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  • #46
    Quoth Ree
    If I ever hear a fire alarm, I do not assume it's a false alarm.
    Absolutely true for me too. Fire spreads very, very fast. A room can become engulfed in seconds and you won't always smell smoke or see it coming either.
    Last edited by Dips; 03-13-2008, 04:37 PM.
    The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

    The stupid is strong with this one.


    • #47
      Quoth Ree View Post
      I worked in a store that burned down.
      When I went on holiday the year before last my workplace was set on fire, the entire roof and air con units were totalled, all caused by an idiot trying to save some time.

      Unfortunately there were propane cylinders, tar and roofing felt up there and we were really lucky the alarm was raised quickly else not only wouldour store have gone up in flames but also the shopping centre next door!
      A PSA, if I may, as well as another.


      • #48
        My store is attached to a mall that caught fire.

        July 4, 1987--I will always remember the date.

        My store has no fire alarm that I am aware of.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #49
          Quoth Ree View Post
          If I ever hear a fire alarm, I do not assume it's a false alarm and I get my ass out of there as fast as I can.
          Ditto. I was in a fire in a multi-story office building; fire was between my floor and the ground. It still gives me nightmares occasionally, and it was half my life ago. (Of course, being talked into seeing The Towering Inferno later did not help. Took me weeks to get a good night's sleep after that.)

          I tell people, "If you hear a fire alarm, don't get between me and the street. You'll be wearing my footprints."


          • #50
            Quoth Sylvia727 View Post
            Last year in my dorm hall, at 1:30 AM during finals week, the fire alarm went off and we all trooped outside in our pjs. Our alarms are rigged so they know which room set it off; the girls had been making microwave popcorn. We all got a lecture about the microwaves and went back to bed. Months later, I was talking to one of the girls involved, and it turned out they deliberately set it off because "we were bored of studying" It was all I could not to kill her.
            Too bad you couldn't have reported them to an RA or other authority figure. At the college I went to, deliberately setting off the fire alarm would get you into serious trouble.. "We were bored of studying" Well, go to sleep then. Jerks


            • #51
              Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
              That makes me wonder if the alarm had been going off for no reason recently. And I think I remember there being emergency stuff in the floats when I did the ride thing way back when it was still new.

              I've been doing gaming conventions three times a year for the last 13.5 years, and at least once a year, if not more often, there would be a fire alarm. Sometimes it would be a full-blown problem (at least one was an instance of a bad circuit in the system and it went off about once every hour for almost a whole day), and other times it was an isolated situation. At no time did we (the conventioneers) ever leave the hotel. There were never any fire vehicles, either.

              The only time there ever was an actual fire, there was no alarm, and it burned itself out. Some asshat set a fire in a hubcap in one of the stairwells. There was nothing else it could burn, so it went out on its own, but not before being reported to the hotel because the elevators sucked and a lot of people used the stairs at that point.

              i wondered what they would do with those people on the floats, so you were up there, this happened in 99, i dont know how old the float show was at that time, we were there to go to the voo doo lounge.

              Quoth zzapp the witch View Post
              Actually, there was a casino in Vegas that burned and they found people inside still sitting at their slot machines.....bbq'd. I wanna say it was Harrah's? Dunno, one of the ones my parents honeymooned at......
              my uncle was a pit boss for harrashs, he started there when it was the holiday, i still have a deck of cards from then, im sure i would have heard some story if it had happened there,

              this reminds me of another story that i was involved in.

              i was in a bowling alley in missouri, it was a sunday, and it was the only place around that was open for us to have something to do, we were there for a family reunion.

              i went out side for a smoke (yah i know you can smoke in bowling alleys out there, but i didnt want to smoke in front of my family) first werid thing that happend was that when i touched the match i had to the strike strip, it instantly lit, no pressure at all was put on it, i thought well something is going on cause its so humid there is no way this would happen otherwise.

              so im sitting out side with one of my cousins who knew i smoked, and this alarm goes off so i ask her what it was (being from california you dont hear them) she said she didnt know and that we should ask her brother. so we went in side and started to ask him.

              at that time a fire fighter came in, he said well there is a tornado comming, best sit here for a bit. he then puts his hard hat down and grabs a tray of drinks and starts to serve water to every one in the place.

              i had been talking to the guy at the front desk about the bowl i use to be a mechanic for, we were enjoying our conversation, when all of a sudden, my cousins husband comes in with my uncle and snatches my cousins son and runs out with out a word.

              i was all ????

              at this point my sister starts to freak out bad. i mean hysterics in the sense that she had no sense at all. the rest of our group decide that its best that we head back (in the middle of a tornado no less) to grandma and grandpas place. their place was not that far from the bowl so we braved it.

              i was at the point where i was about to smack my sister. we headed to the church that was right behind my grandparents house which had a basement, there was a wedding rehersal going on, so we had to stay out of the way, then went on like nothing was going on (other than my sister shreeking.

              i look around and all of the men in our family were no where to be found. they were all out side watching the tornado (meanwhile sister is still freaking) i decide that i would much rather be blown away by the tornado than to listen to her.

              we watched it touch down in a airport field and it was gone, no big deal, i figured it wasnt really a big deal but for some reason it freaked my sister out so badly she couldnt even breathe

              i guess earthquakes are fine but it gets a bit windy and she has a brake down. she lives in nebraska now and is fine with the tornados, i have to laugh at her cause of it, it seems as if she forgotten about the whole ordeal and will deny it when we bring it up
              "Let's connect to some ones cyberbrain who is meditating, so we can download enlightenment" one of the Tachikomas (Ghost in the Shell 2nd gig)


              • #52
                Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
                they don't really put a whole lot of effort into research on some things.
                So, Fur and Loathing in Las Vegas would never have happened in real life?
                *grabs a chart*
                -Lining a fur suit (heat trap, just on general principle) with latex (warm for no reason) would've been enough on it's own to make the guy get heat stroke/start acting 'drunk'
                -Yes, guys dress as female characters, all the time! I knew he was male under there as soon as he acted 'catty' toward the officer who went to question her...
                -Fur piles don't happen. (see first bullet point, heat exhaustion during 'yiffing' would be terrible) and, while there are Room parties, where yifing could happen, it's not in a back room of the bar, it's in someone's hotel room, and you don't get in unless you were invited. It's usually only close friends, too.
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #53
                  Quoth Juwl View Post
                  So, Fur and Loathing in Las Vegas would never have happened in real life?
                  Hee... that's the episode I was an extra in. Many of the people you see drifting across the camera that don't look like Hollywood pretty people are regular SoCalFurs. The guy in the roo suit with the ski goggles is a fur, not an extra.

                  The depressing part is that what made it on screen is actually a thousand times better than what they were going to put on screen, but another SoCalFur happens to also be a consultant for the industry and he did a lot of behind-the-scenes work to get it to be at least somewhere near the realm of reality.

                  It's like they got all their info on furries from watching that stupid MTV sexpose by the guy who does nothing but fetish shows and decided that was enough research for them.

                  Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden

