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Early To Bed Early To Rise Does Not Make An SC Wise.

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  • #16
    Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post
    SC: Oh. Good. At least you have that. I'd hate to think of someone's computer not working on Christmas of all days!
    Why-what-how- WHERE do you get that logic from?! It's CHRISTMAS! The day you eat and sleep and argue with your immediate family. What do computers have to do with it?? I'm sorry, I'm just dumbfounded.

    No surprise the first thing he put on my belt was a bottle of aspirin.
    "If life ain't just a joke, then why are we laughing?" - Gerard Way


    • #17
      Quoth Nashida View Post
      The store I work at opens at 7 am daily; no earlier. It's posted outside the door in foot-tall letters. Yet we'll have people ram carts, or try to pry the sliding doors open because they absolutely have to have $250 of groceries now.

      So I was getting my till set up during one such early shift when I hear this loud TWANG. Some SC decided maybe he'd pass through the door if he ran into it hard enough, and bounced off, flying back a couple feet after doing so. I had to duck down behind my lane because I just going stop laughing at the sound it had made. My sup comes over and asks what that was, and when I told her she too started laughing.

      No surprise the first thing he put on my belt was a bottle of aspirin.
      LMOL!!!! This one had me cracking up!!!


      • #18
        This reminds me of my movie theater days.

        I would come in to open in the morning and start popping the popcorn, putting the nozzles on the drink machines, setting up the concession stand, etc. and without fail, someone would stand at the gate (this was in a mall). Most of the time they would just stare at us. Sometimes they would say "Are you open?" Geesh...I don't know, the gate is closed and no one is ringing up tickets and the lights are dim. Of course, the sign saying what time the ticket booth opened was ignored, but that didn't stop people from asking what time we opened. I guess the smell of popcorn lured people over.

        We opened earlier when we expected a large crowd, but this happened mostly on a week day during the school year, a slow time for movie theaters.


        • #19
          Quoth Peppergirl View Post
          Ohhhhhhh. I totally understand your pain. I work in one of those too, but I work 2nd shift.

          I get people who will call at 1150pm and say "Oh, how late are you there?".

          I answer politely, but honestly "Well, *I* am off in 10 minutes, but we are open 24/7".

          Them: "Well, this could really wait 'till morning, but since I have you...lets go ahead and book it." Invariably, they proceed to give me a complicated international trip for 6 months from now, thereby forcing me to stay at least 30 minutes to an hour over my already long-ass 12 hour shift.
          I get that at my work.

          My shift ends at 7:00 A.M., and at 6:55, I'll get a call wanting to make multiple reservations with multiple names and multiple days. And of course they want the confirmations faxed.....there goes trying to beat the rush hour traffic.


          • #20
            Quoth HawaiianShirts View Post

            SC: Are you guys open on Christmas?
            Tech: Nope.
            SC: You're not? But what if someone has a problem with their computer?
            Tech: Then they'll have to wait until the next day.
            SC: Well, that's a very selfish attitude, don't you think?
            "Yes, it is. What kind of person would deny us the chance to spend Christmas with their families because of their stupid computers? I mean, really! Oh. That's not what you meant, is it?"

            If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


            • #21
              Quoth JessEm View Post
              The day you eat and sleep and argue with your immediate family. What do computers have to do with it?? I'm sorry, I'm just dumbfounded.
              I have a tendency to spend Christmas on my computer. Mostly because I ask for gidgets and gadgets and gizmos for my comp, which severely needs upgrading, so I spend the day trying to get it all to work. Doesn't hurt that I'm not terribly fond of my family either. I remove myself from their vicinity and nobody dies. It's fair.
              "I call murder on that!"


              • #22
                bleh, I hate these. I work at a 24/7 store, but we usually close early on holidays and such and we always get people who are pissy because they have to get this one thing for a party or something.

                uh, hello? You've known this holiday was coming up for weeks, we sent out a flier in the mail stating we would be closing early...oh wait, that's right. You don't READ!
                We Pick Up the Pieces


                • #23
                  Quoth Nashida View Post
                  So I was getting my till set up during one such early shift when I hear this loud TWANG. Some SC decided maybe he'd pass through the door if he ran into it hard enough, and bounced off, flying back a couple feet after doing so. I had to duck down behind my lane because I just going stop laughing at the sound it had made. My sup comes over and asks what that was, and when I told her she too started laughing.

                  No surprise the first thing he put on my belt was a bottle of aspirin.
                  Gold. Pure gold.
                  Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                  "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                  • #24
                    From the SC side, I have one...

                    Once, I tried walking into a Dick's Sporting Goods store about 5 til close. I wanted to get a soda so I had something to drink at the movie theatre that cost less than 4 dollars. I made it through the first automatic door, and the guy just locked the other door and screamed, "NO!" and walked away!

                    And I made the SC noise: "I just want a soda!"

                    1) 5 minutes is enough time for customers to get what they need (especially a soda)
                    2) I made it through the first door, so I won!
                    JB: Are you the grief counselor?
                    GC: Oh, God, it never ends.



                    • #25
                      Ugh, closing time.
                      At the moment, we don't have any blinds up at our store. They broke ages ago and they just never got fixed. (Lazy boss )
                      However, when we did have blinds, at 5 minutes to closing, I would shut all the outside lights, and close the blinds. Silly me thought this would be enough to make people realize that we were closed, so I didn't lock the door.
                      I knew my ride was going to be late that night so I actually closed right at 10. About 5 after 10, I'm still counting money and whatnot, when this guy walks in.

                      Me: Sorry, sir, we're closed.
                      SC: What?
                      Me: We're closed.
                      SC: Then why are you still here?
                      Me: I'm closing up.
                      SC: Oh, good, I'll take *rambles off whatever brand of smokes he wanted*
                      Me: ...Sir, we're closed.
                      SC: Well, where am I supposed to get my cigarettes?

                      And it went on, and on.


                      • #26
                        My office is in a campus dining hall. Which is closed for spring break. To enter the building you pass a freestanding sign that has the hall operating hours leading up to & after spring break (close early the Friday before, reopen the Sunday after). The door that you open (we have to leave it open so workers & deliveries can get in) HAS A SIGN: 'We are closed. Such & such is open 7 am to 2 pm.'

                        Nonetheless, at least once a day I run into someone who coming in & asking 'is anything open in here?' So far I have stifled my annoyance & simply reply politely.
                        I'm sorry, the person to whom you were speaking has been replaced by a recording. Please leave your message at the sound of the beep.


                        • #27
                          I got this frequently at my games store, but never so much as in the weeks between the Wii launch and Christmas 2006. I've never understood the door jiggling, if the rest of the store looked open I'd understand, but when the "OPEN" sign is OFF and the metal shutters are DOWN, you'd think that'd be enough.

                          You'd think.
                          "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


                          • #28
                            Quoth CrazedClerkthe2nd View Post
                            I got this frequently at my games store, but never so much as in the weeks between the Wii launch and Christmas 2006. I've never understood the door jiggling, if the rest of the store looked open I'd understand, but when the "OPEN" sign is OFF and the metal shutters are DOWN, you'd think that'd be enough.

                            You'd think.
                            Maybe they're trying to guess the "secret knock" that lets them in early and gets the friends discount
                            Lady, people aren't chocolates. D'you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard-coated bastards with bastard filling. Dr Cox - Scrubs

