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Idiot's guide to the courtesy phone

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  • #16
    Well I need to vent about the courtesy phone at my work that started this thread as something happened in regards to it this week. First a little back round about where I work. I work for a contract security company that is contracted by the client. Well in the building there is i'd say 30-40 staff members working at any given time and some of them hate security, they really don't like us and will find any reason to nit pick. Now to the reason we have a courtesy phone at our desk is this. For the longest time we would allow people to use our main phone because staff always would send people to our desk to use the phone because they didn't want the public using there phones. Well staff began to bitch and complain to the one of the head's of the building that our phone is always busy and they can never reach us. So after much much much discussion between my supervisor and this guy we got a courtesy phone(it takes absolutely forever to convince this guy to anything) put in at our desk. Now this phone was used a lot. It was pretty popular and people would even just come into the building to use it. It really wasn't that big of a deal(with exception to the morons listed above) so all was fine but then all of a sudden the Head guy told our supervisor that staff was complaining that to many people were lining up and using our courtesy phone and that it didn't "look good". Now here's the thing our desk is in by the front lobby but it's in a corner out of the way so people who use the phone are out of the way and in no way prevent or distract staff from doing there jobs and as line ups go at the very most we have maybe 2 or 3(which is rare) people waiting for the phone but for the most part no one really lines up for the phone. So the Head guy told my supervisor to "fix it" as he usually will side with staff over everything. So now comes the new rule for the courtesy phone. There are some new minor one's but the main headache one is this the courtesy phone is now just for emergency's so I get to deal with people walking up like a lost puppy wondering where the phone is(we've put it under a part of the desk not in plain sight) and we have to tell them "it's for just for emergency's" and point them to a pay phone and here them walk away swearing or they stand and argue with us but the most annoying thing is that staff still sends people to use our phone and some staff even will come and complain to us and ask why the phone is now for emergency's only and we will explain it's because of the fellow staff members complaining. That part I chuckle at though it's quite funny to see the look on there face when I tell them that


    • #17
      I wish that we had pay phones at work. I am tired of having to let customers use ours. They only get about 3-5 minutes. Depending on what it is about.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


      • #18
        Quoth Mr. Security View Post
        <snip>most annoying thing is that staff still sends people to use our phone and some staff even will come and complain to us and ask why the phone is now for emergency's only and we will explain it's because of the fellow staff members complaining. That part I chuckle at though it's quite funny to see the look on there face when I tell them that
        The courtesy phone here has been removed for the past few months because of abuse (see my previous post in this thread). Having it unplugged wasn't enough of a hint so it went away completely.

        I'm waiting to find out if it will be replaced.
        I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


        • #19
          Quoth Mr. Security View Post
          Well I need to vent about the courtesy phone at my work that started this thread as something happened in regards to it this week.


          That sounds like one of those situations where you did someone a favor once and now everyone assume you're obligated to keep doing it for everyone forever.

          Please tell me the client is at least paying the phone bill on the courtesy phone. If you guys are footing the bill, I think that second phone line needs to have a little accident.
          The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

          The stupid is strong with this one.

