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Retirement Idiocy, starring #4 and Yours Truly

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  • #16
    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
    So for those of you who are NFL fans, Brett Favre decided to call it a career today...
    *Farve Joke*
    ...sources say he is "iffy" for the season opener.
    The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
    "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
    Hoc spatio locantur.


    • #17
      Quoth Slytovhand View Post
      Please explain....

      and I used to have as my wallpaper at work and I work in a call centre - so very appropriate
      Since you posted yours, I'll post my favorite, Mediocrity.

      Any other favorites out there? (Pardon the tread hi-jack.)
      "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


      • #18
        Go ahead and hold the product.

        That is what the customer wants.

        BTW...... I am still holding a product for a customer from 1986.

        Ok, not really, but the SC was stupid enough to call and ask something to the effect "I asked you to hold XYZ back sometime last year, do you still have it for me?"

        Oh yea And CC is holding 8-track tapes for you.
        SC Motto "I am more important than you and others and don't you ever forget it"


        • #19
          We had an assembled treadmill in the backroom for about three months, which we had to put together because the customer said he absolutely WOULD NOT purchase it unless he could try it out first.

          And it was a really cheap manual one too--about $100. So we put it together, the customer never showed up, and eventually we got fed up and put it out on the salesfloor, where it's now gone to clearance.

          I expect the customer to show up about a day after we finally sell the damn thing.
          Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

          "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

