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Some Saturday Suck

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  • Some Saturday Suck

    For the most part, Saturday was nearly suck-free. Nearly. It started out very slowly. For the first two hours or so I only wrote one sales ticket, and it was for a mechanic who works with me. A few phone calls, but that was it. I joked with the boss that everyone would come in when the food got there(We get a catered lunch on Saturdays). At least I thought I was joking.

    When the food arrived the place went nuts. We had about 8 or 9 people waiting in line, the phone would not shut up, and they just kept coming and calling. I threw away a nearly full plate of food because cold lasagna tastes, well, like ass. Oh, and making jokes about my food sitting there while I'm helping you will not endear you to me, just so you know.

    Holding is not just a football penalty

    This is not the first time I have had a moron do this to me, nor will it be the last. This guy was special, however.


    NHB: No Holds Bart

    As I said, we were busy. I was handling counter customers as well as the phone, doing a reasonable job of keeping track of who called before who, and who had been there before the phone call, etc. Every one of the counter customers was pretty understanding and easy going about it. Not so much for NHB.

    NHB had called, been put on hold, hung up and called back about 6 or 7 times before I started to recognize his perturbed and put-out "Fine" every time I asked him to hold. This went on for about 15 minutes before I realized that many of the calls I was putting on hold were the same guy.

    Me: Parts, can you hold please?

    NHB: <sigh> Fine.

    Me: <recognizing the voice and whine>Sir, have you been hanging up and calling back when I put you on hold?

    NHB: Yes, at least 6 times now! <Look how hard he's trying>

    Me: Please stop doing that. Please. If you had waited on hold the first time you called we would have helped you by now. I'll be right with you.

    NHB: Fine.

    To his credit, NHB waited. He was on hold for about 2 minutes when I got to him. His call only took about 2 minutes, minus the 30 second tongue lashing I got for "poor service". It took 4 minutes to do something he managed to stretch out to nearly 20 minutes with his asshattery.

    This is the phone equivalent of getting out of line at the grocery store and going to the back of the line because it's "taking too long".
    I just don't understand why people do this.

    Holding, part II

    This woman seemed to think that if she just started into her spiel when I asked her to hold I would give in and help her. She was so very mistaken. I had to ask her to hold 3 times before she gave me an exasperated "OK". When I came back to her call the first words out of her mouth were "Gee, do you think you have time for me now?" I so badly wanted to say "No" and hang up. So badly.

    Sure, let's hear your life story

    This woman wasn't sucky. In fact she was very nice, and she loves her truck. I know because I got a 10 minute monologue detailing how much she loves her truck and how she's always been a "Chevy Girl". I know more about her truck than I know about mine now. She only left when the phone rang and it was "for me". Turns out it was my boss who had overheard the pointless banter and called the front counter from his office. He said he thought I needed an "out". He was correct.

    That is all(I hope) until next Saturday.
    I know nothing and I can prove it!

  • #2
    I don't think some people understand that when you work in a store, not only are you answering phones, but you are dealing with real live customers in front of you as well.

    I remember our customer service girl called me over with a stunned looked on her face. A lady called with a question the CS girl didn't know the answer to so she asked the lady to hold. The lady said "Fine." and she was put on hold. A few mere seconds later the phone rings again, CS girl picks it up and gets told "YOU DON'T PUT ME ON HOLD, BITCH!" CLICK! So the woman was put on hold, hung up, called back to swear at CS girl, then hung up again. I was wondering if this was her first time ever being put on hold.

    The phone rang while I was there so I picked it up. It was the same lady. I knew because CS girl had told me what her problem was and this lady immediately spewed out her issue. I told her I had no choice but to put her on hold while I researched the problem (it was a Moneygram issue). The lady said I was not to put her on hold and she was coming down right now. Sigh. She did come down and we made the manager deal with her. She didn't understand why she couldn't call CS girl a bitch over the phone, after all...she had been put ON HOLD. A fate apparently worse than death.
    "Not only do I not know what's going on, I wouldn't know what to do about it if I did."
    George Carlin


    • #3
      Quoth Whyme View Post
      I don't think some people understand that when you work in a store, not only are you answering phones, but you are dealing with real live customers in front of you as well.
      It's really surprising how some people can act that way. Nearly everyone I know has worked in a retail environment at some point in their lives. Is it so easy to forget what it's like?

      Quoth Whyme View Post
      Oh yes, yes I do.

      Quoth Whyme View Post
      She didn't understand why she couldn't call CS girl a bitch over the phone, after all...she had been put ON HOLD. A fate apparently worse than death.
      From some of the reactions I get, it is apparently worse than death.
      I know nothing and I can prove it!


      • #4
        I WISH I had a hold button on my phone. It would make things so much easier when I have a line and the phone rings...I either have to ignore the phone for a minute and let it ring back to the operator (I try not to do this too often), or set the phone down without hanging up while I work on a problem, which blocks other calls from coming in.

        I had a real sweet woman on the phone today, though--it was the customers in line being the SCs. She bought an item that turned out to be missing a part, and was so sweet and patient about us looking to find another for her. She offered to call back in a few minutes on her own because she could hear the voices in the background complaining about me being on the phone. THAT'S the kind of thing that will get our managers to go the extra mile for you--the item she needs is sitting up at the service counter with a hold tag on it, and we NEVER hold items overnight.

        I was pissed off at the people in line, though. Just because you can't see the person on the phone, it doesn't mean that they aren't equally as important to me as you are, and don't have an equally valid problem for me to fix!

        PS. Cold lasagna is yummy! Lasagna's like pizza to me, I can eat it hot out of the oven, at room temperature, or cold from the fridge.
        It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


        • #5
          Quoth LadyAndreca View Post
          PS. Cold lasagna is yummy! Lasagna's like pizza to me, I can eat it hot out of the oven, at room temperature, or cold from the fridge.
          Yummy. Cold pizza for breakfast. Or better yet, Chinese food.
          The High Priest is an Illusion!


          • #6
            What an ass-monkey!

            Clearly he doesn't know how to multi-task. I'm actually thrilled when I call someone and get put on hold, because it gives me the rare opportunity to check and begin to answer my never-ending emails from whiny customers while I wait.
            "So, if you wanna put places like that outta business, just stop being so rock-chewingly stupid." ~ Raudf, 9/19/13


            • #7
              Reminds me when I used to work at CompUSA in Maryland Heights in '98... 10 people at my upgrades counter... one person calling in on my phone...

              ME: Blade_Raver
              SC: Sucky Caller

              ME: CompUSA Parts Dept. Please hold.
              SC: No! I'm not going to hold! You're going to go out and get me a price on all your computers!
              ME: Are you in the store?
              SC: No and I'm not going there until you tell me what I want to know!

              (Okay, someone transferred the customer to the wrong dept. Most likely because the people in hardware don't answer their phones anyways. The boss gets on the parts department about answering their phones, no one else. Oh, forgot to mention, not allowed to leave the counter!)

              ME: Okay. I have 10 people at my counter right now. They're most likely going to buy something. I'm not going to risk losing 10 sales for you. Come to the store or hold and wait for me to finish. (put customer on hold)
              Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


              • #8
                Your boss sounds awesome!

