvious of liars/scam artists.

                      They may as well wear a sign that says "I'm a big fat liar/scam artist/entitlement whore."

                      Also, the BF is apparently quite the man, ain't he? Standing there watching her freak out and not saying a word - how very manly of him.
                      "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


                      • #12
                        Quoth Peppergirl View Post

                        Also, the BF is apparently quite the man, ain't he? Standing there watching her freak out and not saying a word - how very manly of him.
                        That or he's scared sless of her 'cause if he says one word to her about her behavior, his name will be swollen when he wakes up from the coma.
                        Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                        • #13
                          Our grocery store prices matches. It used to be you needed the ad to price match, but our store finally started getting the ads each week so the customer doesn't need the ad anymore. We don't look at the ad unless the price match sounds too good to be true. That being said...

                          We have a guy come in every now and then who insists Target sells their Pokeman cards for $2.00 less then we do.'s not a grocery item so management says we need the ad. The guy always says "It's not in an ad, it's the regular Target price!". We've told him if he can find the price on the internet and print it out, we'll give it to him for that price. He doesn't like that idea either because it's not a sale it's a regular price item so no way, according to him, it would be on the internet. One time I offered to call Target and ask the price, he said he didn't have time for that (but he did have time to create a scene). We had an a-hole ass. manager who was a freak about these sort of cards and collectibles and he knew Target did not sell Pokeman cards for $2.00 less than us. Anyway, the guy throws a scene every time and it seems like every time I get to deal with him. The kicker? Target is a mile from our store. If it's cheaper there, just go there.

                          BTW, out of curiosity I wrote down the price of cards and on my next trip to Target checked out their Pokeman cards...they were the same price. On his next visit him I told him I personally checked and they were the same price. He told me I had obviously been looking at the wrong Pokeman cards or was lying to avoid selling him the cards at a cheaper price.

                          You would think he would remember me by now and try to avoid me, but alas, that is not the case. I almost look forward to dealing with him now. Short and to the point "It's the same price at both stores, if they are on sale you need the ad, you're not getting them any cheaper than the price listed here in front of you without an ad, management backs this up, no point in arguing with me.". Of course he still tries to argue...

                          I think the girl in OP is scamming.
                          "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
                          George Carlin


                          • #14
                            oh, I'm quite sure she's scamming. Very rarely do people take advantage of our price match guarantee unless they are regular customers that would rather give us their business than the big box stores.

                            Of course there's also people that will come up with some interesting attempts at price matches. Like the guy who wants us to price match the "Factory Direct" price, even though "Factory Direct" charges a $4,000 entrance fee as well as monthly renewal fees. Or the people who tell us they can get is cheaper across the border - Sorry, Canada's a smaller market, we come extremely close in most prices but there are some things that just cost more for companies to bring into the country, you can buy it from us, or spend $30 in gas and most of a day to save $50.

