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  • Really?

    I work in the collections department of a 'customer service based' business. On Thursday, I had to shut off the phones and internet to a customer of ours.

    This customer had made an arrangement to pay the 60+ amount on 3/5, blah blah blah.

    They didn't pay, didn't call.

    On 3/6, I shut it all down. And 5 hours later, the customer calls because they can't determine why.

    After I spend 20 minutes on the phone with the customer explaining they broke the agreement and now must pay the full past due, my boss and her boss spend another hour. This customer berates us continually for not honoring the original agreement.

    Finally, in an act of desperation, the manager finally gives the customer the ability to restore per the broken agreement. This is after over an hour on the phone. The customer has argued repetetively about us not honoring the original agreement, doesn't mater that they broke it, we should cave as we've DESTROYED their rep with customers.

    Once we finally agree, the customer then admits they don't even have THAT amount of money, but we should restore them anyway.


  • #2
    C'mon you guys. I've been reading the boards for a year. Please let me know I'm not insane!


    • #3
      my thoughts....
      "um, no. Sorry too bad. No freebies."


      • #4
        ...If the sc had at lest called on the 5th that would be one thing but why go through all that? if I know I cant pay on the 5th Im calling before then and set something up you know. Why be such an ass about it for an hour then admit you dont got the money????
        Last edited by iviles; 03-09-2008, 01:25 AM. Reason: clearing it up


        • #5
          I know I'm in breach of contract, but that doesn't mean that you should behave as if I am.

          What a piece of dirt.
          "Always stand near the door." -- Doctor Who

          Kuya's Kitchen -- Cooking, Cooking Gadgets, and Food Related Blather from a Transplanted Foodie


          • #6
            Quoth jais View Post
            C'mon you guys. I've been reading the boards for a year. Please let me know I'm not insane!
            No jais, you aren't insane.

            What has happened, is those two last brain cells you had, that were hanging on for dear life after the others that were destroyed from your year of reading the forums, have joined those others, in brain cell heaven.


