Hi Everyone
I have been reading stories here for a while (it paases the time at work) but this is my first post here so be nice.
As the title suggests, at what point do i become a SC?
Story is as follows:
For xmas i got a game and controller for my xbox as a present. Excellent. It's what i wanted, and boxing day consisted of me playing it non stop. the game and controller worked fine right through until after new years. At this point i returned to work and didn't play it for at least week.
Weekend comes around, i try to play it. Game works fine. But controller won't connect to the xbox. Now this is a game that uses a specific type of contoller and is no fun without it.
I speak to my sister who got it for me to get the receipt. She can't find it. Great. I ring where she purchased it but they can't swap it without a reciept. I'm ok with that. they give me the number to the people who make it.
I give them a call and explain the situation. The receptionist was nice, and she gave me the number to their tech support. She says any problems call her back. So i contact tech support. They troubleshoot the problem with me to no avail. They give me an email address to write too. So i shoot off an email. 1 week later, still no reponse. So i send a follow up. another week later still nothing so i call the recpetionist back. She says that she will take all of my details down and she will will get it swapped over for me (knowing that i didn't have a reciept). She says that there are none in stock though and it will be 3 weeks until they come in and she will contact me once they do. I'm ok with this.
3 and a 1/2 weeks later still no news. So i give them a call again. Another person answers. I explain the situation. She says the old recpetionist no longer works there and as far as she's concerned they don't do swap overs. But she knows there is a list of about 10 names of people who are told they are getting their item swapped. She said she will follow it up with the supervisors and will give me a call back that afternoon or the next morning.
These times come and go so i call her back. She says the same thing about not being able to swap them but she will contact the ops manager. It will be a week before she hears anything. I'm getting annoyed now but i say ok. A week passes still nothing. I call back. The old recptionist answers. I say WTF? She tells me it is her last day. She will pass my message onto the new receptionist to call me back. They day goes on i hear nothing so i once again i call back (number is now on speed dial). She says she has heard nothing from the ops manager but she will follow it up. Give her a week. By this stage i am more than pissed. But i say thats fine (i'm too nice) but please make sure she calls me back.
Now if they had of said at the start "No receipt, No swap" i would have been ok with it. My mistake. BUt cause they said they would swap it i have waited. This has now been close to 2 months. So like the title suggests: When do i become a SC?
Thanks for listening. I look forward to sharing stories form my work (an IT helpdesk for stores, i have also worked in a restaurant and a telecommunications retail shop) in the future.

As the title suggests, at what point do i become a SC?
Story is as follows:
For xmas i got a game and controller for my xbox as a present. Excellent. It's what i wanted, and boxing day consisted of me playing it non stop. the game and controller worked fine right through until after new years. At this point i returned to work and didn't play it for at least week.
Weekend comes around, i try to play it. Game works fine. But controller won't connect to the xbox. Now this is a game that uses a specific type of contoller and is no fun without it.
I speak to my sister who got it for me to get the receipt. She can't find it. Great. I ring where she purchased it but they can't swap it without a reciept. I'm ok with that. they give me the number to the people who make it.
I give them a call and explain the situation. The receptionist was nice, and she gave me the number to their tech support. She says any problems call her back. So i contact tech support. They troubleshoot the problem with me to no avail. They give me an email address to write too. So i shoot off an email. 1 week later, still no reponse. So i send a follow up. another week later still nothing so i call the recpetionist back. She says that she will take all of my details down and she will will get it swapped over for me (knowing that i didn't have a reciept). She says that there are none in stock though and it will be 3 weeks until they come in and she will contact me once they do. I'm ok with this.
3 and a 1/2 weeks later still no news. So i give them a call again. Another person answers. I explain the situation. She says the old recpetionist no longer works there and as far as she's concerned they don't do swap overs. But she knows there is a list of about 10 names of people who are told they are getting their item swapped. She said she will follow it up with the supervisors and will give me a call back that afternoon or the next morning.
These times come and go so i call her back. She says the same thing about not being able to swap them but she will contact the ops manager. It will be a week before she hears anything. I'm getting annoyed now but i say ok. A week passes still nothing. I call back. The old recptionist answers. I say WTF? She tells me it is her last day. She will pass my message onto the new receptionist to call me back. They day goes on i hear nothing so i once again i call back (number is now on speed dial). She says she has heard nothing from the ops manager but she will follow it up. Give her a week. By this stage i am more than pissed. But i say thats fine (i'm too nice) but please make sure she calls me back.
Now if they had of said at the start "No receipt, No swap" i would have been ok with it. My mistake. BUt cause they said they would swap it i have waited. This has now been close to 2 months. So like the title suggests: When do i become a SC?
Thanks for listening. I look forward to sharing stories form my work (an IT helpdesk for stores, i have also worked in a restaurant and a telecommunications retail shop) in the future.