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AV Cable Stupid and Friends

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  • AV Cable Stupid and Friends

    My favorite manager called in sick yesterday so I had to work with Idiot Boy again (one half of the 'Wonder Twins,' including Idiot Girl, but that's another story.) Basically it meant that while he took 'breaks' and dicked around with his friends who came in the store, I had to do all of the real work.

    AV Cable Stupid
    Phone call as follows:

    SG (stupid girl!): Yeah, I bought this cable for my PSP slim to play videos on my TV but I only get sound when I plug it in.
    Me: Okay, can you describe to me what kind of prongs the cable has?
    SG: Yeah, it has red and white that I plugged into my DVD, but it says it's for the 2001 PSP and I don't know if I have the right year.
    Me: (What...) I don't think the year matters, ma'am. Whether it's an old PSP or the new slim one, the same cords should be useable.
    SG: But we have the 2001 PSP and the slim cords won't work, I only get sound.
    Me: (W-what?) It does plug in to your PSP fine, right?
    SG: Yeah, but Into my DVD player and it only gives me sound!
    Me: From what it sounds like, you should have three prongs to plug in: a red, white and yellow. If you're only plugging in the red and white, then yeah, you'll only get sound. The yellow prong is the video prong and you'll need to plug that in to get video.
    SG: But I have a 2001 cord but I bought a new slim PSP just yesterday and it only gives me sound.
    Me: That shouldn't matter, what matters is whether you've plugged in all the prongs or not.
    SG: Well I'm not sure because my 2001 PSP and my slim PSP are different and when I plug the red and white cables in all I get is sound. I have a 2004 cable! (yes, she suddenly switched year.)
    Me: I...I'm sorry ma'am, I don't think I can help you.
    SG: Okay, I'll call somewhere else, bye!


    Will my WOW win your heart?!
    I hate World of Warcraft. It may be the best game ever, but it's just not my type of game. It annoys me. So naturally, Grown Man Who Lives in Mom's Basement, following me around for two freakin' hours talking about your WOW character after I've mentioned that I don't like WOW is not going to endear me to you. Especially when I have other customers who have legitimate needs who seem wary of approaching me because apparently I have a creepy looking man attached to my hip.

    Grand Theft Auto: Rated M for Moron
    Lil' Precious: Yeeee-ah, you got Grand Theft Auto?
    Me: Which one and for what system? (Great, this kid's about 14 and came in here alone.)
    LP: Vice City for the Xbox, yo. (Yes, he said yo.)
    Me: Yeah. The case is in the bin over there. (He grabs the case, comes back, slaps it on the counter.)
    LP:I want this.
    Me: Got a parent with you?
    LP: Man I don't need no parent! Sell it to me! I'm 18!
    Me: Then I need to see your driver's license.
    LP: I ain't got one yo. I uh..I can't drive yet!
    Me: Because you're under 16?
    LP: Man shut up I gots money!
    Me: I can't sell you a mature rated game without a parent or an ID.
    LP: ...Yo, fuck you bitch! Daaaamn n***** this place sucks! You guys suck! I'ma tell my peeps not to come here!
    Me: Okay. Leave. Now.
    LP: You can't tell me what to do bitch!
    Me: (As I gesture at the cop car parked outside) He can. Out!

    He left throwing his arms around in what I guess were made-up gang signs or something. Yeah, kid, I see great things in your future.

    Master Chief Will Kill You
    Anyone who plays video games regularly will understand why this annoys me.

    Frat boy 1: Yeah man, Halo, more like GAYLO!
    Frat boy 2: Haha yeah man!
    Frat boy 1: (to me) Hey, you got that game called Guy Game?

    (For those who don't know: Halo, one of the best games made for the Xbox. Guy Game, Asks trivia questions that tie into a drinking game or something and eventually leads to girls on Spring Break lifting their shirts on screen.)

    Would you like a Stummies?

  • #2
    Quoth marty View Post

    He left throwing his arms around in what I guess were made-up gang signs or something. Yeah, kid, I see great things in your future.
    I'm glad I'm not the only person who saw the MC Krew when I heard that story...
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


    • #3
      Quoth marty View Post
      Master Chief Will Kill You
      Anyone who plays video games regularly will understand why this annoys me.

      Frat boy 1: Yeah man, Halo, more like GAYLO!
      Frat boy 2: Haha yeah man!
      Frat boy 1: (to me) Hey, you got that game called Guy Game?

