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I Hope She Meant CHAT

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  • #16
    Yes, pronunctiations vary. But this was an EMAIL the OP received, not a phone call or direct conversation. So, not sure I can go with you on this one. Unless, perhaps, the emailer had voice recognition technology that just typed whatever he/she said.....

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #17
      I have no idea if the customer is Hispanic or not. When I've spoken to her on the phone, her accent sounded more midwestern-American than anything else.

      She lives in Florida, her first name is Irish (ending in "een") and her last ends in "ski," for whatever that is worth. You can't rely on names or accents to determine ethnicity.

      <pointless tangent> My husband has an Italian last name and not a single Italian ancestor; he got the name via his Penobscot ancestors who adapted a French name. It's a coincidence that it is spelled and pronounced exactly like the Italian name.

      He grew up explaining that hundreds of times to people who insisted he was wrong when he told them he wasn't Italian. </pointless tangent>
      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

      The stupid is strong with this one.


      • #18
        So... what do you call a person who participates in a shat room who's named Bill?

        ... Would that be William Shatner?


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