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You hang up on me, you lose.

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  • You hang up on me, you lose.

    First off, hi everybody! I've been lurking about for a little while now and decided to post something...and lucky for y'all I finally had something worth posting.

    Here's the background: I work at the front desk for a well known health and family facility. What that means is I am an operator, I know all the programs we run and how much they are, I take your payments and I do all things of membership. If I don't know something, I will find it out for you or point you in the right direction. That is, if you're nice to me

    SC: Evil phone lady
    J: My supervisor of 2 yrs
    B: Programs dirctor, MIA when I need him.
    Me: Everyone's favorite 5am worker.

    The phone rings. Curse this bane of mine.
    Me: "Family Facility, this is--"
    SC: "I need to talk to B." -You lose already lady. You didn't let me finish.
    Me: "Sure, one second." -Haha. He's not here. Leave him a message.

    I think all is right in the world. Cranky SC will leave B a message and I can go back to reading customerssuck. Alas, it was not to be.

    The phone rings again, displaying the evil message 'Transfer from Voicemail.'
    Me: "Family Facility, this is Tireana"
    SC: "I need to know where my child's sports pictures are."
    Me: "I don't think pictures are here yet. I can try to find out for you." -I'm giving you a second chance lady. Be nice, take it. "What's the team name?"
    SC: "Penguins. My son's name is Jake. I'll be right there to pick them up." *hangs up on me*

    Did I say we had them? I didn't. Ok, whatever. I call J and see if he knows anything.

    Me: "Hey J, do you know if we have sports pictures in yet?"
    J: "No, they take about 3-4 weeks and I think they just took them."
    Me: "Ok, great. I had this lady call and she's on her way to get them. I really want to tell her what-for."
    J: "Let her have it."
    Me: "No seriously, she was rude. She hung up on me."
    J: "Seriously, let her have it."

    J I think I love you...just don't tell my fiance.

    Unfortunatly the lady didn't come in before my shift ended. My poor relief was going to have to deal with her...and I had already decided what I was going to say .

    --I'm sorry, the pictures aren't in yet. I'm sorry you came out here for nothing, but if you had decided to talk with me as opposed to hang up on me I would have taken your number and called you with the info. I would even of had B call you when pictures did come in. But you didn't. You lose.

  • #2
    So she called back again this morning. And is coming by later today again. Is there something about "No, pictures are not in" that equates in her mind to "If I stop by they'll be there"?


    • #3
      Don't worry, when she gets there she'll claim that the customer is always right AND that you told her the pictures would be waiting for her ... and they're free.
      "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

      Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


      • #4
        Could you draw some stick figures and write her son's name on it? And then when she comes you could say "Ohhhh you wanted the FORMAL pictures... yeah those won't be here for 3 - 4 weeks". But if you stop by every day until then, I'll draw you one of these fine ones so you won't leave empty handed

