OP, I've seen you elsewhere, and I'm happy to have you with us--you always have *great* stories! The duck story is incredible... makes me laugh every time I read it,
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The Fabulous Duck Story
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867 is a area code in Canada that gatekeeper serves from his/her (i forgot) call center. people from this area tend to be dumb ordered things that are not only ugly (like pink camoflouge hoodies
) but also spend twice as much as the order total on shipping. Many of these items seems to be hats based on estimates from gatekeepers story there are currently 30 hats per person.
Quoth Cyphr View Post867 is a area code in Canada that gatekeeper serves from his/her (i forgot) call center. people from this area tend to be dumb ordered things that are not only ugly (like pink camoflouge hoodies
) but also spend twice as much as the order total on shipping. Many of these items seems to be hats based on estimates from gatekeepers story there are currently 30 hats per person.
I pet animals, I rescue insects, I hug trees.
"I picture the lead singer of Gwar screaming 'People of Japan, look at my balls! My swinging pendulous balls!!!'" -- Khyras
Quoth Bliss View PostThe area code is in Alaska, btw, in Nunavut if I am right, Gravekeeper is a He, and the 867 people are also well known to GK for being incredibly dense and stupid.
http://www.nunavuttourism.com/new/site/default.aspIt's floating wicker propelled by fire!