      (For those who don't know: Halo, one of the best games made for the Xbox. Guy Game, Asks trivia questions that tie into a drinking game or something and eventually leads to girls on Spring Break lifting their shirts on screen.)

      Okay, Guy Game sucks, yes. But honestly, Halo wasn't that great, and the majority of the farkwits playing online who think it's fun to "teabag" and crap like that? Thanks, I'll stick to games not infested with those losers. If you can put up with them, and still have fun, my hat's off to you, m'lady. Imo, the only good part of Halo? Red vs. Blue.

      As for AVCG, I'd not wager against her having pulled the yellow one off or something, as I know some cables can be peeled apart.
      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


      • #4
        I only play online Halo with friends, so I cut out the idiot part. I did really enjoy the campaign and story. But I guess that goes along with totally geeking out and having read the books, too.

        Edit: Oh, yeah, and on the rare occassion I do play with people I don't know, it usually shuts them right up when they get slaughtered by a girl.
        Would you like a Stummies?


        • #5
          Quoth Broomjockey View Post
          If you can put up with them, and still have fun, my hat's off to you, m'lady. Imo, the only good part of Halo? Red vs. Blue.
          I have to respectfully disagree. The best part of Halo is whooping on those idiots, then proclaiming, loudly, that you're a girl. (which I am, which most of those particular gamers can't seem to stand!)
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #6
            Quoth myswtghst View Post
            I have to respectfully disagree. The best part of Halo is whooping on those idiots, then proclaiming, loudly, that you're a girl. (which I am, which most of those particular gamers can't seem to stand!)
            Would you like a Stummies?


            • #7
              The phrase 'teabagging', nope, not one I recognise...
              A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


              • #8
                Quoth crazylegs View Post
                The phrase 'teabagging', nope, not one I recognise...
                Basically, after a kill, they crouch above the head of their "kill" and basically thrust their man-parts at his face. It's gross and unnecessary, more than a little juvenile.
                "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


                • #9
                  Ah, so that makes sense...
                  A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


                  • #10
                    Quoth myswtghst View Post
                    then proclaiming, loudly, that you're a girl. (which I am,
                    Well, as I'm (checks pants) NOT a girl, I don't get that pleasure, which is where probably most of my difference of opinion comes from.

                    Then again, I still consider GoldenEye the pinnacle of FPS.
                    Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                    • #11
                      Quoth Broomjockey View Post
                      Well, as I'm (checks pants) NOT a girl, I don't get that pleasure, which is where probably most of my difference of opinion comes from.

                      Then again, I still consider GoldenEye the pinnacle of FPS.

                      ...Yes, yes it is. I'll give you that.
                      Would you like a Stummies?


                      • #12
                        Quoth marty View Post
                        Me: (What...) I don't think the year matters, ma'am. Whether it's an old PSP or the new slim one, the same cords should be useable.
                        Well, sort of. The packaging says that the cables only work with the 2000-series of PSPs (the slim ones). You can try it, but it might not work. That "year" is the series of model.

                        As well (and also listed on the packaging) the composite (red,white,yellow) was designed for still pictures. For video, component (which has a red, blue, green in addition to the sound) is required.

                        *note: 1000-series owner here, and not planning on a 2000-series any time soon. As such, have not had the ability to test this.*
                        I AM the evil bastard!
                        A+ Certified IT Technician


                        • #13
                          Lordlunder: the problem was that I couldn't tell if she had a slim PSP or original, or what series the packaging said the cords were for. She kept..changing her mind about what she was holding in her hand. It's like she couldn't decide...

                          I believe they do make cords that are compatible with both. Unless, of course, the packages are lying to me, and half the time the generic brands are.
                          Would you like a Stummies?


                          • #14
                            Quoth crazylegs View Post
                            The phrase 'teabagging', nope, not one I recognise...
                            Urban Dictionary to the rescue! (NOT WORK SAFE)

                            (For those who don't know: Halo, one of the best games made for the Xbox. Guy Game, Asks trivia questions that tie into a drinking game or something and eventually leads to girls on Spring Break lifting their shirts on screen.)
                            So, in short, it's a game you play when you can't get a girl to lift up her top in real life.
                            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                            • #15
                              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
                              So, in short, it's a game you play when you can't get a girl to lift up her top in real life.
                              That's really......uhm.....slick.

                              As for the WOW fellow....I'm sure he'd LOVE to hear about my Guild Wars characters.
                              Now a member of that alien race called Management.

                              Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.

