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Must... not... Kill!

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  • Must... not... Kill!

    Various stories, most from today.

    I am so tired of
    People telling me, after swiping their card, and the machine sitting at 'Processing', that, "It must be waiting for you!"
    No, you dipshit! I did everything I have to do, up to the point I ask for your zip code. My Machine is just damn slow! Get it through your head!

    You'll never make it on Last Comic Standing
    Had a return/purchase today, which had to be returned as cash, and the lady filled out the part of the receipt she had to. As soon as I started to fill in my part from her old receipt, she started sliding it away from me, and then back toward me, so I couldn't see the numbers I needed to write.
    I looked up once, and she stopped for three seconds, then started right back up again. So I looked back up and glared at her, and said, "This is only increasing the wait for you. I'm here until 4 PM."
    Her response? "Lighten up, I'm trying to make your day brighter."
    Well, you're failing.

    A visit from the DM
    Ah, yes. Our District Manager came in today, and the SM showed her around, and at one point they stopped by my register to watch me work. No biggie for me.
    After I finished with a customer, DM asks me, "So, what are your thoughts on having the scanner over there?"
    Note: The store recently moved our scanners away from the registers, to the entire opposite corner of the counter.
    I grinned to myself and said, "Truthfully? It makes ringing out customers harder, because I can never tell if I'm actually hitting the bar code, since the item would be facing away from me to be readable."
    SM's mind cracked, (I could hear it) and he says, "But, you didn't seem to have any trouble with that last customer."
    "No, no I didn't, her items were small, and I can easily guide the barcodes when I can see both sides of the object without having to turn the thing this way and that."Plus, I adapt quickly to new challenges.
    Last edited by Imogene; 03-04-2008, 10:26 PM. Reason: Wrong tag, shoulda said $19.99!
    "I call murder on that!"

  • #2
    Quoth Juwl View Post

    You'll never make it on Last Comic Standing
    Had a return/purchase today, which had to be returned as cash, and the lady filled out the part of the receipt she had to. As soon as I started to fill in my part from her old receipt, she started sliding it away from me, and then back toward me, so I couldn't see the numbers I needed to write.
    I looked up once, and she stopped for three seconds, then started right back up again. So I looked back up and glared at her, and said, "This is only increasing the wait for you. I'm here until 4 PM."
    Her response? "Lighten up, I'm trying to make your day brighter."
    Well, you're failing.
    I know she was trying to be funny, but that's pretty rude. She's obviously never worked retail before. When your back is killing you and you're stressed out.. shit like that just isn't funny. There's better ways to try and brighten your cashier's day if you're concerned about it.
    My Myspace, add me!


    • #3
      Quoth RammsteinGirl View Post
      I know she was trying to be funny, but that's pretty rude. She's obviously never worked retail before. When your back is killing you and you're stressed out.. shit like that just isn't funny. There's better ways to try and brighten your cashier's day if you're concerned about it.
      I agree. Smiling and giving a sincere thank you for their help and wishing them a pleasant day really will brighten your cashier's day. Yanking things away is only funny if you're watching America's Funniest Home Videos. Or cats. I like cats.
      A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


      • #4
        I forgot the other story I was going to post...

        You're really pushing the limits of my good will
        Lady comes through my line, about thirty minutes before I'm to go home. She has a total of 5 items, and 5 coupons, none of them ours. Four of those items are all the same damn item, and they're each a dollar! Without even asking if she can do this, she splits her purchase up into 5 transactions, and forces me to let her use a coupon on each f*cking one! Hello! They're a dollar! Crack open your damn wallet and let it breathe! We're not actually supposed to do more than one coupon per customer per day, unless it's one of ours and then one of our competitor's. I, of course, am seething with anger at her audacity, but just want to get her the crap out of my line, and do the 5 transactions for miss Thang. Note to self: KILL!
        "I call murder on that!"


        • #5
          If you wait 5 years before you start massacreing all of your SCs, as an attorney I could represent you, Johnnie Cocran style.
          "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

          Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


          • #6
            Quoth Trayol View Post
            If you wait 5 years before you start massacreing all of your SCs, as an attorney I could represent you, Johnnie Cocran style.
            Can you represent me in my gender discrimination case against the store? (see my thread in Morons in Management titled, Apparently, I'm offensive. It's all about not being allowed to wear nail polish.)
            Last edited by Imogene; 03-05-2008, 12:46 AM. Reason: I dunno... still trying to retain some mystique...
            "I call murder on that!"


            • #7
              Quoth Juwl View Post
              After I finished with a customer, DM asks me, "So, what are your thoughts on having the scanner over there?"
              Note: The store recently moved our scanners away from the registers, to the entire opposite corner of the counter.
              I grinned to myself and said, "Truthfully? It makes ringing out customers harder, because I can never tell if I'm actually hitting the bar code, since the item would be facing away from me to be readable."
              SM's mind cracked, (I could hear it) and he says, "But, you didn't seem to have any trouble with that last customer."
              Don't you know by now that the only acceptable answer is "Everything is fine." DM might have really wanted to know but SM I'm sure is seething that someone would actually TELL THE TRUTH AND EXPRESS AN OPINION. Maybe I'm just whipped and jaded though, I could be wrong.
              I don't have an anger problem! I have an idiot problem!-Hank Hill


              • #8
                Quoth Juwl
                Can you represent me in my gender discrimination case against the store? (see my thread in Morons in Management titled, Apparently, I'm offensive. It's all about not being allowed to wear nail polish.)
                If you want to wait five years I'll be glad to represent you. However, I suggest you seek an attorney sooner than that.
                "Oh, by the way..." All of my HATE

                Ou kata nomon = Not according to the accepted norm


                • #9
                  Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                  \. Yanking things away is only funny if you're watching America's Funniest Home Videos.
                  The only things funny on America's Funniest Home Videos are the crotch shots.
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #10
                    Quoth donruss View Post
                    Don't you know by now that the only acceptable answer is "Everything is fine."
                    Which I clearly heard SM try to smooth over, as he pointed out, "But, you seemed to go pretty fast on that last one."
                    "Yes, but, had I my druthers, 'druther have the scanner back where it was, as the cord reaches farther when it's not bound by the counter top."
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      Remember, Never Kill a Customer!
                      "First time I ever seen a chainsaw go down anybody's britches,"


                      • #12
                        I've had custmers hold onto the money and when I grab for it they jerk it back, up and or down. I just glare and tell them to drop it. Wtf?


                        • #13
                          Quoth Anakah View Post
                          I just glare and tell them to drop it.
                          My mom bought my brother's dog a little clicker, which was meant to be used as a substitute for a treat. Sadly, my brother's dog is a lot scared of things, and, when presented with her treat and the clicker, was so scared, she dropped her treat and moved as far away from Mom as she could. So, I associate the clicker as a scary thing. Which is why I was gonna say I should try bringing one to work to punish bad behavior like that. If nothing else, it'd confuse them.
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #14
                            Quoth Juwl View Post
                            Various stories, most from today.

                            I am so tired of
                            People telling me, after swiping their card, and the machine sitting at 'Processing', that, "It must be waiting for you!"
                            No, you dipshit! I did everything I have to do, up to the point I ask for your zip code. My Machine is just damn slow! Get it through your head!

                            Im glad im not the only one! With our card machines if u swipe ur card to early the whole thing shuts down and it take about 3 extra min to get it processed cuz the regester is still trying to talk to it. I just laugh at the customers cuz thats what they get for rushing!

